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FoS Raids (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2004
Hey theres some guys on my server doing fos raids with a group or less but their not gking anyone know exactly how their doing it? im trying to get into one of the groups to find out would love any input
Quoted from foh boards
Another SOD raid, Rallos Returns. In this raid you are supposed to protect the rathe council (yes those same dudes from the poearth raid in pop) from rallos zeks forces.

In this raid the councilmen are split in 2 groups, at the start of the raid a huge group of ogres spawns and fights their way to the councilmen. 3 minutes into the raid tallon and vallon zek spawn and beeline for the first group of rathe members. Whats supposed to happen is if any one of the council dies the event fails and resets, but if you get the first group of 6 completely wiped out (train them on the ogres asap) before tallon/vallon spawn then the event bugs and does not reset.

from this point you set up in a room with the 2nd group of rathe council members. get yourself a bard/puller, a beefy tank (raid gear required here) and a couple clerics.

single pull tallon and vallon one at a time to the 2nd group of rathe dudes. they will attack and since they hit for 4k and theres 7 of them they will do all the DPS you need to win the raid. you just need to keep a tank alive long enough.

when the zek bros are dead rallos himself pops. once again pull him into the room, tank him (hes a 13k hitter) while the rathe members beat his ass down. It takes about 3 or 4 minutes for them to do enough dps to kill rallos, so you just need to keep your tank alive long enough.

rallos dies, you get 2 armour pieces, 2 rank 3 spell runes, and two drops from this list.

IT GETS BETTER! last patch introduced "hard mode" raids. so you can win the hard version of this raid in the exact same fashion for even more loots (the hard loots are in the 1k hp/mana range)

also, the lock out timer can be exploited since as long as the requestor of the raid has no lock out you can chain spawn this raid over and over and over. both hard and normal.

now you probably see why this is getting nerfed today from an emergency patch.

this has been exploitable since SOD launched, it just got insanely popular after hard mode came out now the nerf bat is being swung.
Buddy of mine has this figured out and I will ok it from him to give up this strat maybe I'll have him start an account or such here. And let him post it if he chooses.
Ok so here is the rundown this strat is for FoS 3. All the dragon mobs(good guys) are all leashed ie you cannot agro them and drag them around via a PC but this doesn't apply to the leash if a Iksar type mob agros them. If you go out agro a Iksar mob or a few (AVOID CASTERS!!!) and drag/train them past the dragon mobs it will chain agro the dragons and they will break their leashes. So what you do is. Go agro iksars then train them past the dragons and get a big train of dragons going. Hail Jaled to start the event. Trak will be the first dragon to fight the Iksar army waves. What you do is drop your train in the middle of the army and either fd or fade. All the dragon mobs will kill the iksars. After they are engaged and you lose agro go get more iksar trash mobs and then go try to pick up your train off of trakanon and bring it to the next dragon site. The main thing is do not get your iksar mobs to close to the dragons where they will get hit otherwise it will implode your train. With a little practice this isn't to hard to do.
Oh and to clarify on the RR strat. You run into the room and agro the ogres as soon as you open the door. Then run to the right along the wall (unless you are a bard and can da through them) and drag all the ogres past the first table of rathe members try to drop a couple off here to be killed then drop a few off in the last room to get killed. this will normally leave Murdunk and maybe an ogre or 2. after your trainer is running the ogres murdunk will agro on the rathe mobs. agro rathe mobs and fd them onto murdunk . He will drop like a prom dress and VZ/TZ will pop. When they pop you should have alot of rathe mobs in the first room and TZ/VZ will start agroing them. When TZ/VZ pop a bunch of mobs around the first table of rathe members pop. Agro them and train them onto TZ/VZ also. After RAllos pop you train every possible mob onto Rallos and you win.
Oh and to clarify on the RR strat. You run into the room and agro the ogres as soon as you open the door. Then run to the right along the wall (unless you are a bard and can da through them) and drag all the ogres past the first table of rathe members try to drop a couple off here to be killed then drop a few off in the last room to get killed. this will normally leave Murdunk and maybe an ogre or 2. after your trainer is running the ogres murdunk will agro on the rathe mobs. agro rathe mobs and fd them onto murdunk . He will drop like a prom dress and VZ/TZ will pop. When they pop you should have alot of rathe mobs in the first room and TZ/VZ will start agroing them. When TZ/VZ pop a bunch of mobs around the first table of rathe members pop. Agro them and train them onto TZ/VZ also. After RAllos pop you train every possible mob onto Rallos and you win.

You don't need to kill any of the ogres except Murdunk if you do this correctly. The trick is to tag murdunk and drag him towards the door you would normally have to go through if you did the raid legit. As he's getting kinda close loop around behind the rathe mobs so Murdunk heads towards them. Fade the agro off once Murdunk is agro'd by the rathe mobs. Then target the rathe mob to the furthest left, HoS/throw something, and run along the right wall behind where the group of mobs is currently spanking Murdunk (basically just training the rest of the mobs onto him). It works best if you get him circled up rather than all the mobs on one side because you don't want him getting pushed into the ogres (usually a sure lose if you do that).

VZ and TZ will spawn. You should already be at the first group of council members waiting for the spawn so you can DA/tag all the rathe mobs (frogs, golums, etc, etc), circle them up, and drop them on TZ/VZ. Again, try to adjust it so you run a few past VZ/TZ so they don't push into the ogres. I will usually slow them both at this point to keep more rathe mobs alive. If it looks like there's enough DPS at this point I'll run to the very, very last set of rathe councilmen, tag them, and circle them up in the room where Rallos spawns. If there isn't enough DPS I will run to the first set of rathe councilmen and drag those guys into VZ/TZ, too.

Once they die and RZ spawns its a game of getting the most mobs on him as possible. It's cool if rathe councilmen die at this point, so train them all on him. Train as many rathe mobs as possible. Go back to your original train and tag those (if any lived/didn't agro the ogres), and bring those too. You should have more than enough dps to win. Grats on free raid loot.
Just need to have done the warrens raids... (which can be a big deal because Zek Brothers is the hardest raid in the expansion, including everything in tower).

Good thing is because the expansion has been out for so long there are a plethora of people around who can get the task. Just need to make friends with one or two.
Nah... zek brothers isn't a walk in the park, even with GK. You'd have to have a pretty sizable force in there to take down not one, but 2 very hp-heavy mobs. I know from my ND days that an issue with fights that take a while is unless everything is PERFECT you're going to push them a little one way or another and result in a reset. Resets on this event would drive me to drink (... ok... drink more heavily than I already do).

Seriously, if you can get through the 3 raids necessary to request this one, that's cool. Good luck was just that... good luck heh. I'd like to hear about it if you're able, too... always like chatting about other people's conquests. It gives me ideas :)
I'm not able to GK anything yet, as my team is SK,magi,cleric,shaman.

hunter and rogue 75, going up.

need heavy melee dps. monk i guess, to GK anything at all.

but getting monk to 85 gonna take week or two. i dunno if i gonna bother with it. spend few weeks to get banned on first try lol :)

I should probably drop my account away for plat price and move on. 100$ per account with 1mil plat and 2-3 lvl 85 chars.

it was fun returning, but it's nothing but ghosttown. all zones are empty. raid people afking in lobby. rarely see another player anywhere but guild lobby at all.
Just need to hit up the popular zones... there were 20+ people in fos today when I ran through... another 18 or 20 the other day in old bloodfields... etc.

You're right though... if you move just ever-so-slightly off the beaten path it's pretty dead.
Has anyone actually managed to do FoS #3 before, using the train-mobs method?

I gave it a try, for 5 hours, and the farthest I could get was up to Gorenaire. By that point it seemed like most of the dragon mobs were dead already. If I pull too many initially then they kill through the invading army so fast that by the time I make it back with a mob they're all dispersed and its difficult to deal with.

I tried Rallos Returns, and had perfect success with that after about 10 tries to get the footing down perfectly. Well worth the effort though-- thank you!
I've beaten FoS 3 hard twice... I've tried both the hard and normal versions quite a bit more than that... maybe of those 3 wins I've spent 4-6 hours on three separate days for those 2 wins.

I can't count how many times I've gotten to a particular wave only to lose because I didn't drop off the seb mob in just the right way for the entire train to agro the discord guys... totally pisses me off.

When it goes right though, it goes really right. Trick I found is don't use one or two mobs when you train... run out and tag a whole fuckin group and train those around (trying to concentrate your agro efforts on one non-caster).
I'm more interested in the non-visibles. RR gives all essences and earrings and, depending on class, neck/belt/ring/back, but I'm wondering if FoS3 would give a similar quality item for a different slot.
I'm more interested in the non-visibles. RR gives all essences and earrings and, depending on class, neck/belt/ring/back, but I'm wondering if FoS3 would give a similar quality item for a different slot.

RR hard only gives earrings and all essences. The normal RR gives the neck/belt/ring/back/(krossmaul). FoS 3 normal loot is trash, but FoS 3 hard at least gives the essence. I haven't found a website listing all the FoS 3 hard loot.
Has anyone tried doing Rallos Returns since the so called nerf? Do the mobs no longer assist, or are they just overall weaker?

Wanted to see if its still viable to do :-p
This has definitally be fixed. I used to solo this using the factions against each other, and this got nerfed the same time the 85's in MMs nerf happened.
FoS Raids

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