
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

Similar to DataType:ticks except the default return value is in milliseconds.

This Data Type is added by core MacroQuest.
timestamp is used as a return type by these members:  [ Toggle ]

Page Member Description
buff Duration The time remaining before the buff fades (not total duration)
cachedbuff Returns the duration of the cached buff
OriginalDuration Original duration of the buff
Staleness How long since information was refreshed
character AbilityTimerTotal[# Total time for ability reuse (not remaining)
AltAbilityTimer[#|name] Alt ability reuse time remaining
GemTimer[name|#] The timer for the spell with this name or in this gem #
LastZoned Returns a timestamp of last time you zoned
dztimer Timer The timestamp indicating when this lockout expires
item CastTime Spell effect's cast time
pet BuffDuration[#|name] Buff time remaining for pet buff name or slot# in miliseconds.
petbuff Duration
spawn BuffDuration[#|name] Returns the duration remaining on this target buff
MyBuffDuration[#|name] returns your buffs duration on the target.
spell CastTime Cast time (unadjusted)
FizzleTime Alias: RecoveryTime. Time to recover after fizzle.
MyCastTime Adjusted cast time
RecastTime Time to recast after successful cast
task Timer Returns amount of time before task expires


Type Member Description
float Float timestamp represented in remaining seconds (1hr 23 min 53 seconds will return 5033.00)
int Days Number of days remaining in the timestamp (3d 2h 23m will return 3)
int64 Hours Number of hours remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 1)
Minutes Number of Minutes remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 23)
Raw Remaining time value represented in milliseconds
Seconds Number of Seconds remaining in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 53)
Ticks Remaining time value represented in ticks
TotalMinutes Total number of remaining minutes in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 83)
TotalSeconds Total number of remaining minutes in the timestamp (1hr 23min 53 seconds will return 5033)
string Time Remaining time value formatted in M:S
TimeDHM Remaining time value formatted in D:H:M (Days:Hours:Minutes)
TimeHMS Remaining time value formatted in H:M:S

See also