first off remove exodus from any active hotbar, might think a joke but i have seen many groups all of a sudden poof to safe spot in zone. I have raided years ago like 2001 range with my bot druid. His job was just to help the group with heals since I was focused on my monk at the time. But with aura's for druids damage bonus for spells I would set them up with a casting group as the healer for it and have them with aura and dps throw heals and cures when and if needed. This is just a generic set up.
Bards depends I was usually put in a dps group with a shaman plus a monk, rogue, berserker and beastlord. that is 98% of the time when i was in a raid. The rare few times we had enough bards for the dps melee groups then one would end up with a dps caster group to give them a bonus for the damage casting spells. and now adding insults with synergy bonus for casters and melee. If you have a burn i would keep the 10 minute AA reuse ones for the burn, as you learn an event you can see how far back you can use the longer timer AA's. and other wise i keep up rosn, epic, fierce eye, pet aa and all short AA etc on cool down. I have doubled up a few AA together with a macro. fierce eye with lyrical prankster together short cooldown, and quick time with song of stone both 10 min cool down, and i add a timer to hotbutton so they refresh as my AA cycle. Same with my kick since i have the darkened breath of harmony which is an instant click from inventory i tie with together with a macro and timer with 4.5 second cooldown and other AA on different times examples shout at 12 seconds, caco 3 min, bladed 4 min, spire 7:30 min, dirge 9 min. and have a few for def skills. I know some people with bards just start melody and then tab over every couple minutes to drop AA and otherwise focused on other toons. With melody having 8 songs swaping out a few things for my group, drop the ae mana/health and putting in caster bonus dmg, or insults mixed in a few times. keeping my songs up. and have those AA ready for a burn or on cooldown during events. Also have a stop song button, in fact most of my macro's all start with stop for melody or twist. I have a travel button stops songs, cast selo's then cast double invis. same with my fade macro stop song then fade. dont know how many times i hit double invis or fade without stop songs and take off get and agro/lose fade.
on raids I only use macro's which you do with everquest itself no mq etc needed. I enjoy my time now with my group team's doing group content and raiding with a single toon at most maybe a heal bot or slow etc. Group content and when alone is the only time I use mq and plugins when I am doing 6 toons at once, i have not tried 12 toon raids yet..