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Problem - ExpressVPN prevents commands (1 Viewer)


Aug 2, 2023
Howdy. I recently started using ExpressVPN on my rig. When I am connected to the VPN, dannet stops accepting commands. Once I disable the VPN, it resumes. I've tried several VPN locations (US, EU, Upsidedownland, etc) same effect. Anyone have a suggestion on what settings I need to update for ExpressVPN to communicate with the other instances of EQ?
Howdy. I recently started using ExpressVPN on my rig. When I am connected to the VPN, dannet stops accepting commands. Once I disable the VPN, it resumes. I've tried several VPN locations (US, EU, Upsidedownland, etc) same effect. Anyone have a suggestion on what settings I need to update for ExpressVPN to communicate with the other instances of EQ?
Hiya Bensode

Maybe this thread will help you?

For mine i had to change the protocol it used to "openvpn" or something along those lines, because proton didnt have an explicit option to allow local traffic. Not sure how expressvpn labels it.
Howdy. I recently started using ExpressVPN on my rig. When I am connected to the VPN, dannet stops accepting commands. Once I disable the VPN, it resumes. I've tried several VPN locations (US, EU, Upsidedownland, etc) same effect. Anyone have a suggestion on what settings I need to update for ExpressVPN to communicate with the other instances of EQ?
If you are using VPN you are out of your local network meaning you get some nonlocal IP addresss and dannet (AFIK) is local network only.

EQBC should work across multiple networks assuming you know the IP addresses of your machines.

You might be able to set up some sort of virtual local network -> VLAN (been a while since I've done any advanced networking) and then use dannet.

Like when I connect to my work machine we use VPN and every machine in the organization gets an address from block address.

So theoretically dannet could work across those (assuming the relevant ports are not blocked...).
Ok thank you all for the suggestions. I'll take a look at the options. I setup split tunneling but it seems to be application specific and when I pointed to the RG launcher, RG gave me a warning I shouldn't do that. I'll keep digging and report back if I find anything. If there is a specific exe that dannet uses, maybe that'd work.

Hiya Bensode

Maybe this thread will help you?

Thank you for this. It led me to the solution I needed,

All instances are on the same PC so all I had to so was to run "/dnet interface" on the first instance and select the local interface. It was "Wi-Fi 2" so next command was "/dnet interface 2". I then went and toggled the MQ2DanNet module off and on for all EQ instances. Now it all works. Thanks! Lean something new every month that improves QOL on Redguides!
Problem - ExpressVPN prevents commands

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