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Question - Wizard dps (1 Viewer)

Feb 19, 2018
I love my boomstick, but has anyone who still plays a wizard noticed that they seem to boom more? It was one of my old raid toons, so can never let him sit. I keep him current, but lately seems to be dropping bigger avg dps and a lot bigger booms on a burn. Never runs out of mana and consistently beats mage same level/gear more heroics and and AA's in just all day dps.
I love my boomstick, but has anyone who still plays a wizard noticed that they seem to boom more? It was one of my old raid toons, so can never let him sit. I keep him current, but lately seems to be dropping bigger avg dps and a lot bigger booms on a burn. Never runs out of mana and consistently beats mage same level/gear more heroics and and AA's in just all day dps.
I have to agree. I main a Wiz and if you have the right spell setup, they are keeping pace with a mage in group content and on burns. AA's and spell line up makes a diff
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I have to agree. I main a Wiz and if you have the right spell setup, they are keeping pace with a mage in group content and on burns. AA's and spell line up makes a diff
Any advice on a good spell lineup? I'm currently leveling my wizard in my PL group... he's 112 but be 115 soon.. I'm right now just basing my ini on one's I found in the ini library. But any recommendations on top spells and order to use? Or a good ini if you use one? Thanks in advance!!
I have seen some pretty nice improvements in Wiz dps over the last few months. I've attached the INI file that I use with Kissassist if you want to check it out. A couple of notes, I don't CC much so the AE section, if left on, will beam and AE like a mofo if you have 4 or more mobs in camp. I would recommend turning the AE section off if you are CCing. I also rotate burns regularly to increase the dps output and I melee with my Wiz for extra dps. With this INI and my wiz being in non-prestige gear it regularly puts out 600k to 1m dps but can sometimes burst upwards of 1.5 to 2m dps with good crits. It will need to sit and med about every 20 to 30 mins without any additional mana support from a bst/nec/bard but I can go on long grind sessions pretty easily.

Edit: Sorry, realized I posted an older version that was using wildflame strike instead of flashbroil. I've switched the INI to the correct one as flashbroil parsed better for me than wildflame.


  • KissAssist_120_NoS_Wiz.ini
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I use RGMercs with a Wiz that does very well in my caster group with burn always. I know that RGMercs is more out of the box, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I still have mana issues here and there, but for the most part I am pleased with the results.
Question - Wizard dps

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