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Question - Run main toon on a pc and silver/free toons on second pc. (1 Viewer)


Nov 24, 2020
Want to run main toon on a pc and my 3 silver and 1 free toons on a second pc. Is it possible using EQBCS? Thanks in advance!
Not sure what your question is. Yes you can play toons on different PCs, communicate with them and control them using EQBC. You will have to set up your IP and have both PCs on the same network.
I will often run on 1-3 computers. Few notes.
MQ is not intended to run from shared location. You might need to find a way to keep configs in sync, and how to handle file conflicts. To me it’s easier if all the machines has all the same config files.

The CWTN class plugins will not handle buffs unless MQ is running from a shared location. They use a central buffs file to keep track of who has what. Running the MQ2CWTNBuffs plugin over a network causes a small, but noticeable, impact on performance. These are all great plugins, they just work best if everything is on a single computer running locally.

It not hard to run EQBS with multiple computers. You just need to know the IP (it can change every time you reboot) address of the “server” computer and open the one firewall port needed. I found getting DanNet working across multiple computer more of a pain than EQBC.

DanNet would require all the computers to be on the same network, EQBC does not. I would not suggest opening the EQBS port to the world, don’t think it would take long to show up on Shodan.
Make sure you check out ISBOXER as well. It handles multiple computers really well. If you want to launch your entire team at once, you just set up a SET of characters to launch - and which computers to launch them from.
Question - Run main toon on a pc and silver/free toons on second pc.

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