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Quest / Event MQ2Grind 2730

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- Recycling instance after a DZ instance failed to spin up in time
- Enabled early resume for Goblins and Fools instance, recommended to add a camp reset to your Tank class "resume" instruction
- Resolved the issue where tank would have xtarget and not engage

- Additional debug message for SANITYCHECK
- Handling of cursor items prior to using door entry in LS
Huge oops, I'm sorry. It's fixed now.

Thank you @Elrem for raising the problem.
Thank you @greyn for testing the fix.

Thanks a lot @a_moss_snake for making me break it testing that feature you wanted!
- Introduced a new variable `SafetyExitMinutes` which will exit an instance if you've not progressed through the instance in # minutes (config in the UI)
- Introduced a safety check to avoid the forever-ask-for-quest scenario

- Updated PULL routine to ensure a valid navigation path exists
- Updated the default option buttons to include `RGMercs (Lua)` auto-configuration
- Updated wording on lock out messaging to be more accurate

- Fixed ToV Icebound Avatar instance for TLP when CoV hasn't been enabled yet
- Fixed a bug where recycle wouldn't work in LS as expected
Updated (available after RG build finishes ~9am ET 2/11/2024)
- Introducing The Grounds: Mashing Pumpkins instance (route changes may be coming)
- Expanded the geofence where Thornal (Final Fugure instance) seems to show up in to ensure we ignore him and the other quest npcs
- Boundary defined for groupGap variable: min = 50, max = 150
- Ignored Mercenaries from groupGap checker
- Fixed an issue where a toon left the instanced zone and the driver would pause, resume, pause, resume etc...
- Fixed initial rushing of a mob and got rid of the odd dance that was happening
- Corrected an issue where driver toon would run to new LOC, target a mob, on the way to mob drop target and repeat this back and forth running for hours until the shared task timer expired
- Reduced the amount of spam while in debug mode
- Fixed a non-start condition in Sleeper's Tomb
- Enabled `/grind go` to be used while not in a group (think solo running of an instance)
- Corrected a typo which affected the HaF Grind
- Introduced new General configuration: `recycleCmd` (command to be executed once successfully exited the instance once configured)
- Fixed a defect found in Laurion's Song where Grind would not try to restart even though it said it was going to
- Disabled the ability to Pause the Grind if it was not started
- Disabled the ability to End the Grind if it was not started
- Additional geofencing for LS: FF quest mobs, seems Thornel likes to go on a walk-a-bout from time to time
- Added target clearing for Line of Sight failue to avoid waiting around for the wrong reason
- Cleaned up some navigation spam about targeting doors
- Added the use of `/kickp t` in the exit routine, while the window will appear, Grind will press the button for you
- Corrected an issue which made ${Grind.Active} produce an erroneous value
- Resolved the bug which made Grind go into an idle state after an EQ bug where DZ was not spun up in time.
- Relocated the staging locations for Aaryonar and The Crusaders in COV