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Discussion - Favorite class (1 Viewer)

Enchanter, but I'm going to have to admit to a dark truth, I have no idea how to play any class now. Even at 110 I sucked at my druid, AAs are so insane now and there's so many abilities that I have no idea how to play my toons. Part of the addiction to what we're doing here is that these plugins not only play better than I ever could but better than I have seen anyone else play their toons. So like Rob said, I've accepted my place as a group builder.

That said, I have considered the appeal of the new teek server and reliving the life of an enchanter, we were good until pop and I was very good imo at that class. Lots of people use timers and what not for their mez but I had my stuns and mez on lock, shit was burned in my head. I considered it an art form. Pop took a big old shit on my class and gave bards better abilities than I had and the only thing people wanted from me was kei. Groups dried up and I quit the game, came back for discord just to find it got worse. Once my mez went from 46 to 50 or whatever it was seconds (sorry it's been 23 years) to 16 seconds..or whatever with a 30 or more second recast I knew the game was over. True cc was phased out and my whole skill set became an oh shit maneuver.

I started as a paladin, made it to ~lvl15, made a necromancer because I wanted a specific item and to do the quest you needed a dark elf SK or necromancer. It let you bind affinity as a paladin. (Later the item was nerfed, nerfed again, changed to no trade, and then eventually the quest was removed). I discovered while the paladin sounded like it made perfect sense - take the hits AND heal yourself - the necromancer was WAY more powerful.

I then proceeded to see necromancers get nerfed every patch - one time they even said 'server coming down for emergency maintenance', two patch notes afterwards, fix a crash bug, and a nerf to necromancer pets. I just imagine them running around 'Something's crashing the servers, we need to fix it immediately, anybody got a nerf we can throw in on necromancers before we send this update out to the servers?'

I started as a paladin, made it to ~lvl15, made a necromancer because I wanted a specific item and to do the quest you needed a dark elf SK or necromancer. It let you bind affinity as a paladin. (Later the item was nerfed, nerfed again, changed to no trade, and then eventually the quest was removed). I discovered while the paladin sounded like it made perfect sense - take the hits AND heal yourself - the necromancer was WAY more powerful.

I then proceeded to see necromancers get nerfed every patch - one time they even said 'server coming down for emergency maintenance', two patch notes afterwards, fix a crash bug, and a nerf to necromancer pets. I just imagine them running around 'Something's crashing the servers, we need to fix it immediately, anybody got a nerf we can throw in on necromancers before we send this update out to the servers?'
Please don't start a Shaman. LoL
What made me fall in love with my Shaman wasn't soloing Dragons as a class that wasn't supposed to but that helped. Shaman have the most lethal DoTs their killing power is second to none. A Shaman can handle crowd control if needed. You can primary heal or spot heal. Your buffs and AOE malaise and slow make you sought after just for that. And Shaman is a chain class he can take hits and instaheal himself. I've tanked with my Shaman doing with a Druid healer in Vp when you needed a key to get in and if you died your key and all your gear was lost on that body. No character in any other game can do all the things a Shaman can do.
What made me fall in love with my Shaman wasn't soloing Dragons as a class that wasn't supposed to but that helped. Shaman have the most lethal DoTs their killing power is second to none. A Shaman can handle crowd control if needed. You can primary heal or spot heal. Your buffs and AOE malaise and slow make you sought after just for that. And Shaman is a chain class he can take hits and instaheal himself. I've tanked with my Shaman doing with a Druid healer in Vp when you needed a key to get in and if you died your key and all your gear was lost on that body. No character in any other game can do all the things a Shaman can do.
Wow I also, hear shamans get better over expansions I guess, eq is a favorite class by the game company.
Have to go with my enchanter of old. I loved the ability to lock down situations that got out of control quickly. Or in a pinch switch out and mess with a mob's mind and now he is my friend beating on his fellow mobs. I had a cleric friend that I ran through countless dungeons with and I still remember those moments where she was screaming she was OOM, and I turned around and locked the extra mobs down and we survived what felt like a certain wipe. Those moments have lasted 20+ years now and there are times I still crave reliving them.

My first character and main was a SHM, which I truly enjoyed. I got tired of crap guilds and pick-up groups getting me killed, so I decided to true box a duo and do my own thing. Boxing was called "hydra" on our server back in the day. So started a BRD. Today, no one would think anything about that as BRDs are arguably the most popular class in the game. But way back when, BRDs were VERY rare. Anyway, as I leveled, I lost my sentimental attachment to my SHM and just began to see them both as a unit of value based on their combined abilities. But, I found that if I were forced to chose, I'd chose a BRD.

Like others, I don't see different classes in terms of "favorite" or "best". I see them for their contributions to a group and how they can provide a strength or synergy to various group compositions. I know how to play a SHM and a BRD. I've since leveled up a team to level 20ish just so I could gain some knowledge of the classes in my team, but beyond that, I'll never learn how to play these classes to expert level and I don't want to. It's about the team and the automation.
Wizard for me. Mained a wizard from classic till OoW when I quit. Ports, good damage, quad kiting and plenty of time to grab a drink or bio while medding ;)

Have only boxed a 6 man since I returned to the game & love the SK but still have that wizard in my group.
Bard. I always preferred play styles that are quirky/unusual and the classes that offered that in spades were Bard and Enchanter as back in 99 they had multiple ways of doing exactly that and no other classes came close. I played the heck out of both of them, but moving around the original game with selos is pretty much why I ended up on bard and stuck to it ever since.
Zerk. I played one from when I started in EQ just after OoW was released through SoD, then took a LOOOONG break. Zerks aren't in the best position right now, but I can't imagine having the same attachment to a class as I do my OG class.
I main rogue for 9 years then zerker up until I came back both fun classes! When I came back this time I made a SK and I LOVE it. Reason being is feel like I have more responsibility/Focus on more things then just wacking a mob heh
Nostalgic reasons my favorite class is Shaman. But after playing a few TLPs, the only class I was able to max was Mage.

My favorite live server class is Ranger because of bow and you always having someone to practice your rezzing.
Beast. I took a Druid to 60 in the Kunark era and played through velious. Then went beast when luclin came out. And it remained my fav from then on even though I have at least 1-2 of every class at 125 now… except for ranger.
wow was that from the old everquest strategy guide Primas? or the manual
Strategy guide, the very first one. I think it may have even came out slightly before the game - I remember reading the whole thing before even getting the game and I don't know if that's because it came out before the game, or if it was just I got the guide before the game for some other reason (like Media Play closing the location/putting everything on clearance).
I always loved pet classes. So when Everquest launched I was a main Magician. But back in the day raiding as magician was horrible. We cannot summon our pets because they agrooed everything like a normal player, and all my nukes were resisted. So the single thing I did in old raids was summon people, and summon mod rods and place in the ground, for the Complete Healing clerics grab and continue their rotations. Then I changed to Beastlord. Loved him so much.

The single thing I do not like in eq is that we can summon one single pet... I loved to play city of heroes because the "summoner" class there, called MasterMinds, could summon 6 pets at the same time. It was awesome. The group was 8 members, with 8 Masterminds in a dungeon was a total war. * masterminds + 8x6 pets... haha
I always loved pet classes. So when Everquest launched I was a main Magician. But back in the day raiding as magician was horrible. We cannot summon our pets because they agrooed everything like a normal player, and all my nukes were resisted. So the single thing I did in old raids was summon people, and summon mod rods and place in the ground, for the Complete Healing clerics grab and continue their rotations. Then I changed to Beastlord. Loved him so much.

The single thing I do not like in eq is that we can summon one single pet... I loved to play city of heroes because the "summoner" class there, called MasterMinds, could summon 6 pets at the same time. It was awesome. The group was 8 members, with 8 Masterminds in a dungeon was a total war. * masterminds + 8x6 pets... haha
These days mages can have a pet plus another pet in reserve buffed and ready to go and also get swarm pets.
I always loved pet classes. So when Everquest launched I was a main Magician. But back in the day raiding as magician was horrible. We cannot summon our pets because they agrooed everything like a normal player, and all my nukes were resisted. So the single thing I did in old raids was summon people, and summon mod rods and place in the ground, for the Complete Healing clerics grab and continue their rotations. Then I changed to Beastlord. Loved him so much.

The single thing I do not like in eq is that we can summon one single pet... I loved to play city of heroes because the "summoner" class there, called MasterMinds, could summon 6 pets at the same time. It was awesome. The group was 8 members, with 8 Masterminds in a dungeon was a total war. * masterminds + 8x6 pets... haha

That would be cool - multiple permanent pets. Although I suppose it would just be a visual thing (for balance reasons if they give us 8 pets they'd cut them to 1/8th normal power), and they might actually get in the way if you have a bunch of pet classes. I can certainly picture a necromancer running by with an army of undead behind him (almost like something out of the first Diablo.)

Imagine this goes running by you in 3D:

yah, didn't have voice chat yet either so back in the kunark era it was a good thing I can type so fast, could chat in the group, twist and pull without any degradation in skill :P I don't miss it though. Playing a bard as a main prior to melody is probably why I have 0 nostalgia and won't ever do a TLP.
Rogue for sure favorite class, closely followed by ranger and necro. Rogues have been underrated for so many different periods of EQ, have to root for the underdog. rangers are very fun and dynamic to actually play, and necros are just cool.
I made a BST, MAG, MAG, SHM, ENC, NEC Group and it was great fun lol

But back to OP:

Ranger will always be my favorite. Old school Rangers use to be alot more than today's standards.

interesting, but man dunno if i could go back to not having a tank, did that before i got into mq a few years ago.
interesting, but man dunno if i could go back to not having a tank, did that before i got into mq a few years ago.

Dual tanking Mage pets FTW. No real issue with it as the necro pet & BST pet is back up for tanking.

Hell i even wiped one time and the SHM and his pet survived killing the mob then rezed everyone.

If you haven't tried it, give it a shot :)
Discussion - Favorite class

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