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News - EQ Producer's Letter - July 2022 (1 Viewer)


May 5, 2016

Mergers, Death, Pride, and more!

EverQuest is still going strong thanks to all of you! As we inch closer to another year older, we cannot help but reminisce about our years together. It is a wonderful past steeped in rich lore and fantasy, sweetened with friendships and love for the game we all hold dear. As we continue to grow our game family and strengthen the bonds that hold us together, we would like to let you all know that we appreciate you greatly and are thrilled you have chosen to continue your travels through Norrath with us.
As most of you will recall, we shared our roadmap for the year in January. We received a great amount of feedback, and we thank you for that. In case you missed it, you can visit the original article at EQ Roadmap 2022. We have continued on-course, mostly, as well as remained working on smaller fixes and improvements. Read more in the links below.

2022 Roadmap Update:
One of the items listed in the previous Producer's Letters was the merging of Phinigel and Miragul to Vox. It was slated to have happened by June and was postponed. This delay was necessary to ensure the merger would go smoothly and to avoid possible issues which were imminent. Thank you for your patience and supportive words as we completed this merger.

The deathstravaganza of the Death, Death, Death! Event started on July 20, 2022 and will be running until August 9, 2022. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and let the games begin! A quick reminder that this event is about you killing the most old-world bosses in the fastest time and not your own character's death.

We also had some unlocks happen on July 20, 2022. Aradune and Rizlona servers unlocked The Serpent's Spine and Yelinak unlocked the Ruins of Kunark. On July 27, 2022, Mangler will unlock the Veil of Alaris. As noted above, TLP Expansion unlocks will be moved to Thursdays starting in September. This change is happening to avoid conflicts with patches on Wednesdays and expansion launches on Tuesdays.

In other news, Darkpaw Games, as part of Daybreak Games' DE&I initiative, recently pledged a donation of $5,000 to The San Diego LGBT Community Center. One of the many projects this organization works on is helping to solve the housing crisis in San Diego.

Later this year, in November, we'll be teaming up with Extra Life again to help improve kids' health. The official Extra Life Game Day is November 5, 2022, and we're planning some fun things for everyone, so be on the lookout for the announcement! If you would like to know more, please visit our Extra Life Announcement from 2021. Fun times, great games, excellent cause!

"What creatures will you encounter in the upcoming expansion?"
That's still not all. We have more exciting news to share, so keep reading! The next expansion is coming along very well. Environments, characters, and much more have been completed already. We should have it ready for beta testing by October. Are you ready for adventure? We certainly hope you are; you never know what lurks beyond the shadows.

Knight-y Night,
Jenn Chan
Head of Studio

Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.
What exactly is the premise of that mount ? I mean it looks Great , but what does it have to do with the Everquest RPG universe ? It's like DBG is feeding us nice visuals to keep us entertained ?

I am not entertained personally, Would like to have more substance or as they say " More Meat on the Bones, not just a Bone"
What exactly is the premise of that mount ? I mean it looks Great , but what does it have to do with the Everquest RPG universe ? It's like DBG is feeding us nice visuals to keep us entertained ?

I am not entertained personally, Would like to have more substance or as they say " More Meat on the Bones, not just a Bone"
it is a sonic wolf, from the luclin expansion, which is also the "revisit" current expansion, and likely what will be part 2 this coming winter
Was reading the thread, later on someone asked about cheating, a reply from dbg new community manager/employee? person:

We put in the work-power and time to stop the cheats, but please remember that even while we are busy stopping it, those who make cheating programs are busy changing them to keep them viable. It is a hard fought battle we are constantly fighting.
Was reading the thread, later on someone asked about cheating, a reply from dbg new community manager/employee? person:
Jennifer chan stated in an interview about 2 years ago that by the time they figure out how a cheat is being done and get it stopped that another one pops up. So she basically admitted they can't keep up.
You generally don’t put your “suspended 1000 accounts” on the “accomplishments” mark. It’s a no win statement. The people who vilify MQ users will say they haven’t done enough due to the <insert current made up issue> and others will look at it and go “wow, you had that many cheaters?” It’s a lose no matter how you mark it.

So I wouldn’t take the not crowing about how many suspensions and bans they did as anything meaningful.
I am so disappointed to expect one more luclin expansion. Lets hope we will a tiny bit more content.
I think i ll pass as the last one.
As their third party open mindedness, i heard they shut down a paid cheat allowed server on EQ2 recently.
I am so disappointed to expect one more luclin expansion. Lets hope we will a tiny bit more content.
I think i ll pass as the last one.
As their third party open mindedness, i heard they shut down a paid cheat allowed server on EQ2 recently.
You mean the prison server? That was just a server all the cheaters were sent to when they were unmasked. Does not mean they endorsed it. And some players did chose to transfer there they did so at their own risk
News - EQ Producer's Letter - July 2022

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