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Toast - Level 2 Access - Mega thread (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
Silverspaceman you have 3 months level 2 access on me

Doomzday you have 3 months level 2 access on me

Revith you have 12 months level 2 access on me.
I figure it's easier just to put everyone I hit with level 2 access in one place rather than polute 50 threads. And this way guys can come here if they want to try level 2. I'll get them hooked. LoL
Silverspaceman you have 3 months level 2 access on me

Doomzday you have 3 months level 2 access on me

Revith you have 12 months level 2 access on me.

@RobRenfro going all Oprah with lvl 2's...lol

Oprah Winfrey Car GIF
Whenever I give someone level 2 access I'll just post it in this thread. And if someone in the forums wants wants a free taste they can come here and they will get it.
Rob this is very generous of you, and a good idea to keep it in a thread. I'm removing Redcents in this thread as I don't want it to turn into a Redcent circle. (We still need to incentivize people to script and help one another)

Ya know, I can honestly say I've never met a Rob I don't like. Not trying to be a suck up, but I truly cant think of one lol.
When my sister and I were little, my parents had a friend named Rob. He was quite flatulent. She and I called him the gas man. We didn't care for him but our parents got along with him great.
Man you are amazing. Thank you for everything. People like you are the reason I still have hope for us humans! Keep on being kind and amazing!
This is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me on the forums. And anyone who reads something this nice about themselves without loving it is a better person than I am. Because this is who I want to be. The guy who renews your faith in people. And Abb just told me in her opinion I'm succeeding at that. I promise to keep working hard. Keep paying my good fortune forward and earning your respect.
Scorpius you have 3 months of level 2 access on me

This is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me on the forums. And anyone who reads something this nice about themselves without loving it is a better person than I am. Because this is who I want to be. The guy who renews your faith in people. And Abb just told me in her opinion I'm succeeding at that. I promise to keep working hard. Keep paying my good fortune forward and earning your respect.

Trully amazing, and many thanks Rob, this is really appreciated, I cant that thank you enough
Old EQ player here that has dabbled in mq2 but never tried redguides. Would love a chance to try it out :)
Toast - Level 2 Access - Mega thread

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