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Question - Is the 100 heroic worth paying subscription for a month? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2023
So, I got a dilemma and need some trustworthy advice.

I have my mains that are trickling along on FTP so I can get them all to 125 via overseer.
I have some FTP accounts that are almost at the 115 stage where I planned to use 3 krono to get their AAs.


1. Should I cash in the krono now on my mains and give 3 of them a lvl 100 persona so I have a better spread of classes to work with? It would mean I'd have to pay ££ for the FTP subscription in a few months.
2. Should I cash in the krono on my FTP accounts early and get the heroic on the FTP accounts (I can't use them on the FTP characters as I don't have LS on these accounts). It would save me 3 x ££ subscription but I'd miss out on using the lvl 100 in any meaningful way unless I wanted to have another 3 FTP characters.
3. Ignore the free 100 heroic and carry on as I am until my mains are all 125 and my FTPs are 115.

I just feel like I'd be a bit bummed in a couple of months to re-subscribe and feel like I lost out.

PS: On a completely different topic, I'm convinced the Overseer is designed to leave me as close as possible to levelling up whenever it looks like it can be achieved that day - went from 89% to 99.173 on one char and 90% to 99.67% on the other!?!?
I think it just depends on if you plan on making alts on those accounts. If so, then I guess the heroic could be handy, but you can probably PL to 100 fairly easily as well. If not, then you're not missing out on anything by waiting until your toons are ready to be krono'd. My vote is option 3.
As someone who knows your group makeup I would say yes the diversity is worth it. And you're an active member on the boards there is no reason to think you won't be able to purchase more Krono with your Red Cents. But your group could use that diversity my friend.
So, I got a dilemma and need some trustworthy advice.

I have my mains that are trickling along on FTP so I can get them all to 125 via overseer.
I have some FTP accounts that are almost at the 115 stage where I planned to use 3 krono to get their AAs.


1. Should I cash in the krono now on my mains and give 3 of them a lvl 100 persona so I have a better spread of classes to work with? It would mean I'd have to pay ££ for the FTP subscription in a few months.
2. Should I cash in the krono on my FTP accounts early and get the heroic on the FTP accounts (I can't use them on the FTP characters as I don't have LS on these accounts). It would save me 3 x ££ subscription but I'd miss out on using the lvl 100 in any meaningful way unless I wanted to have another 3 FTP characters.
3. Ignore the free 100 heroic and carry on as I am until my mains are all 125 and my FTPs are 115.

I just feel like I'd be a bit bummed in a couple of months to re-subscribe and feel like I lost out.

PS: On a completely different topic, I'm convinced the Overseer is designed to leave me as close as possible to levelling up whenever it looks like it can be achieved that day - went from 89% to 99.173 on one char and 90% to 99.67% on the other!?!?
@Kingkiller71, totally worth it to increase your army. Recommend using it on NEW (lvl 1) tank or dps ftp boxes...is it worth it on an already developed char...maybe...I don't do mains anymore...I roll armies...falling in love with one char is a one-way-ticket to ragequitting if that shit gets a 7-14-21 vacay (suspension) or even worse banned.

My two cents...roll some extra tanks/dps and set-em lose to max lvl/dps. Save krono pops on already developed char till June/July so you can get the 120 lvl raise and aa's that'll be available on the next free expansion release.

easy GIF
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I would use the krono now. This will let you auto grant now and keep getting as many AA as you can while your cap is off, do 5 overseers instead of 3 (f2p usually only get 3 quests whereas paid get 5) and drill down on the bonus exp right now.

You can let it go back to f2p after the Krono wears off. When you decide to do the Heroic upgrade (that you also got when you spent the Krono and can be used anytime) that will also give you all the AA up to level 100 even on a f2p (it overrides the cap)

Most of us are not that lucky on the Red Cent Krono RNG. So I would look to other methods to gain Krono

Lots of different ideas here for you to think about. And none of them are perfect
Are these normal heroics, where if you delete the character you can re-roll and use it again?
Yes, they made a statement a few years ago that only the very first heroic back in 2014 cannot be deleted. That going forward they would all act as a purchased one which can be deleted and remade

Minus the plat, etc
Take advantage of this by using your 3 Krono on brand new separate level 1 accounts. That gives you 3 Gold (for a month) 100 instant guys that you can choose to bring new spells you may not have or just an outside tank or DPS to join your group, or go farm crap for you. Those 3 100's will have gear/AA/some progression done. When the Month of Gold time is over, they KEEP all that and are just 3 more guys that you added to your team(s). Remember.. those 3 can pop a merc and boom are a full team of 6 to do whatever help you choose them to. Or add 3 more at your whim and the 100's can buff/PowerLevel them.. and it would have cost you $40 for those 100 Heroic each...or..the price of a Krono (far less cost) during anniversary time.
As someone who knows your group makeup I would say yes the diversity is worth it. And you're an active member on the boards there is no reason to think you won't be able to purchase more Krono with your Red Cents. But your group could use that diversity my friend.
I looked at the Redcent shop, and it looks like they are out of the Krono for Redcents. I hadn't ever looked for it before, so do not know if it is usually available or not.
They usually put out a message when 60 Red Cents become available. Red Monkey is right it's not everyone who can afford to buy Red Cents. But Kingkilla is an active member he could probably swing the Red Cents to get back the Krono he spends subbing his accounts to bring diversity to his group. It's a one time deal.
My thought was I am not going to waste krono on the accounts I already have maxed out. Rather made 6 new accounts and subbed them all for the free heroic. Some day I might level them up or start a new group on another server. The krono I earned from farming is well worth what it cost to buy a level 100 Heroic, just not worth a second toon on an account. You can only play one toon per account at a time. My 2 cents.
Worth it. Any toon on the account, on any server, lvl 51 and up can get AA autogrants up to lvl 115 that you get to keep even if the sub lapses. 1 month premium play time that you can increase AAs during. And, right now you can get a free lvl 100 Heroic which you can move around to different servers but the free Heroic is only available until 4/24/24.

Note: Changed max autogrant to 115
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I looked at the Redcent shop, and it looks like they are out of the Krono for Redcents. I hadn't ever looked for it before, so do not know if it is usually available or not.
I am a little confused about "Red Monkey is right it's not everyone who can afford to buy Red Cents" But its not what I mean or where I was going.

To clarify how this works is that now and then they will hold "flash sales" during which you can buy Krono with Red Cents in the Red Cent shop.

The sales are random and by the time you see it most of the Krono will have been snatched up. They put up 60 Krono only. First come, first serve. Usually they last a few hours, I did see one last year that lasted a few days.

The Red Cent charge can change but right now its like 369?

I have missed the last 2 flash sales so what I meant was that it could be some time before you catch one and are able to jump in and buy the Krono.

It would be easier to just use the tunnel as mentioned if you really need a krono right away :)
I am a little confused about "Red Monkey is right it's not everyone who can afford to buy Red Cents" But its not what I mean or where I was going.

To clarify how this works is that now and then they will hold "flash sales" during which you can buy Krono with Red Cents in the Red Cent shop.

The sales are random and by the time you see it most of the Krono will have been snatched up. They put up 60 Krono only. First come, first serve. Usually they last a few hours, I did see one last year that lasted a few days.

The Red Cent charge can change but right now its like 369?

I have missed the last 2 flash sales so what I meant was that it could be some time before you catch one and are able to jump in and buy the Krono.

It would be easier to just use the tunnel as mentioned if you really need a krono right away :)
Farm plat - Buy Kronos…pretty simple

Air Caveman GIF
wow, thanks for all the advice. I was away from home this past day so not had chance to go through them all.

I'll grab a sandwich over dinner and tuck in to this thread.

Thanks again!!
Decided to use krono on the 3 x ftp accounts - this autogrants the 3 characters I have on there, and also allows me to level 3 more classes on these accounts.

Gives me the option of:

ACCT1 - 125Druid, 125War, 115Shaman
ACCT2 - 125Mage, 121Rogue, 123Beastlord
ACCT3 - 125Mage, 118Enchanter, 115Shadowkinght
FTP1 - 109Cleric, 100 xxx
FTP2 - 108Shaman, 100 xxx
FTP3 - 103Bard, 100xxx

Thanks for the advice - awesome response from a great community as always!!
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Decided to use krono on the 3 x ftp accounts - this autogrants the 3 characters I have on there, and also allows me to level 3 more classes on these accounts.

Gives me the option of:

ACCT1 - 125Druid, 125War, 115Shaman
ACCT2 - 125Mage, 121Rogue, 123Beastlord
ACCT3 - 125Mage, 118Enchanter, 115Shadowkinght
FTP1 - 109Cleric, 100 xxx
FTP2 - 108Shaman, 100 xxx
FTP3 - 103Bard, 100xxx

Thanks for the advice - awesome response from a great community as always!!
You now have
power remake GIF
It definitely worth it. I used then to mate a full group on BB for farm kronos. Maked Sk, shm, brd, zerk, monk rogue for testing a full melee group. Working great
Question - Is the 100 heroic worth paying subscription for a month?

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