
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

Data related to a specific spawn heading

This Data Type is referenced in MacroQuest, and accessed by Top-Level Object(s): Heading
heading is used as a return type by these members:  [ Toggle ]

Page Member Description
ground Heading Ground item is facing this heading
HeadingTo Direction player must move to meet this ground item
spawn Heading Heading in this direction
HeadingTo Heading player must travel in to reach this spawn
HeadingToLoc[y,x] Heading to the coordinates y,x from the spawn
switch DefaultHeading Heading of "closed" switch
Heading Switch is facing this heading
HeadingTo Direction player must move to meet this switch


Type Member Description
float Degrees Heading in degrees (same as casting to float)
DegreesCCW Heading in degrees counter-clockwise (the way the rest of MQ and EQ uses it)
int Clock The nearest clock direction, e.g. 1-12
string Name The long compass direction, eg. "south", "south by southeast"

Brosen windrose.svg
ShortName The short compass direction, eg. "S", "SSE"

See also