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Discussion - Speed leveling toons (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2023
I've been leveling up toons on TLP's for a bit now to built out my group. I'm looking to see what others have done to quickly level up, and weigh it against my process.

It takes me ~3-4 hours to level a toon from level 1 to 50, or a group of toons.


Level 60-75 Ranger + Cleric (Promised renewal makes this easier due to agro healing)

Level 1-5: Cast Damage shield on them with HP Buffs and let them roam a zone like Crushbone effectively pulling everything on to them.

Level 5-25 - Go to Unrest. Buff Ranger with full DS + HP Buffs and pull the main floor + outside.
The toon leveling up will either have to AE or go 1 by 1 and do 1 damage on each mob. This is a bit annoying until Xtar opens up, but this goes fast.
once Toon has done damage on mobs, ranger starts to Sit/stand rapidly to kill mobs with Damage SHield.

Then do the upstairs, then the basement.

Level 25-45 - Lower Guk
Same as above, Ranger pulls the undead side in 3 sections: Lord/Mage, Frenzi, Executioner to Bedroom.
Leveling toons do 1 damage on each mob (AE spells work good)
Ranger sits so damage shield kills mobs.

45-50 I've tried VElks and Griegs - Velks works a bit better as the mobs don't hit hard, but it's essentially a rinse/repeat.
I stop at 50 and let the new toons group with me for xp.

I do this on mobs that do not run, makes it easier for them to epstein on me.

I'm not sure what to do otherwise, I thought of fellowship exp but wasn't sure if it would work for under-level'd toons or personas.

Anyone else have different methods?
makes it easier for them to epstein on me.
Redcented for this line lol.

There are a few threads for this around, but I typically do 20-80 in the grounds with an sk and golden pick on the plee. I used to go higher but it really slows down after 80 so I made a 110 ranger to headshot in fm until they could group with my 120s in korsha’s lab, and then on to ToV.
On live I use the zone outside crescent reach (whatever it's called) to get them to 30, but got frustrated with how bad some of the hot Zones are so now I just take the level 30s to gyro a or b and mage ds the druid and practice melee skills. It's hilarious how up to 49 it's like 6 to 8 exp a kill and then Suddenly 50 to 60 takes less than an hour and it's 27ish per kill.
On live I use the zone outside crescent reach (whatever it's called) to get them to 30, but got frustrated with how bad some of the hot Zones are so now I just take the level 30s to gyro a or b and mage ds the druid and practice melee skills. It's hilarious how up to 49 it's like 6 to 8 exp a kill and then Suddenly 50 to 60 takes less than an hour and it's 27ish per kill.
I'm doing 50-75 now. Going to be interesting as 1-50 I was stuck at max 11% a kill.
I assume that they have to be within the level range to get XP right?
Yep! Sorry I could’ve been clearer. I stopped with the sk at 80 to start grouping with the 110 ranger because the level spread caps at 30. And they were never grouped with the sk.
on live servers, I pull the grounds up to 30 mobs or just make sure everything gets hit with a terror by my sk. Lvl 11/12s that did the runestone turn in for TSS then hitall and enjoy the crazy exp up to 85-90ish

on TLP mischief I run the same sort of deal but I take lowbies to the deep until 45-55ish then if they can group with me I'll do HoT lower or grounds to get them a bit higher to handle VoA stuff
Thanks for the tips here guys. When this TLP hits Thule I'll try that, and I can't believe I missed the Pick - would've been nice for non-ae chars to level up :|
Here’s the process I’ve been using with good success in the level 70-75 eras on Yelinak:

My PL team always includes a low level bard, a max level bard, and druid. This makes travel a breeze and gives me a ton of damage shield. Ideally I can bring a tank too. SK is preferred because their AoE aggro spells do not rely on mob HP or damage taken to be sufficient to keep aggro off of the low level bard. If I have a tank, I pull with the tank. Otherwise I pull with the bard. If I don’t have a tank to hold aggro, I use Vinelash Cascade on the druid to keep mobs away from the low levels.
The low level bard groups with the characters being PLed to get tags on mobs for them. This bard can be deleted after and remade as many times as needed.

Level 1-2: Start the tutorial and leave as quickly as possible.
This lets the bard get the Chords of Dissonance (free if you go talk to Rytan or whatever his name is to learn about spells). This is a PB AoE DoT with a -100 magic resist check which makes it land pretty reliably even on mobs that are quite a bit higher level than the bard.

Level 2-20ish: Unrest
I used to just do one pull of all the yard trash and then one pull of the rest of the zone but recent changes to put target caps on PB AoEs means I need to split things up a bit. This didn’t really slow me down as much as I expected though because most of the time is spent pulling anyway. The first few levels are the one of the slowest parts for my process. The yard trash doesn’t give quite enough exp to reliably hit everything inside so I might have to do it twice. Once my characters are at least high teens, it’s time to leave. This usually takes 1-2 clears of the zone depending on exp holidays, potions, etc.

Level 20ish-30ish: Solusek’s Eye
I pull the north side first, usually skipping the gnomes, then the south side. You can leave here even in the mid 20s if you want. One or two pulls of each half of the zone should get the job done.

Level 30ish-40ish: Lower Guk
I do undead side only. I pull everything up to the safe hall to the zone in near bedroom, then move into the safe hall. The respawn here sucks so I try to spend as little time in this zone as I can get away with. You can probably leave as early as 35.

Level 40ish-50ish: Velketor’s Labyrinth
I start with spiders. Post target cap I split this area into one pull for spiders on or near the ground and one pull for everything higher up. Once my PLees are at least 40, I move on to upper dogs. I then cycle UD and the castle until my guys are at least level 50 which is the minimum level required to group with my level 75 characters.

Level 50-60: Crypt of Decay
At this point I just group my PLees with my normal crew and smash stuff. You can pick any zone you like in the low to mid 60s range and the exp will fly.

Level 60-75 and AAs: Fibble 5 or Ashengate/Frostcrypt
AG and FC Let me start farming power sources for TSS raid armor. Fibble 5 is much safer for low levels.

On my most recent run, I was PLing 3 characters (including the bard) and I think I hit level 50 in about 3-3.5 hours. This was with no perks, no holiday bonus, no lessons, and no exp pots. This was also after the target cap nerfs. 50-75 takes another 2.5-3 hours.
Discussion - Speed leveling toons

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