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Serious - Tip the MacroQuest Developer: dannuic (1 Viewer)

ch_1IM0KPL2uRETJoyBH9LlIzrt ok so I tried to do 1 for all 3 devs but some how i did two for brainiac and didnt want you to lose yours just because I messed up
Order reference: SUB2J/1
Transaction reference: ch_1IifnOL2uRETJoyB5R542jfi
Date and time of payment: 04/21/21, 06:08 AM

Thanks for all the work you guys do, and looking forward to MQNext!
Order reference: BYCSU/1
Transaction reference: ch_1IihC4L2uRETJoyBz2Trqg7u
Date and time of payment: 04/21/21, 07:38 AM

what happened to paypal??

Last edited:
Appreciated, as always team!

Order reference: 2BF1D/1
Transaction reference: ch_1IsxdjL2uRETJoyBQtHh1IY4
Date and time of payment: 05/19/21
Thank you for all you do to to help make the game more fun for so many. You are appreciated very, very much!

OK I'm new to doing this the new way. Do I have to use my log in credentials to this site for the tips or am I creating a unique username/pw?

NM, it didn't register me as logged in when I followed the links.
Serious - Tip the MacroQuest Developer: dannuic

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