Not much to look at and could probably use some tweaks but I put this together to help with toons porting into PoK and selling their wares. Would druid or wizard port into PoK and got tired of manually running each toon to a vendor to sell. This picks randomly to go north or east to outside vendors, picks one and starts the sellstuff.mac with them. If it does you any good, then all the better and if you don't like it or have something better to share, please do so. 

Rich (BB code):
| POKSell.mac 1.0 by Rustycat
| Simple macro that takes you from druid or wizard porting into PoKnowledge and
| randomly goes to one of 5 different vendors both north and east of the port in.
| Once at the vendor it will launch the sellstuff macro for you.
Sub Main
/declare MoveToX int outer
/declare MoveToY int outer
/call ZoneCheck
/target ${Me}
/moveto distance 5
/if (${Math.Rand[10]}<6) {
/echo Going to vendors north of us.
/call MovingNorth
} else {
/echo Going to vendors east of us.
/call MovingEast
Sub MovingNorth
/varcalc MoveToY ${Math.Rand[30]}-266
/varcalc MoveToX ${Math.Rand[30]}+1353
/moveto loc ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :ncheckpoint1
/varset MoveToY -175
/varset MoveToX 1516
/moveto loc ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :ncheckpoint2
/varcalc MoveToY (${Math.Rand[30]}-62)
/varcalc MoveToX (${Math.Rand[10]}+1509)
/moveto loc ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :ncheckpoint3
/if (${Math.Rand[10]}<6) {
/face Peras Glickon
/target Peras Glickon
/moveto Peras Glickon
/call SellStuff
} else {
/varcalc MoveToY (${Math.Rand[30]}-39)
/varcalc MoveToX (${Math.Rand[10]}+1511)
/moveto loc ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :ncheckpoint4
/face Darius Gandril
/target Darius Gandril
/moveto Darius Gandril
/call SellStuff
Sub MovingEast
/varcalc MoveToY ${Math.Rand[30]}-359
/varcalc MoveToX ${Math.Rand[30]}+1167
/moveto loc ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}
/echo moving to ${MoveToY} ${MoveToX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :echeckpoint1
/if (${Math.Rand[10]}<6) {
/moveto loc -319, 992
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :echeckpointberina
/target Brewmaster Berina
/call SellStuff
} else {
/moveto loc -384, 986
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :echeckpoint2
/moveto loc -339, 847
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :echeckpoint3
/varcalc MoveToY ${Math.Rand[10]}-332
/varcalc MoveToX ${Math.Rand[10]}+838
/moveto loc ${MoveToY}, ${MoveToX}
/echo moving to ${MoveToY} ${MoveToX}
/if (${MoveTo.Moving} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :echeckpoint4
/declare SelectedVendor int
/varcalc SelectedVendor ${Math.Rand[12]}
/if (${SelectedVendor}<4) {
/face Fletcher Lenvale
/target Fletcher Lenvale
/call SellStuff
/if (${SelectedVendor}<8) {
/face Alchemist Redsa
/target Alchemist Redsa
/call SellStuff
} else {
/face Amile Pitt
/target Amile Pitt
/call SellStuff
Sub ZoneCheck
/echo POKSell.mac 1.0 by Rustycat
/if (${Zone.Name.Equal[The Plane of Knowledge]}) {
/echo We're in PoKnowledge, lets sell some stuff already.
} else {
/echo We are not in the right zone.
/echo You must be in The Plane of Knowledge for this macro.
/echo All done.
Sub SellStuff
/mac sellstuff