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Question - Melee 6 Box Group (1 Viewer)

Jan 25, 2020
So I feel like I have a pretty solid caster group that I enjoy playing (SK, CLR, ENC, MAG, MAG, NEC). However, I'm still trying to nail down my melee group. Here is my current melee group and potential alts I could sub in. Just trying to find a solid group that could handle almost anything EQ throws at them.

Main melee group:
- SK
- SHM (currently lower level so I'm PLing him. I have my CLR out of the group to heal)
- BER (I have a ROG on this account that I could swap out)

For the 6th spot I'm torn on if I should put a RNG, BST, or some other class that I'm not thinking of. I've heard RNGs are great to play but I haven't gotten any of his AAs yet so he just sitting in the back shooting arrows haha.

Would love your thoughts and pros/cons.

I would go Rogue and a BST for ferocity. Also it gives your casters mana regen.

Edit: Rogues get a buff in DoDH Thief's eyes that increase chance to hit by 5% and another one later on in call of the forsaken that increases chance to hit and accuracy by a lot.
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SK/SHM/ROG/BER/BRD/BST seems to be the optimal melee group in my experience. Some might argue double up BER or ROG, but I don't like overlap if I can help it.
I'm a big fan of that overlap with my rogues, because I like the dps increase when alliance triggers. I'm also absolutely addicted to 3 rogues sneaking anywhere I want to be to drop a fire safely and quickly. Js.
Also, my dps is noticeably higher when I use a bst instead of a bard. If you need more rogues, I can find a way to help you out!
I'm a big fan of that overlap with my rogues, because I like the dps increase when alliance triggers. I'm also absolutely addicted to 3 rogues sneaking anywhere I want to be to drop a fire safely and quickly. Js.
Also, my dps is noticeably higher when I use a bst instead of a bard. If you need more rogues, I can find a way to help you out!
I thought, could be wrong here, but if using CWTN, can you not force alliance if your other melees are using poisons?

SHD,SHM,BRD,BST,BER,ROG is super fricken solid.
I'm a big fan of that overlap with my rogues, because I like the dps increase when alliance triggers. I'm also absolutely addicted to 3 rogues sneaking anywhere I want to be to drop a fire safely and quickly. Js.
Also, my dps is noticeably higher when I use a bst instead of a bard. If you need more rogues, I can find a way to help you out!
Yeah my challenge right now is my 115 BER is on the same account as my 114 ROG. My other BER is 99 so he's lacking atm.
Shd/shm/brd/bst/zerk/rog would be my ideal setup. Melee groups are a lot more fun to me personally, since u don't have to wait for mana so much (looking at u mages). I've run a group of shd/enc/clr/ber/ber/bst for few years now and i've had no problems. Enchanter has saved my ass many times.
I would say with what you have imo roll with sk,shm,brd,rog,zerk, and bst.

Make sure your rogue makes poisons and pass them out to all your melee. Should be some killer dps and with bst and bard you get good adps and mana Regen.

I run war,shm,brd, bst,zerkx2 and we never have to pause for med unless someone dies. Even then if it is the shm or bst, we can keep going usually.
Question - Melee 6 Box Group

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