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IRL - EQ wants players to make content?

Very Odd. In the Ama, they answered outright that they cannot continue Player Studio due to financial issues that make it not good for them. How would they do it for :
  • Paid Campaigns
    • Social, streaming, YouTube, TikTok, and more.
Very much sounds to me as if they re looking at potential advertising by Social Media concepts and 'offering' some perk in game or 'pay' for a video influencer type person.
Imagine you give a suggestion or a quest write-up that they use.. so they give you an ornament or illusion or something. If you are a big influencer off YouTube/Tiktok, you might get Real World money and will need to help them, get subscribers, paid by views of your content, naturally.
On that thought.. Youtube/TikTok could potentially bring in some new younger players..but... could also change the game itself to cater to these new players to make them want to stay..more microtranactions or eeasier rewards/quests. less difficulty overall. All that would only happen if the older generation that are raid players make them less income than the new generation micro-tranactioners.

Is this just a new form of the old roundtable things as some type community member that led to mostly nothing? If you read the AMA..the majority of their dev answers are no, we don't have enough staff, no we don't have the money, sorry I screwed up the missions and that's why there is only 2, we will try harder to have 4 next time.
I wish them the best, I am sure we all do..no one here wants the game to decline, but only to thrive.
When sic streamed they got big mads though :shrug:
funny thing was, it was due to the flood of spam tickets --- same when folks "found me" when i was on FV.

there's a well known 2 letter guild out there who (at least used to) have a "bounty" for my accounts to get banned.

sad shit
That's about the dumbest thing ever... People Taking time out from playing to be self elected fun police

So sad. We just can't have nice things :ohdear:
one of their officers is an MQ user and sent me an "anon" msg

I miss streaming EQ a lot :'(
I'd love to stream it but can't play without MQ the way it's meant to be played would just take ages to do anything.
Same. I'm an active variety streamer with a modest following but I can't stream EQ or I'll just end up losing my accounts. It is what it is.
funny thing was, it was due to the flood of spam tickets --- same when folks "found me" when i was on FV.

there's a well known 2 letter guild out there who (at least used to) have a "bounty" for my accounts to get banned.

sad shit
I would call that a four letter guild. ;)
IRL - EQ wants players to make content?

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