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Looking for Testers (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 12, 2006
CComp5950 said I could post and upload this.


Have an account you don't mind getting suspended or banned?

Please try this out. for commands type /shelp.

my theory is warp shouldn't get you banned, ghost and some other's might.


ALSO don't go in anguish and start warping and ghosting.
Someone on mmo has been suspended for
"targeting npc's out of range" They are watching this zone and alot of other high end zones.

load up mq2 from zip. then in game type /plugin mq2stuff

Don't load other plugins.
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Warp Function Works
Succoring Function Works
Gate Function Works
SetGrav Function = will move to grav specified but will not levitate. begin falling immediately.

Getting ready to test Ghost functions.

Ok..something weird happened. I was testing out the ghost mode and everything was working fine. I decided to change the grav...set it to ten..splat..dead..(using a old toon..lvl 17 frog with no gear.)..anyways, load up mq2rez../rezzme...splat. dead again. WTF. /setgrav was still set to 10, so I dropped it down to 0../rezzme..had four corpses. Only died twice. Well, figured through all that had happened ghost had turned off. Looted corpse and moved to same area as origional starting point, typed in /ghost on...recieved "Ghost mode is already on." No Biggie. Typed in /ghost return..returned me back to origional starting point. Heres the thing. Just so happened to be a cleric running through who casted rez on all four corpses..which i accepted. And I talked to him. So, he saw me, conversed with me, and rezzed me, all while i was ghosted...

Also, after all this i tried ghosting again. Said I was, but I could hail ever npc i came accross. Also, from opposite end of zone, I /ghost return'ed back to origional starting point.

/findpath = Disconnect. - Gave the path with correct zone name and #, but then black screen of death.."You have been Disconnected from the server."

Can not (will not) test monk commands as I refuse to play a monk with all the stupidity going on surrounding that class right now.

No response or feedback from warping as of yet, and no suspensions or bans.
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ya I'll edit the first post, don't do monk commands

as for grav, ya it's broken, not big tho, mostly looking at warp, zone, gate , ghost.

You can talk to people and get rezz'd while ghosted. You sure you did /ghost off? or /ghost return?
if Sony his wise they will wait at leats a week before banning people :P to let us in the not so sure on how to safely do it things!

Also they added way more then just the cypher on opcodes, they added total packet send, total packet recv and another counter that im not totally sure what it does, also last packet sent with some kind of checksum, also function to return back to server client total packet send / receive and the other weird counter with last packet sent and data.

So why they go so much deeper in their stuff just to mess with us? i really doubt it, dont know who sony hire but it's not the same stupid guy that did the movement tracker things!

So if you really care about your account i would suggest you wait for more feedbacks. By the way nice job bro, you bypass all every easy check that i could think of.
Omiime said:
You can talk to people and get rezz'd while ghosted. You sure you did /ghost off? or /ghost return?

Was ghosted when i died the first time. Thought ghost would turn off becuase of the zone affect that rezzing has. The cleric saw me right after i died...matter of fact he sorta popped there right afterwards and I was like "
Damn, that was fast..bye bye little froggie" thinking he was a gm. But he didnt say nothing and he gave me the rezz's so i dont know. He stayed in zone for a while but didnt move position...guess he had just logged in and was getting situated. Not real sure how /rezzme works, but I'm guessing it doesnt zone you out and back in. I know when i used /ghost before, if you zoned you lost ghost.

Never used /ghost off...only ghost on and ghost return.
Luna2006 said:
Was ghosted when i died the first time. Thought ghost would turn off becuase of the zone affect that rezzing has. The cleric saw me right after i died...matter of fact he sorta popped there right afterwards and I was like "
Damn, that was fast..bye bye little froggie" thinking he was a gm. But he didnt say nothing and he gave me the rezz's so i dont know. He stayed in zone for a while but didnt move position...guess he had just logged in and was getting situated. Not real sure how /rezzme works, but I'm guessing it doesnt zone you out and back in. I know when i used /ghost before, if you zoned you lost ghost.

Never used /ghost off...only ghost on and ghost return.

Nah ghost doesn't turn off unless you zone, or turn it off.
(zoning might be broken, I'll check just make sure)

rezzme don't zone or you anything.


Do I need convert this to french??? WARP DOES NOT SEND PACKETS.
(OK OK, Maybe there are some versions that do. This ones, and one in RG (Redquest) does not)

So we don't care about their packet sending right now.
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Omiime said:

Do I need convert this to french??? WARP DOES NOT SEND PACKETS.
(OK OK, Maybe there are some versions that do. This ones, and one in RG (Redquest) does not)

For what its worth, my 2 cents on these warp bannings is that, I don't think SOE is looking for a "Packet" to bust folks for warping. I have asked some of the folks that were suspended what version of warp they were using. All of them were using rWarp which does not send a packet. I am guessing that soe is running a log parser that is somehow looking at distance traveled vs time to travel it and if it exceeds a certain parameter then they know u warped and they ban you, Perhaps making shorter 3 or 4 warp hops across a zone rather then one large one may prevent them from finding you as easy and this may also be why some folks that warped 1 or 2 times got banned and some did not if their warp distances were shorter and fell under the "Tolerance Levels" set in the parser. Soe has to have some Tolerance level set or they will be banning everyone that has a lag spike

I also recall reading an SOE post about them having such a parser a few weeks back.
Well, i warped from one side of zone to the other...and was in Nethers Lair so quit a distance. As of yet I am still able to log on account with no suspicious activity or warning. Will keep forum posted on the details.
Luna2006 said:
Well, i warped from one side of zone to the other...and was in Nethers Lair so quit a distance. As of yet I am still able to log on account with no suspicious activity or warning. Will keep forum posted on the details.

Ok so that would indicate to me based on what you are saying is that they are running their warp querry on various zones at random times and if you happen to be warping thru an area that falls within their report params, time frame and zone then you are caught
Omiime said:
Nah ghost doesn't turn off unless you zone, or turn it off.
(zoning might be broken, I'll check just make sure)

rezzme don't zone or you anything.


Do I need convert this to french??? WARP DOES NOT SEND PACKETS.
(OK OK, Maybe there are some versions that do. This ones, and one in RG (Redquest) does not)

So we don't care about their packet sending right now.

Maybe is cause you are so brillant then 3 got already banned!
s0rcier said:
Maybe is cause you are so brillant then 3 got already banned!

Name who got banned. Where's it is posted. Here? MMO?

I posted here it and mmo lietime.
ONE person on mmo said they got suspended that used. No one here has yet.
(And who knows if it's even related or not)

So who got banned from using it..........
If your going lie and make up shit, do a better a job.

Lets see mmo ban tracker, NONE of these people had access to my thing, or ran it.

my account was suspended this morning and all i was using was melee plugin on monk if you use any of the compiles and keep getting disconeccted i think soe is using a tracking program i had 4 disconnects then bam suspended no word on how or why.i sent a email to soe waitng on a responce.....

I also got suspended yesterday evening..just sitting in lobby reading forums and buffing when audio triggers went off, haven't sent an email don't want them looking too closely at me lol

Banned main raiding account On Bristlebane I did warp 1 time when compile went life before warning shot out. Then i unloaded mq2 and was fine for days it seemed i was Alright then boom today try and log on and banned. I called and asked why am I banned they said i had another infraction on my account but i was never suspended for it. i dont know why they would ban me for one infraction when so many get suspension /tear.

Omiime said:
Name who got banned. Where's it is posted. Here? MMO?

I posted here it and mmo lietime.
ONE person on mmo said they got suspended that used. No one here has yet.
(And who knows if it's even related or not)

So who got banned from using it..........
If your going lie and make up shit, do a better a job.


3 folks on this page alone reported they got suspended / banned for just using rWarp.. http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php?t=12420&page=14&pp=15

If its your first time caught you typically get a 10 day suspension and a 20 day roll back 2nd time caught and you are banned.
lol that is from using the redguides compile before they put out the no warp warning... Using Omiime's compile I have not seen anyone saying they have gotten banned so far... Try reading next time.
Unless sony is now checking all movements.

example loc 1,1,1 to 200,200,200 (which you couldn't possible do, unless summon'd or coh'd) then we are screwed, which was always the case.

This has nothing to do with new Opcodes or what they added check on recieve/send packets.

On the other hand, if you ghost or switch or anything that either blocks/sends packets. And Don't do anything to adjust the new code Sony added, then you'll get caught very easy.

So again, unless they are now checking for all differences in movement that don't make sense, IT should be safe.
Just an update...going into 24th hour after using plugin and account is still active. Logged on the account last night before going to bed and was still logged in when i woke up this morning (was using trader). Might have to wait until Monday to see for sure if any activity was noticed...it being the weekend and all the gm's or report people might have the time off from work.
Luna2006 said:
Just an update...going into 24th hour after using plugin and account is still active. Logged on the account last night before going to bed and was still logged in when i woke up this morning (was using trader). Might have to wait until Monday to see for sure if any activity was noticed...it being the weekend and all the gm's or report people might have the time off from work.

Check the account status, just cause your in game, doesn't mean they didn't suspend or ban you.

There are two people on mmo, that used, who got suspended. Thing that isn't known. Are they from using this, or something they did before it.
Blueice22 said:
lol that is from using the redguides compile before they put out the no warp warning... Using Omiime's compile I have not seen anyone saying they have gotten banned so far... Try reading next time.

What the hell difference does it make who's compile anyone users. You could use Fred Flinstones compile for all I care rWarp DOESNT SEND PACKETS and yet folks warping are getting banned.

It is my personal belief they have a movement parser that they set on certian zones at certian times. If you happen thru an area they are parsing (ie speed traps) at the time it is running then you are busted.

SOE has said they have such a parser on their own forums at this point I am not doubting them. How else would you explain all of the folks that are busted for using rWarp just one time? As always using active hacks can get you suspended / banned so as always use them at your own risk.. I have one account I never wish to risk so I never use any type of active hack on that one account.

Folks on these forums have received the following from SOE

Customer Service has taken a very hard stance on the use of 3rd Party Software to gain unfair advantages in-game. Those who have used the software and those who have benefited from others using the software have had action taken against their accounts. We have logs that specifically show Hate Lists for high end mobs, the number of characters involved in the encounter, warp logs showing un-intended movement through out the zone, as well as loot logs that show us the items looted.

Those who were suspended recently were all involved in directly triggering hacker logs and cheat logs. If you are in a group with someone who is using this software, you too will be suspended or worse for your involvement. In the future, should you find that someone you are involved with is using this software; my suggestion is that you make it known to Customer Service immediately and leave the group or raid.
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For the corpse problem, it's actually a bug in EverQuest, if you take enough damage fast enough, you can actually replicate death before the server catches the packet, and then it receives additional ones, and you die, alot.
As of 10 pm EST the account i was using to test this has been suspended. Haven't been able to contact customer service as of yet..think i will wait and see if i get an email first.

At any rate...what it proves is that you might not get caught right when you are doing it but it will eventually catch up to you...lol...

Wonder if it was the warping or the ghosting?
With regard to warping...I wonder how well of an argument can be made for Call of Hero...or even being "summoned by a mob after you tried to run from it".
Easy, any server initiated legitimate position "insta" movement has a log entry which says why it occurred. Those updates come from the server and thus can't be faked by a client.

12:00:00 - Position is 0,0,0
12:00:01 - Call of Heroes position update occurred. New position is 2000,2000,0. (or mob summon, or teleporter pad, etc...)
12:00:02 - Position is 2000,2000,0

A log parser could easily read that and ignore legit movement. It's child's play to code a system that would account for legit movement. For ages I've been telling my friends who warp that if SOE really wanted to catch warpers, a pure distance delta calculation with a tolerance level and some logging as I've described above, would seem to make an air tight trap. It's always been thrown around that if SOE really wanted to catch people they could. It seems the GK'er's have given them the ambition to actually go for it. Now people have tried to tell me that it would be to processor intensive. I don't buy that. Everything in the EQ world is about distance. They do millions of these calculations every second. Aggro radius, hit box radius, spell casting range, ranged attacks, etc etc etc. Distance delta's are the lifeblood of EQ, what's one more?

sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY)) just isn't that hard to do.

I sure hope I'm wrong, or after the purge that they stop caring again... time will tell. We're all just guessing at this point.
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flazuer said:
A log parser could easy read that and ignore legit movement. It's child's play to code a system that would account for legit movement. For ages I've been telling my friends who warp that if SOE really wanted to catch warpers, a pure distance delta calculation with a tollerance level and some logging as I've described above, would seem to make an air tight trap. It's always been thrown around that if SOE really wanted to catch people they could. It seems the GK'er's have given them the ambition to actually go for it.

What's more with a good log paser you dont have to worry about keeping up with every new hack out there in order to ban folks for cheating. Thats pretty much how wow bans folks for even using shit like the logitech programmable keyboards
NEW POLICY - 10 day suspension and 20 day rollback NO MATTER WHAT 1st time or NOT , trust me im on the legal dptment so far with SoE because of this lol
I been useing this to warp haven't been busted either .. It's just a buggy warp that will crash you if you do like back to back warps so gking out of the question.
I know it says not to do monk commands or w/e but I have a test monk I dont play anymore because he sufferd the roll back from hell and I actually got the monk commands to work .... but since it warps so much it crashes soon as you start to kill somethin but atleast you will see it working for a few seconds hehe.
As for warping I don't think they monitor zones that really dont matter. I warped in many lowbie zones and no disconects... I decided to roll the bard same person that was warping around zones, to vxed. I started up mac outside and she ran great got the mission came into vxed got setup /warped loc "CTD"!! I was freaking out. GLAD to say no problems in 3 weeks and she continues to run in FH NONE STOP for last 3 weeks. not one problem so far but no active hacking.
Well GL on getting those logs, the have refused to show me the motherfuckers like 10 times thats why im stuck on the legal dptment. Its just annoying.
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