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Discussion - Territory (Camp) Dispute (1 Viewer)

Oct 24, 2020
So, we all have our favorite spots right? How do YOU handle it if you see something AFK playing for days / nights on end 24/7 where you (and anyone else) doesn't get a chance to play at that spot?

I personally will go to other spots, or play other toons for a few days and really just forget about it. But it feels damn rude and disrespectful when this happens.

I just don't get why people play like this (well I do, but...). It really gets under my skin. I respect the server population by not engaging in the game that way, and further I also respectfully have moved from camps when someone comes by, and I ask if they want the camp, and they say yes. Or they literally send me a tell asking, and I just let them have it. No issues at all. Rather take the respectful approach....

Tell me what you do in these cases?
if i need something from the area, or the camp, and he killing it, i will send a tell to the puller, if i dont get a response in 5 minutes, i just take what i need, and move on.

else i dont bother with occupied camps
Personally, I leave it be and move on. It's still a game and not worth risking toons for an item I can always get later. Glass houses thing I guess.
Sadly, I was at my worse when I was not boxing. Back in the day of contested raids. I was almost able to pull blood all the way to the zone in. For a meet and greet of a rival guild. Xegony was another Fan Fav. GoD goats. Ended up being guilded in one of the guilds I used to train on a normal basis had more than a few comments made about it.

Today I normally move on and grumble a bit about how it was back in the day. But with the vast amount of stuff, you can do. If this one camp is the only thing you need to do, I would be willing to bet your limiting yourself in one fashion or another.
To quote the great philosopher Lil Jon-
Don't Start No Shit, Won't Be No Shit

I’ve seen some groups running lately but not for long periods of time. If I did I’d leave it be. Don't want to potentially draw attention to my own group.

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So, we all have our favorite spots right? How do YOU handle it if you see something AFK playing for days / nights on end 24/7 where you (and anyone else) doesn't get a chance to play at that spot?

I personally will go to other spots, or play other toons for a few days and really just forget about it. But it feels damn rude and disrespectful when this happens.

I just don't get why people play like this (well I do, but...). It really gets under my skin. I respect the server population by not engaging in the game that way, and further I also respectfully have moved from camps when someone comes by, and I ask if they want the camp, and they say yes. Or they literally send me a tell asking, and I just let them have it. No issues at all. Rather take the respectful approach....

Tell me what you do in these cases?
I intentionally try to pick camps and zones that are avoided, and so far coming back, almost all the content I'm doing is new, and I've had zero issues. I know when I was more active several years ago it would occasionally be an issue mostly because I hated boxing and it was difficult to level solo, so I would get creative. If that didn't work, I would log alts and mess with them.
If its fairly obvious they are AFK in an open zone for a day . No big deal. Rude but whatever.

If they've been in the same spot for several days and they haven't responded to any tells, then I might look at the guild tag and see if I can find anyone in their guild who will is an officer type and let them know they have someone who is running AFK and they should probably have a talk about it.

Mostly, though I'll see if I can spawn a pick zone, or go do something else.

Thankfully, most of the people on my server who are AFK XP'ing are in older zones and not really blocking anything current.
I intentionally try to pick camps and zones that are avoided, and so far coming back, almost all the content I'm doing is new, and I've had zero issues. I know when I was more active several years ago it would occasionally be an issue mostly because I hated boxing and it was difficult to level solo, so I would get creative. If that didn't work, I would log alts and mess with them.
This is what I do. I don’t try to leave my crew unattended, but it has happened from time to time. Mainly kids, wife, pets, or job can interrupt me so I stick to non-named spawns as I am just trying to burn my way to the full SK AA that takes about 71k AA. Beyond that I have no reason to afk bot. Once my tank SK is max I’m going to try out all the missions. I truly enjoy playing this game even though at times it’s a long hard road, especially when you get behind on expansion down 15 levels and 40k odd AA.
always find it funny given the test atmosphere (small pop server but there are a lot of "purists") when i see someone afk for days on end in a more current open world zone. im fortunate that with tests exp bonus and unlimited pots and it allows me to stick to instance zones. much like others have said i almost never un-attend in open world and generally will just spawn a pick if i really need a camp.

it does bum me out when i see it for days on end as it just gives us all a bad name.
24/7 for more than one day. I may or may not test how well their recovery script works. Otherwise, what kaen said.
@BrianGragg lol…love it. You just pop up with a train line this?

Season 2 Sheldon GIF by The Big Bang Theory
i used to "pull" for them if i see no cc)

Back a few years ago someone setup in mearatas center. Great spot. Loot pinita with the named chain spawning in the center. Stupid of them to AFK grind in the open. Worse to do it in a zone where people would often come by to farm loot, do quests, raid.

The guy was running AFK on and off for several weeks when a couple people noticed something strange. His group was in the center chain dying. His main tank would charge in, die, take a rez, etc, over and over.

There was an interesting discussion about him going on in OOC and someone ( not me ) started helping him by offering 10% rezes. At some point his tank had deleveled and was getting one shot by the named spawn.

I've always wondered how much XP he lost to that AFK session.
I use to have a monk named choochoo
I would bring her out for these type of things
That was a long time ago before I started boxing
Now I just move along and head somewhere else
I would send them a courtesy tell asking them how much longer they are going to be there. If no response, kill them and take what's yours.
My old main was a monk, and they are great at doing this lol. Basically grab anything and everything in the zone, and fd flop em on top of the group. Let them report you and you can explain the situation :-)
that sometimes will backfire, cause when the player comes back and sees you trained him, he might report you, and then you get the ass kicking, not him
I just keep a magic, never-ending to-do list that gives me alternative options. I play on a live, low-pop server and haven't seen too much AFK camping for days on end lately. Back in EOK-COV, it was common that I'd see the same group at the same camps for days on end. I think the biggest culprit on the server has moved on from the game since I never see his characters around. The only recent camp contest I have had has been extremely cordial between the other guy and me.
Typically this happens when someone is afk killing in a quest mob area, such as a named that I need for a hunter. I just let them help me even if they don't know they are doing it.
I just let them pull for me, then I kill their mobs until I get my named. Once I get my named kill I move on.
If they're afk, it's not like they're going to stop you from taking the kill. This ofc doesn't work if they're doing the spawn locking junk.
It used to bother me when someone would take my spots, but I can respect their taste in hunting grounds so I usually leave them alone. Recently on one of the double exp weekends my spot was jacked so I ended up moving my toons into TBL expac to muck around... this place is like underfoot/high level SoD, no one goes there.
I just move along to a different spot or go instance grind for a while. We've got a couple of players running multiple groups 24/7 AFK farming some of the best spots (good named spawns, really good mob density for chase loot, and tucked away in a forgotten corner/tunnel), which sucks, but there's plenty of other real estate to farm in EQ.
If its just XP I find a different spot. There are plenty of spots in the world to xp in fine. If its someone grinding in the same area as a quest mob I need, I will just set up shop and take it then move on. If its a particular drop that I need, AC aug/dmg aug etc, that only has one drop location, and the group has been sitting on the same spot for more than a day or two already then they are getting evicted.
Most experiences I've had with AFK bot team encounters is that they're running scripts that will gate/port or camp out their team if another player gets too close to them or they receive direct tells. Problem solved :)
I usually move along - if they're there endlessly and it's something for a quest I might send a tell asking if it's ok for me kill too - if there's no reply then they're probably ok with me killing whatever I need and moving along so I just do that. Generally I don't want to cause any drama because that could come back to bite me so I always try to be as nice and polite as I can be.
depends on the situation. Back in EoK days I had people suddenly show up as soon as a named pop, even though i was the only one in the zone prior. Of course I spawned it. I got all kinds of angry tells about killing it, but hey, I put in the work, I'm going to get the reward. I have had that sort of thing occur for years now, all the way back to House of Thule. Now if I didn't spawn it, I'll just come back later because eventually it WILL be open, but if I spawned it, you're not taking it from me.
I have someone on my server who does that. I actually buy stuff from their baz mule lol. he sells very low and i resell and equip as needed. he will horde a camp for a few days then move to a different one. I actually invited one of his toons to a guild and made him an officer. its an old defunct guild that he was in many years ago. life is a circle. I am currently killing in the last camp he was in. sometimes its just patience. If they dont act like dicks, i dont respond in kind. if they do... well. i have bards, sk's, necros, and a monk and years of swarm pulls in experience. ( Havent had to resort to method B since i came back to eq a few years ago, but thats always an option if needed).

So many camps in the game, theres always gonna be 1 open for ya. Don't add to your own stress by letting yourself get worked up about 1 camp if you can help it ( sometimes we cant help but get worked up regardless of how hard we try, generally those days arent because of everquest related drama )

Best of days to you. Happy gaming

Discussion - Territory (Camp) Dispute

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