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Discussion - NoS question (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2022
Hey folks, so who is getting (got) NoS or plans to get it soon? I am thinking of waiting a bit, so places are not so crowded. Would love to hear your ideas.
Ran through Firefall Pass quests and even a couple camps that could be named.

There were other groups, but it didn't feel crowded.
Possibly everyone was in Shar Vahl, don't know.
Possibly that will change come the weekend.

But I was at no loss for room to move and kill and camp.
Hey folks, so who is getting (got) NoS or plans to get it soon? I am thinking of waiting a bit, so places are not so crowded. Would love to hear your ideas.
Personally I am in no rush at all. I have let all accounts go to FTP except my main tank. With that being the case, there's nothing of interest just yet. I have plenty of things to do from previous xpacs. If this were a level increased xpac I would be thinking differently.
Ran through Firefall Pass quests and even a couple camps that could be named.

There were other groups, but it didn't feel crowded.
Possibly everyone was in Shar Vahl, don't know.
Possibly that will change come the weekend.

But I was at no loss for room to move and kill and camp.
If you don't mind sharing, what server?
Did a little beta on my main, bumped 6 more toons up to NOS, now have to spend a week or two getting them up to 120 and maxing out the aa's. Not in a real hurry to hit the new stuff yet, still a lot of unfinished business in TOL.
I spent few hours just to get the partisan needed to do first heroic mission:
You can just say the trigger phrase to the NPC and he will give you the mission. It's like the end boss of Dragon's Lair for NES where you can just walk past him and win the game.
I'm not in a big hurry to buy the expansion for 6+ accounts. Content wise it looks like it's pretty much more of the same stuff we've gotten for awhile. However, the Tradeskill Depot is the first feature in a long time that's made me think about getting it for at least one account before I even hit the new content.
Discussion - NoS question

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