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Discussion - LS Type 5 non-lore Aug gathering (1 Viewer)

Jun 4, 2023
I watch the bazaar on my live server. I've seen a lot of the same gear from certain mobs for sale and it just kills the economy for those items as the prices get lower and lower. I'm confident some of it is from farming augs.
BLUF: If you didn't know, you can sell the non-lore type 5 aug you don't need/want to the aug vendor for 350 Laurion Inn Vouchers.
My own hunting for the melee non-lore type 5 augs (vendor sold for 500 Laurion Inn Vouchers) I was only averaging 1 drop per 4/5 hours of hunting. With nothing to lose, I went and tried farmed the non-melee, non-lore type 5 augs. I found that some of them dropped more often then the melee augs did. So much so, that it made hunting the non-melee augs worth while. I ended up gathering 30 or so of the non-melee augs, going to the aug vendor and selling them for 350 Laurion Inn Voucher, then turning around and purchasing the 20 type 5's I wanted and a 42 slot bag to boot. Rinse and repeat x 6 in what I'd call short order compared to hunting for the dex or agi augs.
Where? whistles ...tunelessly... I'll ...Keep... this ...Boss... to myself., It's a boring 3 mobs at the top of the ramp, but that just means I was less likely to die. *smirks and chortles at hisself* then *exits stage left* ~snagglepuss.
And remember, quit under-cutting each other and just match the price. It'll all sell eventually.
i just farmed the 2 missions for the vouchers and bought all the type 5 i needed for 12 toons ... by the time i farmed 12 necks i had completed the 5's and had enough leftover to buy a bag or two on some. the missions are def a lot faster than farming named in my opinion
i just farmed the 2 missions for the vouchers and bought all the type 5 i needed for 12 toons ... by the time i farmed 12 necks i had completed the 5's and had enough leftover to buy a bag or two on some. the missions are def a lot faster than farming named in my opinion
Understood. Not having done the the missions yet, It took me about 24-28 hours of hunting to get the 30 aug drops I needed for each toon. An alternative way to do it I wreckon.
Also if u happen to loot a type 5 that u dont need you can sell them to the merchant for 350 currencies to buy the one u want. So while your doing hunters you get the Agi one to drop you can sell it
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Is there any certain place the augs drop? I been killing for days and haven't seen 1.
Ive gotten them from T2 named only. While thats not the end all, I have killed tons of T1's, and havent seen, off T2's, least get one every now and then. They share that "loot" table afaik, so any T2 can drop a type 5 (as additional loot)?..
Ive gotten them from T2 named only. While thats not the end all, I have killed tons of T1's, and havent seen, off T2's, least get one every now and then. They share that "loot" table afaik, so any T2 can drop a type 5 (as additional loot)?..
They drop in T1 zones too. Specific mobs are mark like the efreeti named in LI. The EQ resource link above shows that also.
Efreeti/Djinn drops the Wis/Dex one and Spectre/Lich drop the Agi one quite often in my experience
Supply and demand are working as intended in a free market.

I don't think you will be able to convince a meaningful number of sellers to stop undercutting. The bazaar is the only PVP left in EQ.

If you feel strongly about the value of an item, you could routinely scoop up all the under priced ones off the market, thus driving the price up to where you feel it should be.
I watch the bazaar on my live server. I've seen a lot of the same gear from certain mobs for sale and it just kills the economy for those items as the prices get lower and lower. I'm confident some of it is from farming augs.
BLUF: If you didn't know, you can sell the non-lore type 5 aug you don't need/want to the aug vendor for 350 Laurion Inn Vouchers.
My own hunting for the melee non-lore type 5 augs (vendor sold for 500 Laurion Inn Vouchers) I was only averaging 1 drop per 4/5 hours of hunting. With nothing to lose, I went and tried farmed the non-melee, non-lore type 5 augs. I found that some of them dropped more often then the melee augs did. So much so, that it made hunting the non-melee augs worth while. I ended up gathering 30 or so of the non-melee augs, going to the aug vendor and selling them for 350 Laurion Inn Voucher, then turning around and purchasing the 20 type 5's I wanted and a 42 slot bag to boot. Rinse and repeat x 6 in what I'd call short order compared to hunting for the dex or agi augs.
Where? whistles ...tunelessly... I'll ...Keep... this ...Boss... to myself., It's a boring 3 mobs at the top of the ramp, but that just means I was less likely to die. *smirks and chortles at hisself* then *exits stage left* ~snagglepuss.
And remember, quit under-cutting each other and just match the price. It'll all sell eventually.

Thank you for the information, I had no idea they could be sold to the vendor. I have just been destroying them! :bang:
I can't speak for every server but there are 2 economies on our server. And neither is based on Augs. The real bazaar value is in your old stuff. As you do this with more toons you start to make in the millions per week. That's when you enter the second economy. Where you buy your armor from a dealer. A player who spends most of his time selling the high end stuff you want. Or you may pick up something on General Chat it's no longer just for lunatics. Now high end items to expensive to sell in the bazaar.
Don't let the sticker shock scare you away someday you'll spend 98 million on 8/8 armor and 90 million on 11/11 Non vis and you won't blink an eye. But you do it the resale shop way not the farming Augs way. At least on my server. It's what the few know and the many seek to figure out.
Discussion - LS Type 5 non-lore Aug gathering

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