Returns information on character. Inherits DataType:spawn
This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): Me
Type | Member | Description |
action | Dismount | Dismounts the steed |
Sit | Sits down | |
Stand | Stands up | |
StopCast | interrupts cast | |
altability | AltAbility[#|name] | Returns the total number of points you have spent in ability # or name |
auratype | Aura | The aura effect name |
Aura[#|name] | The aura effect number or name | |
bandolier | Bandolier[#] | Gives access to the bandolier datatype. See below for examples. |
bool | AbilityReady[#|name] | Ability with this name or on this button # ready? |
AltAbilityReady[#|name] | Alt ability # or name ready? | |
AltTimerReady | seems broken. Alternate timer ready? (Bash/Slam/Frenzy/Backstab). Note: ${AbilityReady} works fine with most of these. | |
AmIGroupLeader | Am I the group leader? | |
AssistComplete | returns true/false if the assist is complete | |
AutoFire | Is Autofire on? | |
BardSongPlaying | Returns true if bard is playing a song | |
CanMount | Detects if you meet the proper conditions (water, zone, race, etc.) for mounting your steed. | |
Combat | True if in combat | |
CombatAbilityReady[#|name] | True if ability ready | |
Grouped | Grouped? | |
InInstance | Returns TRUE if you are in an instance. | |
Invited | Invited to group? | |
ItemReady[#|name] | True/False on if the item is ready to cast. | |
Moving | Moving? (including strafe) | |
RangedReady | Ranged attack ready? | |
Running | Do I have auto-run turned on? | |
Shrouded | Am I Shrouded? | |
SpellInCooldown | returns TRUE if you have a spell in cooldown and FALSE when not. | |
SpellReady[#|name] | Gem with this spell name or in this gem # ready to cast? | |
Stunned | Am I stunned? | |
TributeActive | Tribute Active | |
UseAdvancedLooting | TRUE if using advanced looting | |
Zoning | ||
buff | Aego | |
Beneficial | ||
Brells | ||
Buff[#] | The buff in this slot # | |
Buff[name] | The buff with this name, partial match allowed | |
Charmed | ||
Clarity | ||
Corrupted | Returns the name of the Corrupted debuff if you have one | |
Crippled | ||
Cursed | Returns the name of the Curse debuff if you are effected by one | |
Diseased | Returns the name of any Disease spell | |
Dotted | Returns name of first DoT on character. | |
DSed | ||
Feared | ||
FindBuff[<term> <option>...] | Uses the Buff Find DSL to search for buffs. See below for examples. | |
Focus | ||
Growth | ||
Hasted | ||
HybridHP | ||
Invulnerable | Returns the invulnerable spell name on you | |
Maloed | ||
Mezzed | ||
Poisoned | Returns the name of any Poison spell | |
Pred | ||
Regen | ||
RevDSed | ||
Rooted | ||
SE | ||
Shining | ||
Silenced | Returns the name of the Silence type effect on you | |
Skin | ||
Slowed | ||
Snared | ||
Song[#] | The song in this slot # | |
Song[name] | The song with this name, partial match allowed | |
Strength | ||
SV | ||
Symbol | ||
Tashed | ||
fellowship | Fellowship | Info about Fellowship |
float | GroupLeaderExp | Group leader exp (emu only) |
PctAAExp | Returns your current AA exp % | |
PctAAVitality | Percentage of AA Vitality your toon has | |
PctExp | Returns your EXP percent | |
PctGroupLeaderExp | Group leader exp as a % (emu only) | |
PctMercAAExp | ||
PctRaidLeaderExp | Raid leader exp as a % (emu only) | |
PctVitality | Returns your vitality % | |
RaidLeaderExp | Raid leader exp (emu only) | |
ZoneBoundX | ||
ZoneBoundY | ||
ZoneBoundZ | ||
int | AAExp | AA exp as a raw number out of 10,000 (10,000=100%) |
AAPoints | Unused AA points | |
AAPointsAssigned | ||
AAPointsSpent | The number of points you have spent on AA abilities | |
AAPointsTotal | The total number of AA points you have | |
Ability[name] | Skill name assigned to this doability button | |
AccuracyBonus | Accuracy bonus from gear and spells | |
ActiveFavorCost | If Tribute is active, how much it is costing you every 10 minutes. Returns NULL if tribute is inactive. | |
AdoptiveCoin | ||
AGI | Agility | |
AirSupply | ||
AltCurrency[#|name] | ||
AncientDraconicCoin | ||
AncientSebilisianCoins | ||
AttackBonus | Attack bonus from gear and spells | |
AttackSpeed | Your Attack Speed. No haste spells/items = AttackSpeed of 100. A 41% haste item will result in an AttackSpeed of 141. This variable does not take into account spell or song haste. | |
AvoidanceBonus | Avoidance bonus from gear/spells | |
BaseAGI | ||
BaseCHA | ||
BaseDEX | ||
BaseINT | ||
BaseSTA | ||
BaseSTR | ||
BaseWIS | ||
BathezidTradeGems | ||
Bayle | ||
BifurcatedCoin | ||
Book[name] | Slot in your spellbook assigned to spell name. | |
Brellium | ||
BronzeFiats | ||
CHA | Charisma | |
Chronobines | Chronobines on your character | |
ClairvoyanceBonus | ||
CombatAbility[name] | Returns the number of Combat ability name in your list (not the same as anyone else's list!) | |
CombatEffectsBonus | Combat Effects bonus from gear and spells | |
Commemoratives | ||
Copper | Copper on your character | |
CopperBank | Copper in bank | |
CountBuffs | Number of buffs you have, not including short duration buffs | |
CountSongs | Number of songs you have | |
CrystallizedFear | ||
CrystallizedLuck | ||
CurrentEndurance | Shows current endurance | |
CurrentHPs | Current hit points | |
CurrentMana | Current mana | |
CurrentWeight | Current weight | |
CursorCopper | ||
CursorGold | ||
CursorKrono | ||
CursorPlatinum | ||
CursorSilver | ||
DamageShieldBonus | Damage Shield bonus from gear and spells | |
DamageShieldMitigationBonus | Damage Shield Mitigation bonus from gear and spells | |
DEX | Dexterity | |
DiamondCoins | ||
DoTShieldBonus | DoT Shield bonus from gear and spells | |
Doubloons | Doubloons on your character | |
DreadStones | ||
Drunk | Drunkenness level | |
EbonCrystals | Number of Ebon Crystals on your character | |
EnduranceBonus | Endurance bonus from gear and spells | |
EnduranceRegen | Endurance regen from the last tick | |
EnduranceRegenBonus | Endurance regen bonus | |
EnergyCrystals | ||
EntwinedDjinnCoins | ||
ExpansionFlags | Returns a numeric number representing which expansions your toon is flagged for | |
Faycites | Faycites on your character | |
FetterredIfritCoins | ||
Fists | ||
FreeBuffSlots | Number of open buff slots (not counting the short duration buff slots) | |
FreeInventory | Number of free inventory spaces | |
FreeInventory[#] | Number of free inventory spaces of at least # size (giant=4) | |
FroststoneDucat | ||
Gem[name] | Returns the gem # if spell is memorized | |
Gold | Gold on character | |
GoldBank | Gold in bank | |
GoldTokens | ||
GroupLeaderPoints |
GroupSize | Size of group | |
GukEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Deepest Guk | |
Haste | Total Combined Haste (worn and spell) as shown in Inventory Window stats | |
HaveExpansion[#|name] | Returns TRUE/FALSE if you have that expansion #. e.g. ${Me.HaveExpansion[Veil of Alaris]} or ${Me.HaveExpansion[18]} |
HealAmountBonus | Total Heal Amount bonus from gear | |
HeroicAGIBonus | Total Heroic Agility bonus from gear | |
HeroicCHABonus | Total Heroic Charisma bonus from gear | |
HeroicDEXBonus | Total Heroic Dexterity bonus from gear | |
HeroicINTBonus | Total Heroic Intelligence bonus from gear | |
HeroicSTABonus | Total Heroic Stamina bonus from gear | |
HeroicSTRBonus | Total Heroic Strength bonus from gear | |
HeroicWISBonus | Total Heroic Wisdom bonus from gear | |
HPBonus | Hit point bonus from gear and spells | |
HPRegen | Hit point regeneration from last tick | |
HPRegenBonus | HP regen bonus from gear and spells | |
Hunger | Hunger level | |
Instance | ZoneID of current instance | |
INT | Intelligence | |
IsBerserk | ||
Krono | ||
LADelegateMA | Level of Delegate MA of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LADelegateMarkNPC | Level of Delegate Mark NPC of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAFindPathPC | Level of Find Path PC of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAHealthEnhancement | Level of Health Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAHealthRegen | Level of Health Regen of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAHoTT | Level of HoTT of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAInspectBuffs | Level of Inspect Buffs of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAManaEnhancement | Level of Mana Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAMarkNPC | Level of Mark NPC of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LanguageSkill[#|name] | Returns your skill in the specified language. | |
Language[name] | Returns the EQ language name of the language number specified. See Language list | |
LANPCHealth | Level of NPC Health of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LAOffenseEnhancement | Level of Offense Enhancement of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LargestFreeInventory | Size of your largest free inventory space | |
LASpellAwareness | Level of Spell Awareness of the current group leader (not your own ability level) | |
LaurionInnVoucher | ||
LCK | ||
LDoNPoints | Available LDoN points | |
LoyaltyTokens | ||
ManaBonus | Mana bonus from gear and spells | |
ManaRegen | Mana regeneration from last tick | |
ManaRegenBonus | Mana regen bonus from gear and spells | |
MarksOfValor | ||
MaxAirSupply | ||
MaxBuffSlots | Max number of buffs you can have on you. /echo ${Me.MaxBuffSlots} | |
MaxEndurance | Max endurance | |
MaxHPs | Max hit points | |
MaxLevel | ||
MaxMana | Max mana | |
McKenzie | ||
MedalsOfConflict | ||
MedalsOfHeroism | ||
MercAAPoints | ||
MercAAPointsSpent | ||
MercListInfo[name] | ||
MirEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Miragul's | |
MMEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Mistmoore | |
Motes | ||
Nobles | ||
NumBagSlots | ||
NumGems | Returns the amount of spell gems your toon has | |
Orux | Orux on your character | |
OverseerTetradrachm | ||
ParcelStatus | ||
PctAggro | Your aggro percentage | |
PctAirSupply | ||
PctEndurance | Current endurance as a % | |
PctExpToAA | Returns how far to your next AA | |
PctHPs | Current HP as a % | |
PctMana | Current mana as a % | |
PersonaLevel[# | Persona level of specified class | |
PetBuff[name] | Finds PetBuff slot with the spell name | |
Phosphenes | Phosphenes on your character | |
Phosphites | Phosphites on your character | |
PiecesofEight | ||
Platinum | Platinum on your character | |
PlatinumBank | Platinum in bank | |
PlatinumShared | Platinum in shared bank | |
RadiantCrystals | Number of Radiant Crystals on your character | |
RaidLeaderPoints | ||
RebellionChits | ||
Reclamation | ||
RemnantOfTranquility | ||
RestlessMark | ||
RujEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Rujarkian | |
SathirsTradeGems | ||
ScarletMarks | ||
SecondaryPctAggro | Secondary Percentage aggro | |
ShadedSpecie | ||
ShadowStones | ||
ShalowainsPrivateReserve | ||
ShieldingBonus | Shielding bonus from gear and spells | |
Silver | Silver on your character | |
SilverBank | Silver in bank | |
SilverTokens | ||
SkillBase[#|name] | ||
SkillCap[#|name] | Skill cap of skill with this name or ID # | |
Skill[#|name] | Skill level of skill with this name or ID # | |
SPA[#] | Returns the SPA for the specified spell | |
SpellDamageBonus | Spell Damage bonus | |
SpellRankCap | your characters spell rank cap. if it returns: 1 = Rk. I spells 2 = Rk. II spells 3 = Rk. III spells | |
SpellShieldBonus | Spell Shield bonus from gear and spells | |
SpiritualMedallions | ||
STA | Stamina | |
STR | Strength | |
StrikeThroughBonus | Strikethrough bonus from gear and spells | |
StunResistBonus | Stun Resist bonus from gear and spells | |
SubscriptionDays | Returns the days left in your gold subscription | |
svChromatic | Your character's lowest resist | |
svCold | Character Cold Resist | |
svCorruption | Character Corruption Resist | |
svDisease | Character Disease Resist | |
svFire | Character Fire Resist | |
svMagic | Character Magic Resist | |
svPoison | Character Poison Resist | |
svPrismatic | The average of your character's resists | |
TakEarned | Total LDoN points earned in Takish | |
Thirst | Thirst level | |
VeliumShards | ||
Voucher | ||
WarforgedEmblem | ||
WarlordsSymbol | ||
WIS | Wisdom | |
XTAggroCount | it returns the number of AUTO-HATER mobs on the extended target window. XAssist may be a helpful alternative. | |
XTAggroCount[#] | it returns the number of AUTO-HATER mobs on the extended target window where your aggro is less than the optional parameter N. N must be between 1-100 inclusive or it will be set to 100 (the default value). ${Me.XTAggroCount} and ${Me.XTAggroCount[100]} are identical. |
XTarget | Returns the count of xtargets | |
XTargetSlots | ||
XTHaterCount | number of mobs on xtarget with AUTO-HATER. XAssist may provide a helpful alternative. | |
int64 | AAVitality | The total number of AA Vitality you have |
AAVitalityCap | ||
CareerFavor | Career favor/tribute | |
Cash | Total cash on your character, expressed in coppers (eg. if you are carrying 100pp, Cash will return 100000) | |
CashBank | Total cash in your bank, expressed in coppers | |
CountersCorruption | ||
CountersCurse | Number of curse counters you have | |
CountersDisease | Number of disease counters you have | |
CountersPoison | Number of poison counters you have | |
CurrentFavor | Current favor/tribute | |
Dar | Damage absorption remaining (eg. from Rune-type spells) | |
Exp | Returns your current level's exp out of 10,000 | |
GuildID | Returns the ID number of your guild | |
MercAAExp | ||
TotalCounters | this case adds and returns all resist Counters | |
Vitality | Returns current vitality | |
VitalityCap | Returns your vitality cap | |
item | Bank[#] | Item in this bankslot # |
Inventory[#] | Item in this slot # | |
Inventory[slotname] | Item in this slotname (inventory slots only). See Slot names for a list of slotnames. | |
SharedBank | ||
mercenary | Mercenary | Access the mercenary datatype |
skill | AutoSkill[#] | Returns a skill. E.g. ${Me.AutoSkill[1].Name} returns the name of whatever skill is set as the first autoskill. |
spawn | AggroLock | spawn info for aggro lock player |
GroupAssistTarget | Current group assist target | |
GroupMarkNPC | Current group marked NPC (1-3) | |
RaidAssistTarget[#] | Current raid assist target (1-3) | |
RaidMarkNPC[#] | Current raid marked NPC (1-3) | |
SecondaryAggroPlayer | ||
Spawn | Your character's spawn | |
TargetOfTarget | Target of Target (will only work when group or raid Target of Target is active; if not, it will return NULL) | |
spell | ActiveDisc | Returns a spell if melee discipline is active. |
BlockedBuff | ||
BlockedPetBuff | ||
Book[#] | Spell assigned to this slot # in your spellbook | |
CombatAbility[#] | Returns the name of Combat Ability # in your list (not the same as anyone else's list!) | |
Gem[#] | The name of the spell in this slot # | |
PetBuff[#] | The spell in this PetBuff slot # | |
Spell[#|name] | Searches by id or name, returns the full spell name | |
string | Ability[#] | The doability button number that the skill name is on |
CombatState | Returns one of the following: COMBAT, DEBUFFED, COOLDOWN, ACTIVE, RESTING, UNKNOWN | |
GroupList | Returns a string of your group members (excluding you) | |
Inviter | Name of the inviter | |
Language[#] | The EQ language number of the specified language. See Language list | |
MembershipLevel | Same as Subscription | |
MercenaryStance | Current active mercenary stance | |
MercListInfo[#] | ||
Name | Returns your character's first name | |
Subscription | Returns FREE SILVER or GOLD |
ToString | Same as Name | |
ticks | CombatAbilityTimer[#|name] | The time remaining (in seconds) before the Combat Ability is usable |
Downtime | Downtime (Ticks left til combat timer end) | |
TributeTimer | Tribute Timer | |
timestamp | AbilityTimerTotal[# | Total time for ability reuse (not remaining) |
AbilityTimer[#|name] | ||
AltAbilityTimer[#|name] | Alt ability reuse time remaining | |
CastTimeLeft | ||
GemTimer[name|#] | The timer for the spell with this name or in this gem # | |
LastZoned | Returns a timestamp of last time you zoned | |
worldlocation | BoundLocation[#] | Accepts bind point id from 0-4, returns zone id. |
xtarget | XTarget[#] | Extended target data for the specified XTarget # |
zone | Origin | Returns your character's starting city |
ZoneBound |
Inherits spawn
You may also use members of spawn, shown here: [ Toggle ]
Type | Member | Description |
action | DoAssist | assists the spawn |
DoFace | Faces spawn | |
DoTarget | targets spawn | |
LeftClick | left clicks the spawn | |
RightClick | Right clicks the spawn | |
body | Body | Body type. See Body types |
bool | AFK | True if AFK |
Aggressive | returns TRUE or FALSE if a mob is aggressive or not | |
Anonymous | ||
Assist | Current Raid or Group assist target? | |
Binding | Binding wounds? | |
BodyWet | ||
bShowHelm | ||
BuffsPopulated | returns 1 for a empty buff list and a number above 1 if there was some buffs received. | |
Buyer | Are you in buyer mode? | |
CanSplashLand | TRUE/FALSE on if a splash spell can land. This check is ONLY for line of sight to the targetindicator (red/green circle) | |
Dead | ||
Ducking | ||
FeetWet | Feet wet/swimming? | |
Feigning | ||
Fleeing | Is your target moving away from you? | |
GM | GM or Guide? | |
GroupLeader | ||
HeadWet | ||
Holding | Represents what the pc/npc is holding | |
Hovering | ||
Invis[#|name] | No index, 0 and ANY return the same thing. Accepts: NORMAL or 1, UNDEAD or 2, ANIMAL or 3, SOS or 4. | |
IsSummoned | if its a summoned being (pet for example) | |
IsTouchingSwitch | ||
Levitating | ||
LFG | ||
LineOfSight | Returns TRUE if spawn is in LoS | |
Linkdead | ||
Moving | ||
Named | Is this a "named" spawn? | |
Roleplaying | ||
Sitting | ||
Sneaking | ||
Standing | ||
Stuck | ||
Stunned | ||
Targetable | ||
TemporaryPet | A flag indicating a non-permanent pet, like a swarm pet. (?) | |
Trader | Are you in trader mode? | |
Underwater | ||
cachedbuff | Buff[#] | Returns the target's spell by buff index number, or the first buff if no Index is provided. |
Buff[name] | Returns the target's spell name, or the first buff if no Index is provided. | |
CachedBuff[#|*|^x] | Caches buff information cast on others. Index accepts spell ID by default. To accept buffslot (between 1 and 97) prefix with #. The * prefix is for an index, and ^ prefix is a keyword (Slowed Rooted Mezzed Crippled Maloed Tashed Snared and Beneficial). | |
FindBuff[<term> <option>...] | Uses the Buff Find DSL to search for buffs. | |
MyBuff[#|name] | ||
class | Class | Returns the class long name |
Deity | Deity | |
float | CeilingHeightAtCurrLocation | |
D | Negative Z Axis. | |
Distance | Distance from player in (x,y) | |
Distance3D | Distance from player in (x,y,z) in 3D | |
DistancePredict | Estimated distance in (x,y), taking into account the spawn's movement speed but not the player's | |
DistanceX | Alias: DistanceW. Distance from player in X plane (East/West) | |
DistanceY | Alias: DistanceN. Distance from player in Y plane (North/South) | |
DistanceZ | Alias: DistanceU. Distance from player in Z plane (Up/Down) | |
E | Negative X axis | |
FloorZ | ||
Height | ||
Look | Looking this angle | |
MaxRange | The max distance from this spawn for it to hit you | |
MaxRangeTo | The Max distance from this spawn for you to hit it | |
S | Negative Y Axis. | |
Speed | ||
X | Alias: W. Returns X axis. | |
Y | Alias: N. Y Axis. | |
Z | Alias: U. Z Axis. | |
heading | Heading | Heading in this direction |
HeadingTo | Heading player must travel in to reach this spawn | |
HeadingToLoc[y,x] | Heading to the coordinates y,x from the spawn | |
int | AARank | AA rank number |
Animation | Current animation ID. See Animations for a list. | |
Blind | ||
BuffCount | Returns the number of buffs on the target. | |
CachedBuffCount | returns -1 if no buffs are cached for the spawn or number of buffs cached. | |
CombatSkillTicks[#] | ||
ContractorID | ||
CorpseDragCount | ||
CurrentEndurance | Current Endurance points (only updates when target/group) | |
CurrentMana | Current Mana points (only updates when target/group) | |
Equipment[#|name] | Takes numbers 0-8 or names: head chest arms wrists hands legs feet primary offhand | |
GMRank | ||
HoldingAnimation | ||
ID | Returns the ID number of the spawn. | |
InPvPArea | ||
Level | ||
Mark | Current Raid or Group marked npc mark number (raid first) | |
MaxEndurance | Maximum Endurance points (only updates when target/group) | |
MaxMana | Maximum Mana points (only updates when target/group) | |
MercID | ||
MyBuffCount | ||
PctEndurance | ||
PctMana | ||
PlayerState | returns a mask as an inttype which has the following meaning: 0=Idle 1=Open 2=WeaponSheathed 4=Aggressive 8=ForcedAggressive 0x10=InstrumentEquipped 0x20=Stunned 0x40=PrimaryWeaponEquipped 0x80=SecondaryWeaponEquipped | |
Primary | Item ID of anything that may be in the Primary slot | |
Secondary | Item ID of anything that may be in the Secondary slot | |
SeeInvis[#] | ||
SpawnStatus[#] | ||
StandState | ||
int64 | CurrentHPs | |
MaxHPs | ||
PctHPs | Percent hit points | |
pet | Pet | |
race | Race | |
spawn | Following | The spawn a player is following using /follow on. |
Master | Master, if it is charmed or a pet | |
Mount | ||
NearestSpawn[#, <name>] | Find the #th nearest spawn matching this Spawn search to this spawn (most efficient on yourself) | |
NearestSpawn[<name>] | Find the nearest spawn matching this Spawn search to this spawn (most efficient on yourself) | |
Next | Next spawn in the list | |
Owner | Owner, if mercenary | |
Prev | Previous spawn in the list | |
TargetOfTarget | ||
spell | Casting | Spell, if currently casting (only accurate on yourself, not NPCs or other group members) |
string | ActorDef | |
AssistName | ||
CleanName | ||
DisplayName | Name displayed in game (same as EQ's %T) | |
EQLoc | Location using EQ format | |
Gender | ||
Guild | Guild name | |
Light | Name of the light class this spawn has | |
Loc | location of the spawn | |
LocYX | LocYX of the spawn | |
LocYXZ | LocYXZ of the spawn | |
MQLoc | Location using MQ format | |
Name | ||
Suffix | Suffix attached to name, eg. Billy Bob of Tunare |
Surname | Last name | |
Title | Alias: AATitle. Prefix/Title before name. | |
Type | Returns PC, NPC, Untargetable, Mount, Pet, Corpse, Chest, Trigger, Trap, Timer, Item, Mercenary, Aura, Object, Banner, Campfire, Flyer | |
timestamp | BuffDuration[#|name] | Returns the duration remaining on this target buff |
MyBuffDuration[#|name] | returns your buffs duration on the target. | |
TimeBeenDead |
- Returns the name of a movement_rate type buff that was cast by bob or sally
/echo ${Me.FindBuff[spa movement_rate and (caster bob or caster sally)]}
- Returns the name of a HEALDOT type spell that wasn't cast by bob.
/echo ${Me.FindBuff[spa 100 and not caster bob]}
- Let's say you have a bandolier named "1HB". Here's how to activate it,
/invoke ${Me.Bandolier[1HB].Activate}
- To see the name of the item in a bandolier slot,