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News - DirectX 11 API Port is live! (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2017


It's finally here!
The DirectX 11 API Port is now live. DirectX 11 is included with the required Windows OS versions (see below), so in most cases, you will not need to install more software. Most systems that currently play EverQuest should be able to run DirectX 11.

There are a few goals with this port. For many people, the immediate benefit will be improved graphics performance and stability from modern drivers. Additionally, this allows our game to continue running in non-emulated graphics modes. Major graphics card manufacturers have already started running games for DirectX 9 in emulated modes (thus introducing another area for potential graphical lag in the future). Eventually, we'll have some new and improved art that takes advantage of the features of DirectX 11.

The following is a list of issues which were resolved since this has been on the test server.

Fixed several DirectX 11 issues:
  • Fixed a DX11 client issue that caused excessive memory growth while zoning.
  • Fixed a crash on application exit.
  • Fixed the "X" endpoint that's drawn when finding a path in the map window.
  • Fixed the black rendering of post effects spells where bloom lighting was disabled.
  • Improved D3D device reset logic.
  • Improved the handling of display mode aspect ratios that are close to native resolution.
  • Improved the performance of texture loading.
  • Fixed rendering jitter at the distant horizon.
  • Fixed a D3D device reset crash.
  • Fixed the rendering of items with post effects.
New Minimum Requirements

You will need to ensure your PC meets the new requirements, which are as follows:

OS: Windows 7 SP1 + Platform Update 64-bit or newer
Processor: Intel Core i7-4771 / AMD Athlon X4 840
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti / AMD Radeon HD 7970, hardware feature level 11_0 or greater
Network: Broadband Internet Connection
Hard Drive: 20 GB of free hard drive space


OS: Windows 10 64-bit or newer
Processor: Intel Core i5-9600K / AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 / AMD Radeon RX 5700, hardware feature level 11_1 or greater
Network: Broadband Internet Connection
Hard Drive: 20 GB of free hard drive space

To verify your Operating System and Service Pack, open your Windows Search on your PC and type in MSINFO. You will see "System Information", press that. Within the "System Summary", you will find what OS Name and Version you have.
To verify your DirectX version and your GPU's hardware feature level check DXDIAG. Go to Windows Search on your PC and type in DXDIAG. Click on the Display tab and in the box on the right titled Drivers, you will find your feature level.
Alternatively, you can look up any video card to check for compatibility at: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs. The hardware feature level will look like this, the number in the parenthesis is the feature level that this graphics card supports:

If your system meets the minimum specifications, you may need to install updates.
If you're running Windows 7 (without any service packs), you will need to upgrade to Windows 7 SP1 and Platform update for Windows 7 SP1:
If you're running Windows 8, you may need to install the DirectX 11.1 optional updates:
Reporting Issues

To report bugs on this port, please post HERE. With each issue, please include as much information as possible. Such as zone, loc's, NPC names, your current graphics settings, screenshots of issues, or anything else that may be helpful for us to try to reproduce the issue internally.


What will the DirectX 11 change let you do that can't be done now, or is this just to keep the UI working with DX11 with bigger monitors?
A: Some of the DirectX 11 features are tessellation, improvements to occlusion, and access to additional post-processing effects. You can read more about DirectX 11 features here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d11/direct3d-11-features

Q: I play on a laptop with just an onboard Intel graphics chip. Will this make things worse for me to play?
A: If your integrated graphics supports DirectX 11 there should be a performance improvement, but specific configurations may vary. There should be extensive coverage for DirectX 11 and that is part of the reason why DirectX 11 was chosen instead of a newer version (wider hardware support). You can read more about Intel graphics API support here: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005524/graphics.html

Q: Will the DirectX 11 require a stand-alone graphics card?
A: Depending on the capabilities of your PC’s integrated graphics, DirectX 11 may be supported. Intel HD4000 and higher should support DirectX 11.0. Intel HD4200 and higher should support DirectX 11.1.

Q: Will the lag get worse with DirectX 11 on older systems?
A: Most likely not, though some older graphics cards, typically graphics cards older than 10 years, may not support DirectX 11, which would be the main drawback of the upgrade (most have had updates that added DX11 support). Graphics cards that support both DirectX 9 and DirectX 11 should see a performance improvement.

Q: What are the long-term plans for DirectX 11?
A: The initial reason to move off DirectX 9 was to help future-proof our game, which may not be supported natively by modern graphics cards in the next few years. Intel stopped supporting DirectX 9 natively in 2022. DirectX 11 allows us to use newer features (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d11/direct3d-11-features), such as tessellation and multithreading. DirectX 11 was chosen, over a newer version, to support Windows 7, older hardware, and be a less disruptive change overall.
I am not sure if its the DX but now my gamma is to dark. There is a enhanced vision slide but still darker than what is was.
I found that if you go into display and then advanced there is an option to check the box for "Use advanced lighting". This actually nullifies the "enhanced vision" setting on the previous page and may help the screen appear a little lighter.
I found that if you go into display and then advanced there is an option to check the box for "Use advanced lighting". This actually nullifies the "enhanced vision" setting on the previous page and may help the screen appear a little lighter.
While this may fix it, i thought there was a issue on Beta, then Test, with DX11 and gamma/advanced lighting, and people lighting up like a spot light? and the dev working on it was like "oh yeah, if you dont want to bling, turn off advanced lighting"..
On the Forums they list to check, so I was curious.. I don;t have other games installed, just EQ, so never worried about DX..but they have 12_2 on thier example pic, I only see 12_1 on my DX, is it an issue I should update? :
While EQ was in a (newly dark) window, I opened up Windows "Display Settings" - and immediately everything got a bit brighter.

Didn't change anything - but I've replicated it twice now. So.... there's that.
I think this another of those "we know it's worse so we can make it better later" updates they had to or told themselves they had to roll out. But rn lighting and performance seems to be impacted for a lot of people
All I've noticed is my cursor positioning was off to the bottom left of where I was clicking / aiming and that my FPS dropped by half. Otherwise I don't see any difference.


EDIT- Should add Im using an nVidia graphics card with the latest drivers on Win11. In game advanced display setting set to 30 FPS background and unlimited foreground. Game still runs smooth just about 1/2 the FPS as before.

The cursor issues took some Google-Fu but found that alt + enter, wait for the flicker and repeat fixed the cursor aim.
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I just logged in this morning, since the patch. Screen is a little darker, the loading screen is...weird, only a section of the loading screen is showing and a portion of the character select screen can still be seen while it's loading. And it's showing I have 25fps but acting like I have 5, it's vey choppy. Even with just 1 toon I'll have 45 fps and feels like 5. I had similar problems with the fps when they did the new UI. And for some reason it decided to load with 2 of my alt personas on 2 of my toons.
Yeah, I experienced an incredible decrease in frame rate performance. In heavy traffic areas with players, I would easily peg at 144 FPS, with very slight dips (if any.) Now, I see it pegged closer to 12 FPS. All while running a 12900k and 3080TI.

The explanation for this heavy decrease I keep seeing is that DX9 passed a lot of its work to the CPU, but with DX11 the majority of what was passed to the CPU is now passed to the GPU. And as a result, "Those with mediocre/low-end CPUs but decent GPUs may have seen a performance increase, but those with higher end CPUs and GPUs may have seen a decrease." Which - in my ignorant brain doesn't make sense at all.
I can't play at all now. Fatal errors. Guess my team is getting a couple months break till I get new laptop. And of course right after I go gold on SK. :bang:
we're happy to try and help you figure out the errors if you want help
Have to admit, after all the kinks are ironed out, DX11 is a big upgrade. Everything looks better, the lightning is more realistic and performance seems a lot better on my end.
we're happy to try and help you figure out the errors if you want help
I was reading on the DB forums that alot of people with dual cards like mine are having problems. I'm going to try a couple things later like shutting dedicated video card off in bios. I should have started earlier when I tried on test and got the fatal error. Probably going to mess things up more but I can't play anyways. I appreciate the offers and will be back if (when)the withdrawals get to bad.
I'm also having some framerate issues with an older nvidia GeForce GTX 745. Although I also stopped using Joe Multiboxer this patch (stopped working). So that could be part of the change from me.
6 box crew isn't doable for me anymore. 4 box isn't great but doable. At this point I'll just have to get a better machine to play on. Right now I'm playing on a 11 year old laptop and it was good enough to six box on before d11. I had started doing CotF with my crew a few days before d11, I don't really want to move ahead with it, with only 3 or 4 toons and end up hanging to do it all over again later. My plan was to knock out every expansion starting with CotF. I won't be getting a new pc for a couple of months so I'll probably just take some time off. I have no idea what to even look for, for a new pc or how much to expect to pay. Other than EQ I don't really game much. I usually only play skyrim or Fo4 when I take a break from eq. Its funny once your get a full crew together, going back to having mercs just feels wrong lol
It's definitely hurting my eyes and I'm having trouble reading the text in game. Wondering if anyone has a solution for that?
There have been some possibilities posted on the eq forums for the darkness but I have tried them all and none have worked. Just really bummed that I could still box as many as I want ...............if I could just see the screen.

I open a bag and all the slots are black and if the item is dark colored like rat whiskers then you can't see them.

Not really playable for me at this point.
funny thing is this was ramping up to be daybreraks best achieve yet this xpac was looking great then dropped dx11 shot themselves in the foot none of them even have a clue what they have done to the game few months after they sell it the will realise how bad they screwed up
went down to one account. still choppy as hell. LD every 6 minutes. very unplayable.
says i'm running dx12. switched to the new ui and no change. i quit till the next fix. just bought eskay and shaman would of liked to try them. oh well
being a full time test player, i gotta admit im surprised that this debacle left my server to live in the state its in ... it has more bugs in it than a mattress in an alley .. its caused a lot of downtime on test and is now "working as intended" i do really hope this train wreck gets sorted out and either rolled back or properly fixed in the near future ... i know i wouldn't be paying dpg a monthly sub to deal with this ...
being a full time test player, i gotta admit im surprised that this debacle left my server to live in the state its in ... it has more bugs in it than a mattress in an alley .. its caused a lot of downtime on test and is now "working as intended" i do really hope this train wreck gets sorted out and either rolled back or properly fixed in the near future ... i know i wouldn't be paying dpg a monthly sub to deal with this ...
There is no fix planned. Instead they responded with:

"We recommend using your graphics card's driver's settings to make adjustments as needed.

We are writing up some general guidelines and recommendations on how to adjust those settings in a future article."
I am running a brand new system with 13900K, 32 Gb ram, 8TB of ssd storage and a 4090. Performance went to shit. Pre patch I 6 boxed with IS Boxer all of them with pegged out graphics options nary a slowdown except sometimes in the guild lobby looking at the masses. Even then it wasn't slow. Now ugh. In the lobby if I scan past the crowd it just skips past them like it hitched. I have to slowly turn not to skip over them.

I hope it gets resolved and optimized later. It must be a huge undertaking and I do appreciate their putting the effort in.
There have been multiple threads about how to edit your eqclient.ini to fix DX11 performance issues.
If you are referring to the threads originating on the official DBG forums, there are also many responses saying those so called "Fixes" don't help or only marginally help. We will just have to be patient for the DBG devs to figure out how they are going to handle this. From what I can see so far, I am betting they roll back to the original emulation instead of treading this DX11 path just yet. There are way too many people complaining about far too many things right now on their forums for them to just try and piece it all together a little at a time.
6 box crew isn't doable for me anymore. 4 box isn't great but doable. At this point I'll just have to get a better machine to play on. Right now I'm playing on a 11 year old laptop and it was good enough to six box on before d11. I had started doing CotF with my crew a few days before d11, I don't really want to move ahead with it, with only 3 or 4 toons and end up hanging to do it all over again later. My plan was to knock out every expansion starting with CotF. I won't be getting a new pc for a couple of months so I'll probably just take some time off. I have no idea what to even look for, for a new pc or how much to expect to pay. Other than EQ I don't really game much. I usually only play skyrim or Fo4 when I take a break from eq. Its funny once your get a full crew together, going back to having mercs just feels wrong lol
They are gaming mini pc with a fan and a graphic card on amazon which are affordable and good enough for eq.
I am on a Chinese Mini PC and I haven’t seen any change, at all.
There is not really any benefit from switching to DX11 except getting rid of an obsolete and unsupported technology.
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If you are referring to the threads originating on the official DBG forums, there are also many responses saying those so called "Fixes" don't help or only marginally help. We will just have to be patient for the DBG devs to figure out how they are going to handle this. From what I can see so far, I am betting they roll back to the original emulation instead of treading this DX11 path just yet. There are way too many people complaining about far too many things right now on their forums for them to just try and piece it all together a little at a time.
With a myriad of different systems people are using to play EQ with, there's any number of ways to fix it or mitigate it.

Some of those fixes have been as radical as re-calibrating your monitor (Git bent, no way) or recalibrating your video card settings.. which again... get bent.

I tried the one thread talking about mipmapping, which was a simple flipping a 1 to a 0 in the client file, and it fully cleared my stuttering up to almost pre-dx11 levels. It's still a little choppy in groups, but its significantly better than not being able to play at all. And I'm geussing it doesn't work for everybody. but flipping a 1 to a 0 or a 0 to a 1 can't hurt for 5 minutes of effort. beats the hell out of recalibrating a monitor or something equally as painful.
With a myriad of different systems people are using to play EQ with, there's any number of ways to fix it or mitigate it.

Some of those fixes have been as radical as re-calibrating your monitor (Git bent, no way) or recalibrating your video card settings.. which again... get bent.

I tried the one thread talking about mipmapping, which was a simple flipping a 1 to a 0 in the client file, and it fully cleared my stuttering up to almost pre-dx11 levels. It's still a little choppy in groups, but its significantly better than not being able to play at all. And I'm geussing it doesn't work for everybody. but flipping a 1 to a 0 or a 0 to a 1 can't hurt for 5 minutes of effort. beats the hell out of recalibrating a monitor or something equally as painful.
I get what you are saying about different systems require different solutions. However, the big picture here is....All of what you said is unacceptable in terms of business customer relations. "Any number of ways for the customer to fix it or mitigate it?" You have got to be kidding me. There is all sorts of wrong with the way DBG has it's customer base reacting to this nonsense. No business should expect to sell you a product, and then when it doesn't live up to the promised expectation they give you, tell you to improvise to make it work for you, or worse yet leave you to fend for yourself. What a great business model they must have to develop a product, and then when it doesn't work, they let their customers figure it out and have the customer force it to work. And in the meantime still get paid for it. Where are the free month subscriptions for the ENTIRE customer base when it's finally fixed? Yeah, doesn't happen. You know why? Because they have the EQ player base by the short hairs because no other game is just like EQ...and they KNOW it. They have zero accountability for their business model.

All that is happening right now is, everyone is trying to put a band aid on it. Nope nope, and just nope. Not acceptable, ever. If I was in charge of this disaster of a company, I would immediately roll out a plan, get some people in-house right away on OT, and roll things back to the last stable release until the DX11 implementation is stable for release. Nothing else would be acceptable.
News - DirectX 11 API Port is live!

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