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Question - Have you ever used a bug or exploit without knowing it at the time? (1 Viewer)

May 8, 2019
So, I've done this a few times on EQ2, even gotten banned for things I didn't even know were happening at the time, but for EQ1 have you ever done something that you only later found out was classified as a bug or exploit?

This can span the range from being banned because you bypassed the launcher and you didn't even know they were wanting 2FA from you (which caused them to think you're doing it intentionally just to bypass having to put a phone number in), to as simple as going 'Hey, this zone gives pretty good rewards, but nothing too outrageous' then later finding out they considered it a bug and taking advantage of it was an exploit.
Yes, not in EQ. I think it was DAoC that linked mobs gave a mob group bonus to XP.

So a group of mob #1 (400 xp + 100 group xp), mob #2 (400 xp + 100 group xp) and mob #3 (700 xp + 175 group xp) -- we'd coordinate over ventrilo/phone/whatever and do high damage ranged attacked on mob #3, effectively dropping him on 'one' shot. The linked mobs would rarely react and we'd just move on to the next group of mobs. We were told that this was against the spirit of the game and shouldn't do it.
So, I've done this a few times on EQ2, even gotten banned for things I didn't even know were happening at the time, but for EQ1 have you ever done something that you only later found out was classified as a bug or exploit?

This can span the range from being banned because you bypassed the launcher and you didn't even know they were wanting 2FA from you (which caused them to think you're doing it intentionally just to bypass having to put a phone number in), to as simple as going 'Hey, this zone gives pretty good rewards, but nothing too outrageous' then later finding out they considered it a bug and taking advantage of it was an exploit.

No on online games with other players. Online games with other players I report odd behavior, bugs, hackers, nasties in chat all the time. I like keeping online games fair and clean. So I'm always on the look out for those things. Now on single player games yes and still do on single player games for shits and giggles. Also to poke fun at the devs of the game I'm playing on (Launching Deathclaws to the moon in Fallout NV is soooo fun). lol
Yes I have and when I found out I had lost 3 accounts. Was it worth it? Yes it was super fun to be Godmode in items and xp items.
Way back in the day when original Velious came out, there was a bug that after zoning into Sirens Grotto you could camp in the corner right after zoning in. If you camped out facing the corner and hugging it (pressing forward and sitting at the same time), after coming back in you would be inside the wall. I think you had to camp 3x but in the end you would be at the zone line to Western Wastes gaining zero aggro through the zone. I didnt think of it as a bug since I was told that's how you "had" to do it, but its pretty obvious now that it was.
Sitting in dead spots on the map and the mobs couldn't get to you. I use to do it all the time before I realized they called it an exploit. I just figured if the mob was too dumb to get me and I was still killing the mob... oh well. I guess I knew it wasn't right, but it was easy exp. I never told anyone about it and never got caught so is it really an exploit? LOL
Many years ago the original Veeshan's Peak had an XP bug and you would get like 5 AA per kill. Keep in mind back then, this was like insane... I don't know what it would equate to in today's game but I would say it would be similar to getting like 50aa per kill today. I had just returned to the game and didn't even have an account anymore (ebayed it), I called an old buddy and he gave me his Ranger acct info, it was like a level 75 Ranger or so, but he could solo VP trash easily. So having just returned to the game, I of course took a stroll down memory lane hitting up all the old content. When I got to VP and started killing trash and saw the AA amount I seriously truly didn't think anything wierd about it. I just thought oh sweet this old raid zone has really good XP. So I farmed for a few hours and got max AA.

2 weeks later they did a mass roll back of everyone who killed in VP. So I lost 2 weeks of pretty hardcore farming/catching up.
Sitting in dead spots on the map and the mobs couldn't get to you. I use to do it all the time before I realized they called it an exploit. I just figured if the mob was too dumb to get me and I was still killing the mob... oh well. I guess I knew it wasn't right, but it was easy exp. I never told anyone about it and never got caught so is it really an exploit? LOL
No, it's not 😂 😂
Had to bring it up, Back when they first introduced the AA system, there was a dwarf warrior that was max level and max aa, he then de leveled to 25 taking all of the max aa with him and would terrorize the pvp community basically untouchable.
I knew about the Hdex bug for over a year before it was fixed, didn't tell a soul, and it wasn't till after TBL Launched when others started realizing what was happening that DBG found out and fixed it. Didn't get banned though. That is the only exploit/bug of that magnitude I've ever found. I'll clarify that people knew something was going on because I didn't exactly hide the fact I could tank an entire zone, but when questioned I didn't spill the beans. I've seen far too many things get "Fixed" because someone couldn't keep their mouth shut or even worse go posting about it or making videos.
Prior to Kunark there was a pathing bug in Clan Crushbone at the base of trainer hill. If you jumped on at the corner near the tree, the mobs would path around to the other end and run to you. Hop down and they run all the back around and around. I was able to solo Dvinn and Crush at stupidly early levels doing that trick. Was just a war of attrition really - still have fond memories of watching my little invisible man pet chasing after Dvinn forever and trying to hit him. Didn't really think about as an exploit at the time, I thought I was being "Creative". But then SOE caught wind and the next time I tried it while leveling an alt he jumped right up after me and splat :eek:
@Atheos32 what hdex bug are you talking about?
There was a bug that technically gave certain classes 100% riposte based on your amount of hdex. This bug was checked vs a mob stat so the amount you had determined what zones/tiers of mobs it would work against. The Threshold was roughly 1900 Hdex and you'd be able to pull all of Brother's Island. I was doing Hardcore Heritage in 2017 when I first noticed it.
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Pretty sure the majority of people playing EQ did the "exploit" to get the Extruded Black Pearl from the anniversary mission to bypass the majority of the mission and get the bonus at the end of it. To which it was taken away from everyone with no time to actually try it again the "way it was intended".
A few years ago, there were some suspensions during RoS era. Many people from high end guilds even using a bug/exploit. They were clicking the group scion in the OT raid instance, so they only had to kill the group cactus with only a few toons and get the raid chest.
Pretty sure the majority of people playing EQ did the "exploit" to get the Extruded Black Pearl from the anniversary mission to bypass the majority of the mission and get the bonus at the end of it. To which it was taken away from everyone with no time to actually try it again the "way it was intended".
I did that one a few times then got scared. Did not hear about any suspensions on it tho.
It also gave everyone a berry paste not just the 1 we get today.
A few years ago, there were some suspensions during RoS era. Many people from high end guilds even using a bug/exploit. They were clicking the group scion in the OT raid instance, so they only had to kill the group cactus with only a few toons and get the raid chest.

rofl, that's right... I recall that.
Before Kunark released or maybe slightly after Kunark released, I use to go to Mistmoore. Fight my way to the front of the castle, run my toons up a tree (think it leans over slightly), levitate to the roof of the castle and run to where the Cloaked Dhampir camp was, drop down and do the camp. GM saw me doing that and gave me a warning.

Also within the first month of EQ release, someone tried to report me as using an exploit because I attacked and killed them even though neither of us were PvP. What happened is there was a necromancer npc, think Tovax Vmar that charmed my toon and sent me to attack. I tried explaining that but that person behaved like an ass (kept OOCing that I was a cheat using hacks ) and refused to believe me.
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Before Kunark released or maybe slightly after Kunark released, I use to go to Mistmoore. Fight my way to the front of the castle, run my toons up a tree (think it leans over slightly), levitate to the roof of the castle and run to where the Cloaked Dhampir camp was, drop down and do the camp. GM saw me doing that and gave me a warning.

Also within the first month of EQ release, someone tried to report me as using an exploit because I attacked and killed them even though neither of us were PvP. What happened is there was a necromancer npc, think Tovax Vmar that charmed my toon and sent me to attack. I tried explaining that but that person behaved like an ass (kept OOCing that I was a cheat using hacks ) and refused to believe me.

I always figured levitating somewhere was fair play, never considered it an exploit.

I have actually seen that on my server recently - somebody yelling and ranting that somebody else was a hacker who had attacked and killed them. They said where it happened, and I instantly remembered hunting that area a year ago and having an NPC there was chain charming me until I force closed the game one time, so I immediately knew the person they were accusing was probably 100% innocent.
There was a custom fight on an EMU server I played called "The Forestgloom".
The event was supposed to go like this:
You "climb up" the aqueduct in Trakanon's Teeth. Once you are on top of the aqueduct, you fight your way through slimes to the end. Along the way you dodge some mechanics (black slimes rolling down the path you need to avoid). Once you reach the end you engage The Forestgloom. Or, you're supposed to.

There is a timer for the fight. Once you begin (climb the aqueduct) you have a finite amount of time to engage the boss. If you don't make it, you are pushed off the platform by black slime and water, resetting the event and making you start all over. Just before engaging the boss, however, my guild at the time told me (and anyone else new) to wait for the emote that indicated everyone would be washed down the aqueduct and the encounter was reset. I suppose where we were sitting was a weird goldilocks area that didn't actually function properly, because we both: didn't get washed away AND the mechanics were stopped.

I learned after a wave of punishments happened that when you engage The Forestgloom there are a lot of mechanics you are supposed to watch for. The left and right side of the aqueduct get electrified, when one side does you have to move to the other side otherwise you'll instantly die. While moving from the left to the right side you also have to dodge slimes that roll down the aqueduct. If you get hit it takes roughly 75% of your max health. During one phase there is a solid wall of slimes down the center of the aqueduct, and a tank or tanky melee needs to purposely run into a slime to break the solid wall for healers and casters to cross from one side to the other before lightning kills them. While doing all this you are supposed to be healing, DPSing the boss, and making sure you don't accidently walk off the edge.

My guild at the time would wait just before The Forestgloom until the emote happened, then engage. This stripped all mechanics of the fight away EXCEPT the lightning. So an almost top tier fight was reduced to walking from left side of aqueduct to the right side, or vice versa. I knew something had to be off about it, but I figured this fight had been on farm for so long it was all fine.
I learned it was all an exploit when we got our Forestgloom gear taken away during a raid, when the staff learned about it.

Once I learned the REAL way to do the fight it felt more engaging and fun, but essentially getting free top tier gear was pretty funny at the time.

Also while everything else is going on during the fight wisps spawn that the tank has to pick up and DPS burn them down, before reengaging the boss. If ignored they stack up and essentially cause a wipe.
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Oh this is the aqueduct I am talking about. You walked at/ against a pillar near the lake and it teleported you to the top of the aqueduct. You would run/ dodge along the entire length til you reached the end (or start depending how you interpret it) at the mountain.

That sounds pretty cool - I didn't realize they did entire whole scripted fights on emu servers like that.

I had some poorly recorded videos of the encounter I planned on editing so new members to our guild at the time could see the fight before trying it. Let me find them. No sound and all the particles are set low, so it's not super interesting to watch in it's current form.

Guess there was sound
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First video is when we first get teleported to the top of the aqueduct. You race to the end where the boss is, but we have to fight slimes along the way that do some hefty damage, rampage, etc. Between the big slime mini boss type monsters we have to dodge the black slimes that do big damage to your health if touched. Kinda like playing an EQ style of Frogger.

Second video is engaging the boss. Start to finish doing the encounter. It's a little hard to follow without audio or knowing whats happening. Essentially we are going left or right dodging the lightning attacks, while also dodging the black slimes (you see me hit one to break the line of slimes at one point and see my HP almost bottom out) all while killing the different colored small wisps that spawn. Depending on color they do different mechanics. Red was nothing special, the Pink ones needed to die away from where we were fighting the boss because the corpses radiated an AoE that did damage or drained mana (It's been a while so I dont remember specifically).

After seeing the fight you can see why the exploit was pretty big once we realized it. All the mechanics from the encounter are stripped away.

The person who made these encounters was really talented. Made the best things on that particular emu server.
would be insanely silly if everyone who did the fight got punished even if they didnt know tho, wouldnt it.
Funny you say that, because we all did. It wasn't until we all got punished that the original group who found the exploit out admitted to just carrying it on to new groups within the guild. Over time the big secret got looser and looser until it was exposed, because nobody knew that it was supposed to be a big secret or whatever.

It was frustrating but we just went back and farming the fight again to get our gear back the legit way.
Oh man those gms sound just the worst. who would punish people who rightfully didnt know, They sound like the real victims here.
Also within the first month of EQ release, someone tried to report me as using an exploit because I attacked and killed them even though neither of us were PvP. What happened is there was a necromancer npc, think Tovax Vmar that charmed my toon and sent me to attack. I tried explaining that but that person behaved like an ass (kept OOCing that I was a cheat using hacks ) and refused to believe me.

I'm pretty sure the Kobold Noble in SolB had a +infinity% bonus to charm my monk way back in 1999. I would be pulling away, then get charmed. Then the Noble would buff me and I'd tear ass across the zone killing people. I would get so many /ooc and /shout. I would get tells from people out of zone "Hi, I'm the Guildleader of Knights of the Order of the Iron Rose of Sacred Magic....several of my members have told me you are using an exploit to engage in PvP, just wanted to let you know that I've reported you to Tunso, as I know him personally...."
Going back to OG days I abused pathing. This is at a time when mobs were at a premium. People would literally sit and kill a single spawn over and over with it popping every 5 mins. One mob per five minutes and that was progress ><. Anyways, there was this chick in freeport inside a building. You would back up to the wall farthest from her. Then you would nuke her once. She would come running at you and when she would get close you would electric slide to the right (strafe right). Instead of staying on you she would run this odd and convoluted path to get to you, giving you time to nuke her at least once. When she would get close to you on the other side, you would again electric slide but to the left. Rinse and repeat. Other than that there were the things like Tumpy Tonics or aggroing the quest guy in Rivervale and dragging him to the turn in guy. You then zone and he stays there. You can then do the quest over and over without moving. Pretty sure I abused pathing in other places too like finding dead spots where the mobs couldn't get to you and just nuking the crap out of them.

Oh and not sure if this would be considered an exploit, but me and a friend would go to newbie zones. She would charm the mob and we would buff it up. She would break charm and zone. Suddenly there is a level 1 orc running around with 400hps and haste, SoW, etc. Later on, when we got "EQ RICH," we would do the same thing only give the mob something like a lammy or PGT. We called ourselves making minibosses for the newbie zones.
Question - Have you ever used a bug or exploit without knowing it at the time?

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