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Discussion - Your First Piece Of Nice Gear (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
Do you remember your first camp that made you think you were really turning a corner in EQ? That cherry high from a first piece of nice gear you earned? For me it was an FBSS Flowing Black Silk Sash 21% Haste on the waist. Once upon a time that was not only nice it was awesome. What was it for you?
Do you remember your first camp that made you think you were really turning a corner in EQ? That cherry high from a first piece of nice gear you earned? For me it was an FBSS Flowing Black Silk Sash 21% Haste on the waist. Once upon a time that was not only nice it was awesome. What was it for you?
Oh lord. The FBSS was a nightmare for me. Went to frenzy camp for 36 hours straight once on my main warrior. Lost on 11 sashes straight in that camp when it was complete random loot instead of CAWU. One guy left the group after he got one. Returned the next morning, and literally said "*****" are you STILL here from last night? I replied yes. And he proceeded to win ANOTHER FBSS.

I left that camp and just ended up trading for one later on because no matter what I could never get one from that camp directly.
Other than my first epic, the one piece of gear that I still remember vividly was back in original release days, my druid's Paw of Opolla (+9 WIS!!!) I spent a day camping Gynok Moltor in Befallen worried some higher level would zone in contest the ring.
that stupid 10 sta belt or 9 sta i forget which maybe like 10 ac too and a high haste (for the time) from Veksar. it went for 10k plat which was a small fortune for the time. i could solo it with a necro >>>>> found it soulscream belt 9 ac, 30 hp, sta 10, str 9, sv cold 5, and haste +31%
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Oh lord. The FBSS was a nightmare for me. Went to frenzy camp for 36 hours straight once on my main warrior. Lost on 11 sashes straight in that camp when it was complete random loot instead of CAWU. One guy left the group after he got one. Returned the next morning, and literally said "*****" are you STILL here from last night? I replied yes. And he proceeded to win ANOTHER FBSS.

I left that camp and just ended up trading for one later on because no matter what I could never get one from that camp directly.
Ouch Doc I was with my friends who later became the now disbanded guild Damage INC I wanted to call Us The Doggy Style Ninjas but I got out voted. I digress. I was fourth out of 4 who needed the belt. I usually waited till last for loot because I had the most flexible schedule. So I could camp longer. It was our second day at the camp probably 18 hours in when I got mine. You'd thought I won a car on a gameshow. By the time I got my first Epic 1.0 EQ had ground me into a seasoned player. Now I'd give that same piece of loot to a pet most likely. That doesn't feel so much like progress even though I know the game has progressed.
The first one I distinctly remember was the JBB. It was the mutt's nuts from the mid to late 40s until the mid 50s probably. Before that was the class armor, I remember camping that stupid bear in everfrost for the helm.
I started playing at the tail end of Velious into the launch of Luclin. The first big item I remember questing for was the Earring of the Solstice. I was so excited to get an item with Flowing Thought on it!
I started during late Luclin, and already there were many fewer lower level groups so I did a lot of soloing. As a ranger, I fear kited mammoths in Everfrost solo around lvl 17-22 - and finally I got enough plat from their tusks to buy 2 centi longswords in the commonlands... I thought I was such hot shit and looked badass dual wielding them.
Oh lord. The FBSS was a nightmare for me. Went to frenzy camp for 36 hours straight once on my main warrior. Lost on 11 sashes straight in that camp when it was complete random loot instead of CAWU. One guy left the group after he got one. Returned the next morning, and literally said "*****" are you STILL here from last night? I replied yes. And he proceeded to win ANOTHER FBSS.

I left that camp and just ended up trading for one later on because no matter what I could never get one from that camp directly.
Redcent for your pain! I never liked those camps. I didn't mind the ones where the gear went to the person whose been there the longest, and the group maintained a list.
Do you remember your first camp that made you think you were really turning a corner in EQ? That cherry high from a first piece of nice gear you earned? For me it was an FBSS Flowing Black Silk Sash 21% Haste on the waist. Once upon a time that was not only nice it was awesome. What was it for you?
Manastone + Fungi + clicky nuke staff, clicky wolf bracer…as a druid…

Or Staff of dreaded gaze as a necro…instatnt clicky fear…that’s right you run!

Needless to say…i was that dude octa kiting spectres on beach in sro…mwhahaha

Revenge Of The Sith Power GIF by Star Wars
probably my pre-nerf CoS. I remember trading some dagger for it. I didn't know then it was so badass, but it was a clicky that looked cool so i got it.

I was sitting in the original OT when i clicked it for the first time and I was in love <3
SMR and GEBS looked good in the OG world, however the practical improvement was not that great.

Then I got the first Head of Tormax on Xegony -> turned into White Dragonscale Boots, getting FT2 when even FT1 was hard to come by felt amazing.

Shortly ever after that I got: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=7043 , bumping my FT by 5 was just ridiculous at a time.

Mana was so hard to come by back then for a wizard Epic 1.0 -> bind in old world -> Manastone was pretty good even in Luclin. Manastone was borrowed though.
I got a piece of Rubicite armor back when it used to drop in Cazic Thule. There were people with close to a full set already and I had nothing, so I decided to just sell that piece to a rich guy who really wanted it. I used that money to buy lots of nice stuff :) From the 30s I got busy camping all the useful items with groups. I had everything I wanted outside of planar gear. Then when Kunark came along, I got in a Seb group and we randomed on some Cobalt boots. I won the roll and later a Warrior sent me a message that he wanted them. He gave me 30k or 40k or something huge like that. I felt like I was in the big leagues lol, but I was also shocked someone had that much money to spend. The most I ever had before then was a few thousand.
oh man - memories........

I have been playing this game so long (my big heydays were PoP and prior). But my first piece of what I considered totally awesome gear was when my lvl 10 high elf paladin (first toon ever) actually completed the screaming mace quest in Crushbone. I was so little and new to the game I did not even know about haste yet, and flowing thought didn't even exist. Not only did my ragtag group of friends help me complete it, but I could proc it as soon as I got it and it was magic which was huge back then.

Then I went and got myself another SBS from trainer hill :D
Wow, I remember running round in rags and ANY armor was an upgrade. But the one thing I thought was even better than my epic was the Timmi Fell Down the Well reward.
a troll sk gave me a full suit of fine steel and a mace of shadowed soul when I was killing crocs in oasis when I was wearing a leather mix of gear. I was stoked!!

As a 50something night blind barb warrior shortly after kunark came out (I think), I was so shocked to run into the AC in the dark that I could barely remember what my hot keys did ( not that a warrior back then had much to do 😂). It was my second click item (peg cloak was a fun item I got in my 30s) and was fun to spam cast.

It was so nice to cross off wtb sow from my list of many repetitive needs...
I remember banded armor and fine steel weapons were the shit. Then I started farming BIBS and I was big man on server, that with evil eye bags. Probably most memorable was my full set of Rubicite and my Ghoulbane!!
I was a late starter and a slow goer. So for me it was a Blade of Carnage. I didn't get it till pop, but it was still awesome. I remember someone in my guild saying it was worth $350(a lot at the time for me). But knew I would never sell it. I ended up returning it to the guild when I upgraded it

jboots when they dropped in najena ... what a clusterf*ck that camp used to be. oh and yes as a necro main for so many years the prenerf circlet is still by far the greatest piece of loot i earned ...
for me it was prenerf COS or the willsapper from Vaniki, as our grp slower would always be late or no show.
Sebilis was king. So many random drops and great camps. I'm pretty sure that I ended up with a Blade of the Green Dragon Eye before it got nerfed.
Mine's not gear, but I still remember camping bazus in NC when they were current with the handful of people in my family guild at the time and finally getting that 9th AA for Endless Quiver after grinding for forever. Everyone was as pumped for me as I was. Still have the screenshot around here on an old hard drive I bet.
when i returned to eq i was in time gear ... i was pretty impressed back in the day to own a full suit ,,, at 65k plus hp i thought i was awsome at 95 ,,,,,,, then i loged in an found people with 1m hp i was so ashamed of my presious time gear,,
I started playing just after Kunark came out. I remember the hell levels and running from Freeport to Qeynos taking an hour or some such. For me, it was farming/earning the plat to buy myself a tranquil staff. It was in my mid/late 30's and I read a guide for monks to FD flop across Solusek's Eye (Sol A) and kill the PH's or named for Singe, Kobald Predator, Goblin Foreman, Goblin Bartender, and Fire Goblin Drunkard. I spent levels, 100's of hours farming and then selling in the EC tunnel to buy my first FBSS, tinker's bags, and eventually a Tranquil Staff. Who remembers coin weight and trying to move 5500 gold through a zone filled with mobs that want to kill you to buy that Tinkers Bag. Anyway, ever since the Tranquil Staff, I have been a 2h user. I made a hot key to swap between my celestial Fists for the 18s haste click and then would swap back to the Tranquil Staff. During Velious, it was finally getting a velium brawl stick from sleepers tomb. LOVED that graphic.
Dwarven Ringmail Tunic (Crushbone) and Aegis of Life for my Cleric ...
Shiny Brass Shield (Crushbone) and then Singing Short Sword for my Bard.
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Mine was the original circlet of shadows on my necro. I didn't even camp it.... I was too low for dalnir at the time but a friend of mine who who would farm there gave it to me because he had one on every banker alt.

felt all proud as I insta cast invis all over the place :P
Probably plane of hate gear on my shaman. It was pretty rare to see people with a set of that stuff at the time. I never wanted to cast invis again lol
Discussion - Your First Piece Of Nice Gear

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