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Discussion - Speculation on the new TLP ruleset (Tormax and Teek?) (1 Viewer)


the Degenerate
Oct 18, 2023
So, the word is we're going to hear the new ruleset next week. The server names were potentially leaked on Test this month, the names being Tormax and Teek.

However, that's about as far as the public information goes for right now. I'm hearing a lot of people who are dying to see what this monumental anniversary year has in store for the new TLP, but what do you guys think they're going to do?
I think they'll go for the easiest implementation with the least amount of effort. My money is on an amalgamation of the best rules from the past few TLPs.

I doubt they're going to do anything new and earth-shattering...

I don't play on the TLPs though..
i think they will try and implement another rule designed to make people less aggressive about FTE/camps, but everyone's gonna be just as hateful and angry over pixel lust anyway!

those TLP's are such a rats nest
JChan did say they were going to be using rulesets from their top most successful rulesets. So, it will be one that has a lot of bugs, exploits, and major plat dups! Aka Probably Mischief/Thornblade 2.0 with a mix of FTE type stuff.
If they made it non-Truebox I might even get down with it 🤣 Especially with something like mischief ruleset.
only reason i dont want it to be non-truebox is that it would be so much harder to make krono there low effort. in box world its really hard to make any money. TLP basically halves the ammount of RL cash i have to spend on my box team in the year. Blows my mind what people are willing to throw krono at to get ahead on those servers. i feel like the guy waiting outside a highschool to sell kids cigarettes for a dollar each.
I don’t play TLP with truebox because I want to box. I’ll definitely be down if they make a server without it. But also not holding my breath for it.
only reason i dont want it to be non-truebox is that it would be so much harder to make krono there low effort. in box world its really hard to make any money. TLP basically halves the ammount of RL cash i have to spend on my box team in the year. Blows my mind what people are willing to throw krono at to get ahead on those servers. i feel like the guy waiting outside a highschool to sell kids cigarettes for a dollar each.
I would be fine with one truebox and one non-truebox. I don't even care about the boxing aspect, I just want to be able to use MQ2 for all of the QoL it provides.
JChan did say they were going to be using rulesets from their top most successful rulesets. So, it will be one that has a lot of bugs, exploits, and major plat dups! Aka Probably Mischief/Thornblade 2.0 with a mix of FTE type stuff.
Yeah, I've heard a Selo's / Mischief server brought up as possibility a lot. The exploits and dupes are a given though. lol Just have to hope they won't be bad enough to kill the server like Oakwynd.
only reason i dont want it to be non-truebox is that it would be so much harder to make krono there low effort. in box world its really hard to make any money. TLP basically halves the ammount of RL cash i have to spend on my box team in the year. Blows my mind what people are willing to throw krono at to get ahead on those servers. i feel like the guy waiting outside a highschool to sell kids cigarettes for a dollar each.
I get you, it's a total gold rush whenever there's a new TLP and it's incredibly easy to make at least a couple bands just feeding the lazy players what they want. However, the issue I have with truebox is that it doesn't stop anyone from boxing if they actually want to. It's a menial task to circumvent the protection they have in place. So, while it does reduce the number of overall boxes on a server, I feel like it just makes it so the people who DO break the rules and remove code or something else that much stronger while just making a server non-truebox levels the playing field for everyone.
why bother speculating? right or wrong it has no bearing on anything and is luck at best.
Why not? I figured that we will know next week and this thread should still be up and active so we can continue the conversation about the new TLP ruleset. If you're not interested then you're not obligated to participate. But I was just thinking about what they could possibly do so I initiated a discussion on a discussion forum.
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Discussion - Speculation on the new TLP ruleset (Tormax and Teek?)

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