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Discussion - Let's talk Warrior main (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.
Don't play a warrior main, but I've been pretty disappointed thus far in just how far behind my SK the warrior is for tanking group content. SK's are so ridiculously overpowered in the group game its not even funny.

If you're going to keep the Warrior tank over a knight, go with a 2nd priest instead of the Bard since you're keeping the Enc. You'll be happy for the second rezzer on silence/run events, the Warrior has less tools to support itself without heals when compared to the knight. That being said, I'd take a bard over the enc regardless of the rest of the group's composition...but that isn't what you asked. I know you mentioned the cleric merc....but frankly if you're boxing, you should just get another real toon even if its FTP. It will still be more capable than a merc.
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.
@cintile warriors are boss...no better raid tank. Get ready to become a clicky item lootwhore...

Happy Monday Morning GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
Don't play a warrior main, but I've been pretty disappointed thus far in just how far behind my SK the warrior is for tanking group content. SK's are so ridiculously overpowered in the group game its not even funny.

If you're going to keep the Warrior tank over a knight, go with a 2nd priest instead of the Bard since you're keeping the Enc. You'll be happy for the second rezzer on silence/run events, the Warrior has less tools to support itself without heals when compared to the knight. That being said, I'd take a bard over the enc regardless of the rest of the group's composition...but that isn't what you asked. I know you mentioned the cleric merc....but frankly if you're boxing, you should just get another real toon even if its FTP. It will still be more capable than a merc.

I would think that Shm/druid + cleric merc would be an abundance of heals for the warrior? I get your point tho about using a F2P cleric over a merc.

@cintile warriors are boss...no better raid tank. Get ready to become a clicky item lootwhore...

Happy Monday Morning GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

lol... do you have a Warrior clicky item list to go along with your Sk list?
I wish I could just be happy with my SK. He's 113, he's already got 1.5 and he's an old character that Ive had for a while. But I just feel so... clunky trying to play him. I've tried mimicing what MQ2eskay does, but I can't even match 50% of the dps at times doing it myself and my death rate is way higher. Now. atm I don't have a full group to add to him. It's just bard and Mage and 3 mercs at the moment. Maybe when I get the rest of the team with him it will be ok, but I'll have a Warrior leveled up by then too. Soo...

What would happen if I mained a Warrior but still had Sk in the group using CWTN? The Sk would remove the BST from the lineup tho.

Would be a double tank lineup. War/SK/Drd/Ench/Mage/Shm (druid can be swapped for bard)

That's a good idea...most are applicable but warriors have a bunch more. Maybe you can start your own...so you can get your signature line in play too :)

Well... I'm at work so I can either crunk numbers all day or work on a list...... Warrior list it is! I'll look at yours and do some research.
I wish I could just be happy with my SK. He's 113, he's already got 1.5 and he's an old character that Ive had for a while. But I just feel so... clunky trying to play him. I've tried mimicing what MQ2eskay does, but I can't even match 50% of the dps at times doing it myself and my death rate is way higher. Now. atm I don't have a full group to add to him. It's just bard and Mage and 3 mercs at the moment. Maybe when I get the rest of the team with him it will be ok, but I'll have a Warrior leveled up by then too. Soo...

What would happen if I mained a Warrior but still had Sk in the group using CWTN? The Sk would remove the BST from the lineup tho.

Would be a double tank lineup. War/SK/Drd/Ench/Mage/Shm (druid can be swapped for bard)

You'll have a whole nother learning curve if you reroll warrior just b/c you think it'll be easier to play than SK. It takes plenty of time to get good at a tank and feel comfortable with it. Give yourself time and put effort into improving your keybinds, multibinds, etc to make the SK easier.
You'll have a whole nother learning curve if you reroll warrior just b/c you think it'll be easier to play than SK. It takes plenty of time to get good at a tank and feel comfortable with it. Give yourself time and put effort into improving your keybinds, multibinds, etc to make the SK easier.

If anyone has a link to a post as beautiful as the Warrior one above, I would be happy to redo my keybinds and try a little longer.
Another thought. I actually know how to play my BST, quite well actually. I know everyone says, "you need to drive with your tank". However, what If I had a Warrior on CWTN, set to "TANK"? '

So line up would be BST/Druid/Mage + Warrior / Ench / SHM

Third options, I roll up a Monk instead of warrior.

SK/DRU/Mage + Monk/Ench/SHM

I think with my playstyle, I would be better served if CWTN managed my tank for me.
Another thought. I actually know how to play my BST, quite well actually. I know everyone says, "you need to drive with your tank". However, what If I had a Warrior on CWTN, set to "TANK"? '

So line up would be BST/Druid/Mage + Warrior / Ench / SHM

Third options, I roll up a Monk instead of warrior.

SK/DRU/Mage + Monk/Ench/SHM

I think with my playstyle, I would be better served if CWTN managed my tank for me.
Neither is really a bad option IMO. You could drive and pull with the BST, then the WAR would take over tanking once the mob is in camp. Most folks suggest driving with your tank, but you do you. Enjoy the game however you want.
At the end of the day you just need to play what makes you happy. With your level 2 access and FTP accounts, make all and try them out. Everybody knows you need a meat shield, healer and some sort of CC. Stir in your flavor of dps and get cooking. When that works to your satisfaction, roll another crew and experiment some more. Next thing you know you will have a raid force.
My 2 cent.

I drove with my Necro for about 1 year, it was a pita. The tank (plugin/software) is design to drive the rest of the group period!

If your not going to raid with your Warrior and do not use him for group continent.
They suck at it, they are the worst tank for group/missions.

FYI, I have used raid geared Warrior, Paly and Sk.
The SK was the best, the rest wasn't even close.
My 2 cent.

I drove with my Necro for about 1 year, it was a pita. The tank (plugin/software) is design to drive the rest of the group period!

If your not going to raid with your Warrior and do not use him for group continent.
They suck at it, they are the worst tank for group/missions.

FYI, I have used raid geared Warrior, Paly and Sk.
The SK was the best, the rest wasn't even close.

Do you play your SK or do you watch your group? That's the issue I'm running into. If I'm going to "Drive" with my SK then I'm going to have to get Substantially better! The weird thing is, I leveled this guy from scratch years ago. This was not a PLed character, but by the time I get to ToV content, its like I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe its that the content changed enough in difficulty that my lack of skills is now shining through painfully.

And maybe I just need to get use to the idea that I pull and do a couple things using "Manual" but once the mob is in camp CWTN takes over the fight. That's fine and all, and great when I'm multitasking. However, when I really want to be engaged, I feel like I'm just twittling my thumbs watching someone else play Everquest on twitch or something. lol. I need to find some sort of balance that works. I'm curious if anyone has a suggestion in that regard.
Do you play your SK or do you watch your group? That's the issue I'm running into. If I'm going to "Drive" with my SK then I'm going to have to get Substantially better! The weird thing is, I leveled this guy from scratch years ago. This was not a PLed character, but by the time I get to ToV content, its like I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe its that the content changed enough in difficulty that my lack of skills is now shining through painfully.

And maybe I just need to get use to the idea that I pull and do a couple things using "Manual" but once the mob is in camp CWTN takes over the fight. That's fine and all, and great when I'm multitasking. However, when I really want to be engaged, I feel like I'm just twittling my thumbs watching someone else play Everquest on twitch or something. lol. I need to find some sort of balance that works. I'm curious if anyone has a suggestion in that regard.
Make a new sk and use it to relearn the class?

The new content is great and all... But there is still value in going back through old content with a new group and whatever amount of automation you're comfortable with. Especially with classes your not familiar with. Take it slow and enjoy the ride like it's all new!
Make a new sk and use it to relearn the class?

The new content is great and all... But there is still value in going back through old content with a new group and whatever amount of automation you're comfortable with. Especially with classes your not familiar with. Take it slow and enjoy the ride like it's all new!

I can't tell you how many times I've also considered this. For several reasons. 1) I want my BST in group which shares account with current SK. 2) I don't like my SK's name. 3) to relearn and get comfortable and create a bond again with the character.

main reason I haven't - Don't want to mess with doing epic again. lol... I know seems silly.

This is probably the right way to go honestly.
I can't tell you how many times I've also considered this. For several reasons. 1) I want my BST in group which shares account with current SK. 2) I don't like my SK's name. 3) to relearn and get comfortable and create a bond again with the character.

main reason I haven't - Don't want to mess with doing epic again. lol... I know seems silly.

This is probably the right way to go honestly.
Skip 1.0. Do 1.5 and 2.0. They are not too bad.
Do you play your SK or do you watch your group? That's the issue I'm running into. If I'm going to "Drive" with my SK then I'm going to have to get Substantially better! The weird thing is, I leveled this guy from scratch years ago. This was not a PLed character, but by the time I get to ToV content, its like I have no idea what I'm doing. Maybe its that the content changed enough in difficulty that my lack of skills is now shining through painfully.

And maybe I just need to get use to the idea that I pull and do a couple things using "Manual" but once the mob is in camp CWTN takes over the fight. That's fine and all, and great when I'm multitasking. However, when I really want to be engaged, I feel like I'm just twittling my thumbs watching someone else play Everquest on twitch or something. lol. I need to find some sort of balance that works. I'm curious if anyone has a suggestion in that regard.

I been playing a necro for over 20 years, I had no idea how to use a SK, I had to learn him while raiding. When we do not have second main tank, my SK does it. SK are easy and fun. Watch Sic videos on what the setting does. I have different settings depending if I am raiding, doing group or mission's.

Example: if your raiding set your AoE count to a high number, like 99. That way you do not AE agro everything. Also set camp radius to like 10, that forces you to move to your target manually. Group stuff is easy, just run vorpal, and use grouper lua.
That will give semi-auto control over the Sk. Even watch how the plugin control him, you learn a lot from that alone.

Run it in manual mode if you want full control of SK tank abilities.
I think you should move to test server for a few(free gold status and plugins)
and make yourself a proper full group with the right automation to see how much more fun and a better overall experience eq can be when things start becoming easy mode for you!

After you experience it you can then make an informed decision about starting that group back on your home server.
I think you should move to test server for a few(free gold status and plugins)
and make yourself a proper full group with the right automation to see how much more fun and a better overall experience eq can be when things start becoming easy mode for you!

After you experience it you can then make an informed decision about starting that group back on your home server.
Not a bad idea. Is Test a legitimate place to make a home? Is there enough population and guild to just live there? I've though about moving to Vox or somewhere else other then FV, just to get a fresh start.
Just a tip for the warriors (and not to deter you), yes they lack spells but they are just as complex as the SK if not more so. The short duration buffs, understanding stacking and what to chain together and have running is going to determine warrior effectiveness. EQ freelance and the macro page are very good resources to get started,
regardless of class eq is so deep into content every class has a million buttons and clicks etc ... ultimately play whats fun. i main warriors for one simple purpose. pure tank ability ... that being said our crew on test is raiding NoS/LS and to be quite frank the LS raid bosses hit like a mack truck so given i main tank id rather be in a sherman tank over a light armored vehicle =)

on raids i run 2 warriors (so i can tank swap) 2 clerics 1 shm and a brd.

in gruop content i mix it up and split that tank gruop into two gruop content gruops with extra dps thrown in ...

again ultimately it comes down to what is fun. everyone has there opinion but again there opnion is what is fun for them

i personally think youd enjoy the warrior class ... they are def a lot more dependant on support than a knight but when given that support they are incredibly powerful
regardless of class eq is so deep into content every class has a million buttons and clicks etc ... ultimately play whats fun. i main warriors for one simple purpose. pure tank ability ... that being said our crew on test is raiding NoS/LS and to be quite frank the LS raid bosses hit like a mack truck so given i main tank id rather be in a sherman tank over a light armored vehicle =)

on raids i run 2 warriors (so i can tank swap) 2 clerics 1 shm and a brd.

in gruop content i mix it up and split that tank gruop into two gruop content gruops with extra dps thrown in ...

again ultimately it comes down to what is fun. everyone has there opinion but again there opnion is what is fun for them

i personally think youd enjoy the warrior class ... they are def a lot more dependant on support than a knight but when given that support they are incredibly powerful

Thank you for that feedback. I think I'm going to go ahead and just try it. What support do you think I HAVE to have for the Warrior exactly? Do I need sham and cleric? Would it be weird if I ended up using both War and SK in the group? At this point, I'm going to start clean with 4 accounts. So War + 3 more and then combine with my main 2 accounts later. I might go more melee focused for this group which means I would keep my already established Bard and replace enchanter with a zerker or something like that.
Using war an sk wont be bad, SKs do pump good dps in their own right. 1 healer is enough for any tank in a group provided they are played efficiently and are geared appropriately for the content.

Utilizing the warrior as a tank, I'd go for a melee oriented group utilizing the bard as the CC. Can't go wrong with rogue and zerker after this for dps.
Thank you for that feedback. I think I'm going to go ahead and just try it. What support do you think I HAVE to have for the Warrior exactly? Do I need sham and cleric? Would it be weird if I ended up using both War and SK in the group? At this point, I'm going to start clean with 4 accounts. So War + 3 more and then combine with my main 2 accounts later. I might go more melee focused for this group which means I would keep my already established Bard and replace enchanter with a zerker or something like that.
tank+bard+sham is a good baseline if it's going to be a melee group, and warrior definitely prefers a melee group. My setup is war+brd+shm+ber+rng+rng, but the two rng could be any among rog/bst/rng.

One priest with warrior can get a bit iffy at times because they are all mitigation and no self healing, so it's not the worst idea to go 2 priests or keep a backup priest ready to log in when you need it. The desperate heal line from ranger helps to cover spike damage.

If you're not raiding, and mostly doing group content, you'll probably be surprised by how strong your SK was comparatively.
What most of the folks in this thread are forgetting is that most of them are comparing a fully set up tank to a not fully set up tank and its coloring their opinions. My (x) was so much more powerful than my (y) without realizing that (x) warrior was full aa full raid gear and had lots of clickies and the (y) SK was in 2 xpac old group gear and at autogrant aa status. Or Vice versa their SK was at full gear/AA etc and their warrior that they are comparing to is no where close to on the same timeline.
Melee heavy groups do better with a bard than an enc.
Any tank when paired with any healer/resser an ADPS and dps classes can do just about anything in the game.
Hybrid classes can do about 30-50% of the base classes and usually a little something different from both on the side.
So... I'm in the process of rebuilding my group the way I want. I have 3 toons that are going to remain in my core. 123 BST/ 111 Druid or 117 Bard / 109 Mage

I tried using my SK (its on bst account level 113) but frankly, I'm just not good at it.... at all. Yes, I have MQ2Eskay and the program plays the Sk like a boss. But.... watching EQ isn't my thing. I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

I created a Warrior / Ench / Sham that I eventually want to migrate into my team. so my Team would be the following 123 BST /111 Druid / 109 Mage + Warrior / Ench / Shm / Cleric Merc.

I have two questions.
In regards to Warrior. I would love to hear from someone who plays Warrior as a main.
How do you like it as your main driving character? etc..
Do you still find it fun even tho you have no spells to use. Do you use a spam key? ( I like spamming a macro, makes me feel like im doing something).

The second question is about composition.
Would you take the 111 druid over the 117 Bard since Enchanter will be added to group? Or, would you still have Bard?

My new team is only level 30, so there is still time to swap Ench for something else, but I feel like Chanter AE Mezz is way more reliable in missions then Bard. My end goal is to be able to do group content including missions by myself. I don't really have raid ambitions at this time.

So going through the whole thread. Early on (with any tank) there is merit in running cleric/shaman as a dual healer until you get the tank into a good spot. Yes it will lower your DPS but your group will live through damn near anything. Once the Tank and one of the healers (whatever it is) starts to get fully geared aa'd, clickied etc then you can drop one and pop in a different dps class a second tank etc. You could even start with 2 tanks and 2 healers if you really wanted to though your dps will ramp up much much more slowly this way. That being said I have seen Warrior/Warrior or Warrior/SK and SK/Pally tank sets and its easy to assume that one is leveling the other but that simply isnt always the case.
Every class can and probably should have a 'spam key' for 'simple play'

If your group is going to be melee heavy I would take a bard. If your group will be caster heavy take the enc.
In the end what matters is you having fun. If you become like many here you will build and rebuild groups all the time so there is no one 'right answer'.
On normal (no special ability mobs) your warrior /sk will do about 1/3 to 1/2 the damage of the dps members of the group when they are all at the same level of AA/gear On mobs which take special damage (headshot/assassinate/slay undead etc) those characters will typically double to quadruple their damage output. So finding that sort of mob to kill and utilize those special abilities WILL help your group advance much faster than usual.
My 2 cent.

I drove with my Necro for about 1 year, it was a pita. The tank (plugin/software) is design to drive the rest of the group period!

If your not going to raid with your Warrior and do not use him for group continent.
They suck at it, they are the worst tank for group/missions.

FYI, I have used raid geared Warrior, Paly and Sk.
The SK was the best, the rest wasn't even close.
I'm curious to hear more about WAR sucking for group content. I main an SK, so I'm not trying to argue, but I've heard a ton of folks say WAR aren't great for groups but I've never used one so I'm hoping you can give some context.
Several years ago I tried out both SK and WAR and ended up going SK.

To me the SK just felt more fun. You get lots of options, FD, yank, epic, life taps, fast mount, etc.

In comparison the warrior was boring, and always required some form of healer no matter what.

I only want to use that automation if Im at my desk working on something else. But when I'm engaged in EQ and playing, I want to actually be the one driving and doing the work.

With that mindset a warrior may be a good option. You want something that doesn't take much effort. Just setup your hotkeys with the warrior defensive rotations and call it a day.
I'm curious to hear more about WAR sucking for group content. I main an SK, so I'm not trying to argue, but I've heard a ton of folks say WAR aren't great for groups but I've never used one so I'm hoping you can give some context.
Only reason is lack of self heals. A SK or PAL does fine if the healer goes down and will continue to tank away. You have about 30 seconds to get the healer back up before the warrior goes down from lack of heals and the whole group wipes.

The SK and PAL can basically go forever with their taps and self healing.

But one you get to tougher tanking warrior shines.
I'm curious to hear more about WAR sucking for group content. I main an SK, so I'm not trying to argue, but I've heard a ton of folks say WAR aren't great for groups but I've never used one so I'm hoping you can give some context.
I run multiple groups with both warrior and sk setup. If healer goes down, so does the war. If it’s an SK they basically just solo the whole thing till healer comes back.

As long as as my war has heal, the war rips through everything. The consistent dps for war is nice at around 1mil dps non burn so it’s good for farming. Only time my sk beat my war in dps is during burn, and even then the war is usually hovering around 2mil.

There isn’t really any group content that war can’t do, yet there isn’t really any group content sk can’t do without a healer.
@2ndGoat the thing they are talking about is the utility of a SK, they get pull tools, fd, taps, dps, and other things over a warrior. all that being said they need it, all a warrior does is step up tank crap down till its dead, they out agro any class over a single target and do not worry about a multiple pull, they dont heal nor do CC or any crap like that. a warrior has a lot of "oh shit" buttons and the best ac and mitigation in the game and do a very good job with what they have and the job they were designed to do (no other class does it better). im sure there will be knight classes trying to say they do it better but they dont.
Only reason is lack of self heals. A SK or PAL does fine if the healer goes down and will continue to tank away. You have about 30 seconds to get the healer back up before the warrior goes down from lack of heals and the whole group wipes.

The SK and PAL can basically go forever with their taps and self healing.

But one you get to tougher tanking warrior shines.
I would disagree. Warrior or SK/Pally generally have longer than 30 seconds to live. Hell the Ranger/Monk/Rogue all seem to last about a minute before they die (in group content). Or are you talking 40+ mobs of group content?
I'm curious to hear more about WAR sucking for group content. I main an SK, so I'm not trying to argue, but I've heard a ton of folks say WAR aren't great for groups but I've never used one so I'm hoping you can give some context.

War struggles to keep agro with multiple mobs in camp. Even in large raids, Sk could steal the agro in an heart-beat.
Sk can keep a group up, hell can heal himself for a very long time. Doing an Hero Forge mission. my whole group wipe, except for him, he was able to tank and heal himself till I got the cleric back in the zone.
@cintile if you want to drive the war and let the rest heal or cc or dps thats exactly how i play mine. i have zero issues this way. i did have issues with an SK doing the same. they arent as good of tanks as a warrior (when using the warrior how its designed).
@Overtimer depends on the play of a warrior. when i get multiple adds i hope the cc is doing its job but ill yank agro on ae things i have (i use it in reserve). i also know how to play a warrior to cope with this and i get groups where people know what a warrior does over groups that mess up and dont control adds or dont heal.
Discussion - Let's talk Warrior main

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