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Question - Setting up after a long break! (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2005

Oh it's glorious! I haven't done the tutorial having opted to just spawn in Crescent and start killing those undead skellies for coppers and exp. Kissassist seems to be working on the Zerker and Mage. All good there! The Bard is just singing but not joining in on fights - not really an issue as I think I know where I'm going wrong. Shammy is healing whilst I control the SK. Wizard is doing bugger all. Again, I'll have to look at the .ini! I do have a couple of questions.

Firstly, the list of Macros loaded presents itself on all but the SK and I'm not entirely sure how to get the window back up again. As an addendum to that, which ones should I turn on? I clicked the ones I thought might be no-brainers but auto group doesn't seem to accept invitations even though I've set that to 1 in the individual inis. Any recommendations for this? I'm working solely with kissassist for the time being as funds are tight to go for those cwtn macros - And I'm staying ftp until I get a feel for things.

Are there any links to what hotbutton commands I should set up to make things a little easier to run from one screen (not using iboxer).

How do I make the team look like they aren't fighting on top of each other? Is that the scatter command?

Oh, and the looting - the new looting option is a pain in the arse having the whole team to say yay or nay to specific items - any way of just making everyone loot as it comes up?

I'm sure I'll have some more questions but those are my most immediate asks! Thanks in advance,

Welcome back Nicesandwiches! Now I'm hungry, thanks :P

Firstly, the list of Macros loaded presents itself on all but the SK and I'm not entirely sure how to get the window back up again

Are there any links to what hotbutton commands I should set up to make things a little easier to run from one screen (not using iboxer).
Sic's hotkeys for sure

auto group doesn't seem to accept invitations even though I've set that to 1 in the individual inis
I've had a few guildies have trouble getting this setup and I'm not sure why as I have not tried it myself recently. I know they ended up forming the group with creat, adding toons they wanted and then logging out and back in again and it worked the next time they logged in after setting it up. Some had to edit the ini (as you appear to have done) to get it 100%

How do I make the team look like they aren't fighting on top of each other? Is that the scatter command?
I've seen this discussed multiple times and I really don't think there is solid way to do this. 6 toons flying around together and attacking = automation to most folks by now.

Once you feel like your're getting the hang of it (or to get a more in depth idea of what this site can do), then check out the plugins, macros, and lua's available to complement your automation. Things like MQ2pluginmanager, buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, MQ2Autoaccept, MQ2Status, GuildClicky, Boxhud, MQ2Buffme , and more. You'll also want to see Lua event manager.
Welcome back.
As for the loot you have mq2autoloot.
You can assign a master looter in your group and it will loot all, automatically.
This works well on FV where most of the loots are tradable.
As for the macro choice there is rgmerc that works mostly without configuration out of the box.
Grouper is an interface that contains most of the needed command to start.
Welcome back!
Bruce Willis Party GIF by IFC
Welcome back.
As for the loot you have mq2autoloot.
You can assign a master looter in your group and it will loot all, automatically.
This works well on FV where most of the loots are tradable.
As for the macro choice there is rgmerc that works mostly without configuration out of the box.
Grouper is an interface that contains most of the needed command to start.
Just a note on looting - if you have a friend playing with your group and you are using mq2autoloot then the friend gets nothing, zero, zilch. Which can be disheartening to see all that plat and rare items get scooped up by that one player. So if you might be having a non-associated friend joining your group keep that in mind. :)
Question - Setting up after a long break!

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