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Question - whats happened to final fugue and heros forge missions (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jul 19, 2023
hi since the tier 3 raid version release has anyone noticed how much harder these missions have become and is thier any clues as to why?
Yeah, define harder? I havent noticed it in half dozen runs with my teams per day.. and also T3 unlock is a timer controlled unlock, not a patch, so unless they programmed it for "make all mobs hit 20% harder on march 2nd", no files have been patched.
I agree that HaF has gotten much harder. My success rate used to be 80%, now it's below 50%. For some reason, my LEM only fires occassionally. Sometimes they run away and sometimes they just stay in place and go splat.
Doing final fudge 2-3 times a day. As gear and aas are accumulating, I noticed, that it constantly got easier and the runs got faster.
I cannot confirm, that the mission got harder at anytime since I started to run them.
The only thing to complain about is, that for multiple days in a row now I havn’t seen an armor piece dropping.
The ranom-generator sometimes is a bitch.

HaF I cant say anything jet, as til today my success rate attempting to box this mission is still 0%.
Success rate with my every-evening group of real player is 100%. But we doing it just once or twice a week and started not long time ago. So insufficient runs to recognize a change.
I have not noticed any changes on either of these missions.
It really is just making sure your toons are geared/auged AA’s etc because this content is really hard as it should be seeing as it is the current top end group content.
HAF use fellowship campfire Barbarian.
Use pet classes like Mage/BST to get cracked.
Final Fugue should be a cake walk unless your toons are under current content gear wise.
Camp some Named in T2 zones if that is the case for some gear/Augs your going to need them cleared anyway to level the neck piece.
But again I have not noticed any changes and 5 out my 6 my main box set already have the neck piece . Currently working leveling my leveling my second team up to run them through it.
The only thing I've noticed, is that the stupid spider gets stuck under the world perhaps a bit more often than he used to, which can and does lead to some chances of a squishy dying once they added summoning.
I have not noticed any changes on either of these missions.
It really is just making sure your toons are geared/auged AA’s etc because this content is really hard as it should be seeing as it is the current top end group content.
HAF use fellowship campfire Barbarian.
Use pet classes like Mage/BST to get cracked.
Final Fugue should be a cake walk unless your toons are under current content gear wise.
Camp some Named in T2 zones if that is the case for some gear/Augs your going to need them cleared anyway to level the neck piece.
But again I have not noticed any changes and 5 out my 6 my main box set already have the neck piece . Currently working leveling my leveling my second team up to run them through it.
You mentioned mag/bst. Also ranger is good for cracked. They can shoot through the webs at the Northeast end of each floor.
you can complete mission but to get cracked achievement i believe the best combinination would be at least to heavy pet dps classes mag/bst bst/necro necro/mage etc i have run it alot with SK/cleric/rogue/ranger/ench/wiz just to farm neck pieces and beat mission no problem just not cracked achievement. Problem is evolving it takes getting cracked done thus your going to need heavy pet dps /manually running ranger targeting eggs to get the cracked done
If you recently enabled the bandolier swap option for one of the HaF mission scripts, you are probably running around with the stun weapons when you shouldn't be.
I haven't noticed any different in Final Fugue.

I like to play a little game with Final Fugue.

Run several instances of the Lua script at once with multiple groups and see which group wins first.

I was even thinking we should have a Final Fugue Olympic event where we all line up and start the event at the same time and see whose group wins first... but very difficult to judge if people are cheating or not.
I haven't noticed any different in Final Fugue.

I like to play a little game with Final Fugue.

Run several instances of the Lua script at once with multiple groups and see which group wins first.

I was even thinking we should have a Final Fugue Olympic event where we all line up and start the event at the same time and see whose group wins first... but very difficult to judge if people are cheating or not.
sounds like a fun event really.. and the "hard to tell who is cheating..." umm :raise:
define harder well im using same team i always use very well geared memoryforge in most slots on tank and necro mage bard shaman and yes a healer merc due to machine restrictions all in perpetual revire all fully auged all subbed all max aa. win rate was easily 90% now below 50% using the Lua script. im getting the wraith pop before ive finished hex mobs which never used to happen
define harder well im using same team i always use very well geared memoryforge in most slots on tank and necro mage bard shaman and yes a healer merc due to machine restrictions all in perpetual revire all fully auged all subbed all max aa. win rate was easily 90% now below 50% using the Lua script. im getting the wraith pop before ive finished hex mobs which never used to happen
You’ve got some sort of issue with your automation then. My B team is a low AA caster team, with garbage gear compared to that, and I’m not having any issues on either mission.

I don’t use the full mission script for either mission on my B team though. My A team can run it fine without problems.
I do it with SK pet and BST warder, both with mage weapons, and it's fine as long as the warder doesn't get caught up somewhere. I found if I try it without pet weapons, they don't dish out enough dps. YMMV
Thank you, I have a 115bst/ranger on a account guess I’ll have to get them the expansion if I want a chance at boxing this lol
The only thing I've noticed, is that the stupid spider gets stuck under the world perhaps a bit more often than he used to, which can and does lead to some chances of a squishy dying once they added summoning.

The spider getting stuck is the only thing, but it now happens on 50-60% if my run throughs now.

RNG is fickle as well. I have 5/6 with the neck. 50 missions since my last neck. We will see!
I just did FF for the first time the other night. I have no idea if the difficulty changed but I thought this mission wasn't very hard. I rolled 3 toons and my friend rolled 2. The neck dropped for us and I gave that to my friend I took the BP lining and an aug. I have no idea how rare the neck is but I figure I can get another one when I bring my full team in.
Question - whats happened to final fugue and heros forge missions

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