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Devs macros on Github (1 Viewer)

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Since support has become almost non-existent for long standing issues with Dev's macros, I have uploaded the class macros to Github, in hopes that, someone who knows how to look at and write macro code can look into the known issues

There are quite a few known issues by other users that I've missed so contact me or submit a commit to the readme file.

If you can help fix and improve the bots, make a fork of the repo for yourself.

They can be found at the following address:


EDIT: Please don't hit the "Thanks" button for this post. I personally feel IPs should be respected, but this post was due to severe lack of disrespect to customers and lack of support for the macros. (How would you feel if KissAssist didn't get fixes for 3 to 9 months at a time if you paid $150 - 250 for it annually) I really don't think other people's IP should be given out freely but this was a last resort to actual try to build support for these bots.
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Nope, I made the decision to release the version I have based on the severe lack of support which is what people have been paying for. You can follow the issue with the lack of support on the bugs forum if you have access to the Marketplace there.
Someone put a lot of time into those macros, but man they are a mess. Horrible documentation, and a really bad flow. It would be easier to start over than try to fix that.
basically, they are abandonware at this point. The hope is that somebody else can come along and fix them, which definitely wouldn't happen if they were still private. Devestator didn't really care too much because he doesn't do macros anymore. His issue was with offending the people that had paid for them already (and could now get them for free).

I don't have any involvement in this, and I don't write macros. I'm just interpreting what i'm reading.
He doesn't support them and the people who bought them need shit fixed. Personally they're very old macros that if written today would not look like such a mess.
Usually looking at other people code is how I learn, all I learned from those were how to have a headache.... do they even work? I have some of Devs macros and they are NOT that shitty, those look like old crappy versions that he abandoned a long time ago.
Usually looking at other people code is how I learn, all I learned from those were how to have a headache.... do they even work? I have some of Devs macros and they are NOT that shitty, those look like old crappy versions that he abandoned a long time ago.

They are the most "recent" release version if you can even call them that. They are definitely not shitty if you need as much configuration as you can possibly do with a macro, which I haven't seen any other "general purpose" macro provide unless you are custom building one.

What sets them apart from other macros is

1) conditional support (think of this as all those holyflags you are adding to mq2melee being incorporated into the mac), as well as

2) multi configurable ini files, with naming of the file at your discretion. I.E. if you need to setup your class/toon with multi custom inis, for example:

wizard1_setup1.ini - this ini is designed for specific zone or a named boss fight
wizard1_weave1.ini & wizard1_weave2.ini - these ini's are designed for a certain spell weave
wizard1_setup3.ini - this ini is designed with certain conditions in mind to take precedent over others

tank_dps.ini - obvious what the intent is
tank_tank.ini - obvious what the intent is

You can also have multi loot.ini files For example,

Loot.ini - main general ini for all looting
Loot_rogue.ini - this ini is designed to loot poisons a direct copy of your main Loot.ini but with each NO DROP poison set to loot as TRUE
Loot_zoneX.ini - a direct copy of your main Loot.ini but loots certain stuff set as TRUE for that particular zone
I had purchased hundreds of dollars worth of Devestator macros years ago, and I do have to say they were the cats meow.That is if you didn't have the time or know how to configure Modbot or the likeness during that time period.

Sad to see this happening. He was a stand up guy as far as I had ever dealt with him. Always took care of the support in a timely manner and had taken several special requests.

Not sure much of these are relevant anymore with Kiss/autocleric/ soon to be auto warrior /AFnuke ect.
They are the most "recent" release version if you can even call them that. They are definitely not shitty if you need as much configuration as you can possibly do with a macro, which I haven't seen any other "general purpose" macro provide unless you are custom building one.

What sets them apart from other macros is

1) conditional support (think of this as all those holyflags you are adding to mq2melee being incorporated into the mac), as well as

2) multi configurable ini files, with naming of the file at your discretion. I.E. if you need to setup your class/toon with multi custom inis, for example:

wizard1_setup1.ini - this ini is designed for specific zone or a named boss fight
wizard1_weave1.ini & wizard1_weave2.ini - these ini's are designed for a certain spell weave
wizard1_setup3.ini - this ini is designed with certain conditions in mind to take precedent over others

tank_dps.ini - obvious what the intent is
tank_tank.ini - obvious what the intent is

You can also have multi loot.ini files For example,

Loot.ini - main general ini for all looting
Loot_rogue.ini - this ini is designed to loot poisons a direct copy of your main Loot.ini but with each NO DROP poison set to loot as TRUE
Loot_zoneX.ini - a direct copy of your main Loot.ini but loots certain stuff set as TRUE for that particular zone

My ego demands that I am to blame for this. Another causality of KissAssist and RedGuides.

Also Devestators choice to mainly sell his macros at the other guys website contributed to this I am sure since its such a toxic environment.

Its kind of weird how he just stopped supporting them. He should have gradually shut down.

Stop selling them. Finish up existing trouble tickets. Announce he is no longer supporting them.

I have seen Devs macros before and I thought they were well written. People bought them for years.

Phase 5 of my plans for Macro World Domination is complete. Only 3 people now stand between me and my ultimate victory.


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As a person who purchased his macs and have a current "support" period. I have to agree with aspire. I opened a ticket in November for a error on the bard mac. He said thanks and would update the mac the following week. Which he still has not.

I don't care anymore since KA does everything I need now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As a person who purchased his macs and have a current "support" period. I have to agree with aspire. I opened a ticket in November for a error on the bard mac. He said thanks and would update the mac the following week. Which he still has not.

I don't care anymore since KA does everything I need now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Join Date Oct 2005

Gave you thanks just for being a member for 12 years.

Glad you like Kiss
I purchased Dev's macros back in the day, as well. I disagree that the fact that he sold them mostly at "the other guys'" site was in any way representative of the macros, nor how he supported them. I'm also not sure I agree with the "toxic environment" stamp on the site... there's just no environment whatsoever. The community is basically 100% dead, so it just looks like a place for compile releases. At least htw and the developers still seem to put in the effort... not many else do.

Frankly, I joined this site and the other guy's site around the same time a decade ago. RG had a period of turmoil, but it recovered very nicely. The other guys just sort of faded away. I greatly value the community here, and I think its really what makes the site as strong as it is.

But back to Dev's macros (sorry for the tangent)... his were the first macros I acquired and they did everything they needed to do, although sometimes they had little idiosyncrasies that were more annoying than anything else. Even after I switched all my non-wizzies over to KISS, I still used his zerker macro because it seemed pretty solid. The only reason I switched that one was I was tired of different commands and different .ini formats to deal with.

It's a bummer Dev isn't supporting the macros as well as he probably should. If he had, I bet they'd be legit sellers.
I still use both sites. I use the other compile just for use of instamem which I have used forever and never seen a ban even through all the pervious ban waves and to me it was worth using that compile just for that reason. One the other hand I like this site and keep my sub up here for overall community and the macros/information available. I have also used Devs macros in the past and they were great. But simplified macros like Kiss and Bot killed them in terms of me wanting to shell out cash every year or 2 to keep up to date class macros when I can use something like kiss to run all my toons instead of needing a seperate mac for each class.
I used to LOVE his bard mac - it was the best one out there to pull with, because it did Lull control on potential adds so well. Haven't used them for a few years, but its too bad - nothing but great things to say from the time when I used them.
My ego demands that I am to blame for this. Another causality of KissAssist and RedGuides.

Also Devestators choice to mainly sell his macros at the other guys website contributed to this I am sure since its such a toxic environment.

Its kind of weird how he just stopped supporting them. He should have gradually shut down.

Stop selling them. Finish up existing trouble tickets. Announce he is no longer supporting them.

I have seen Devs macros before and I thought they were well written. People bought them for years.

Phase 5 of my for plans for Macro World Domination is complete. Only 3 people now stand between me and my ultimate victory.


View attachment 11029[

There is no toxic environment at the other website. This problem was all on Devestator and nothing to do with KA or RG, or the other website. He promised a product called "support" and failed to deliver that product in a timely manner. It would be equivalent if fixes for KA issue's weren't being adddressed for 3 to 9 months at a time, at the same time charged for the Kiss Assist support.

I agree he should have shut them down 2-3 years back. A lot of us non-coders that were users of his bots for years have become reliant on them, and had been long standing loyal customers and he took advantage of that.
Back then...YES the macros were amazing as there was NOTHING out there that compared to it. Mainly the bard mac which had the best pull routine out there. Back then you had modbot or some other pulling macro that did OK but the bard one during that time was better then anything existed.

The problem with it today is that there was no upkeep to the macro for the new features that were released with MQ2 Official releases like new TLO or certain functions that were changed for macro users. For a long time his macro has the old coding for how it handled several functions that eqmule changed and it broke it. No update was released because if you put in a ticket, he said he would eventually fix it.

MQ2Bot, KA, afnuke so many other macros out there now are far better then his because they have kept up with the changes that were made and added new features with expansion or patches that were done. If you stop support the changes that are made then you should stop providing your macros at a cost. Application Devs do that all the time. They release something and bring out the Beta version and Full version when it is ready. They sell it at a cost, but when life hits them were they can no longer support it they put it on the site for freeware and provide a disclaimer that no more updates will be done to it.

By all means if he actually spent some time to improve it and add all the new features and other features that are not offered in other plugins/macros then Sure put out a release and have people pay for it but don't make people pay for something that is broken.
My ego demands that I am to blame for this. Another causality of KissAssist and RedGuides.

Also Devestators choice to mainly sell his macros at the other guys website contributed to this I am sure since its such a toxic environment.

Its kind of weird how he just stopped supporting them. He should have gradually shut down.

Stop selling them. Finish up existing trouble tickets. Announce he is no longer supporting them.

I have seen Devs macros before and I thought they were well written. People bought them for years.

Phase 5 of my plans for Macro World Domination is complete. Only 3 people now stand between me and my ultimate victory.


View attachment 11029[

My new macros (plural) will be launching soon... I hope you have a firm grip on that head of yours ;) I've finished my base code for Auto-Warrior, Auto-Cleric 3.0, and Auto-Bard.
No, it should not be in level 2.

a) it's on github
b) aspire wanted it to be level 1
We need to take those links down, the DCMA filed with GitHub was by devastator and aspire can't distribute those macros. He is still selling these macros on his site... It is outragous prices for such dated macros. Devastor if you read this... I'll code a macro for any of the classes for $1000 each and give you distribution rights ;) I promise they will spank those old ones you have.
Join Date Oct 2005

Gave you thanks just for being a member for 12 years.

Glad you like Kiss

Screw you both..
Join Date
Sep 2004

I was coding when you were still an itch in your daddy's jock strap.... lol

No... but seriously.... I really don't see to many things by devestator that aren't already offered in a current form in either Kiss .. or the heal/nuke plugins ... oth other modern and still supported macros.

I understand Dev's grief.... making free something that was generating him money... but... as was stated... they are NOT supported anymore..
I'm not throwing my hat into the ring to volunteer to fix/update any of his macros....

But I'm simply saying if there is truely a desire for one or two to be brought back to life with CPR ( Coders Proficient Revivial ).. I'll help.

IF noobhaxor is coprrect and Dev still actively selling these (outdate and all... poor showmanship Dev)... then i take back my help offer...

I don't take food out of a coder's kid's mouth.. lol
Screw you both..
Join Date
Sep 2004

I was coding when you were still an itch in your daddy's jock strap.... lol

No... but seriously.... I really don't see to many things by devestator that aren't already offered in a current form in either Kiss .. or the heal/nuke plugins ... oth other modern and still supported macros.

I understand Dev's grief.... making free something that was generating him money... but... as was stated... they are NOT supported anymore..
I'm not throwing my hat into the ring to volunteer to fix/update any of his macros....

But I'm simply saying if there is truely a desire for one or two to be brought back to life with CPR ( Coders Proficient Revivial ).. I'll help.

IF noobhaxor is coprrect and Dev still actively selling these (outdate and all... poor showmanship Dev)... then i take back my help offer...

I don't take food out of a coder's kid's mouth.. lol

Frankly, I used to pay for and use dev's macros, and I'd question why any of them would be necessary anymore now that we have noob's macros, raz's wizzy mac, and kiss.
No... but seriously.... I really don't see to many things by devestator that aren't already offered in a current form in either Kiss .. or the heal/nuke plugins ... oth other modern and still supported macros.

I understand Dev's grief.... making free something that was generating him money... but... as was stated... they are NOT supported anymore..
I'm not throwing my hat into the ring to volunteer to fix/update any of his macros....

But I'm simply saying if there is truely a desire for one or two to be brought back to life with CPR ( Coders Proficient Revivial ).. I'll help.

IF noobhaxor is coprrect and Dev still actively selling these (outdate and all... poor showmanship Dev)... then i take back my help offer...

I don't take food out of a coder's kid's mouth.. lol

Dev is not actively selling these anymore as far as I know. He made them all open source this past month (probably cause I called him out on the lack of support over the past few years so he only had 3-6 people still willing to use his macs anymore) and put them all on github this past month. That Noobhaxor post is from January when I made this thread.

I already mentioned what I'd like to see in KA that Devs seems to do that KA doesn't in the


Frankly, I'd like to be done with Dev's bots for good. As I'm starting to enjoy using KA over his simply because of the responsiveness of KA. But there are some things that Dev's does that KA doesn't.

Frankly, I used to pay for and use dev's macros, and I'd question why any of them would be necessary anymore now that we have noob's macros, raz's wizzy mac, and kiss.

Flipping dots or any spells for that matter in the same gem or multiple pull path usage would be one reason to use Devs.
Screw you both..
Join Date
Sep 2004

I was coding when you were still an itch in your daddy's jock strap.... lol

No... but seriously.... I really don't see to many things by devestator that aren't already offered in a current form in either Kiss .. or the heal/nuke plugins ... oth other modern and still supported macros.

I understand Dev's grief.... making free something that was generating him money... but... as was stated... they are NOT supported anymore..
I'm not throwing my hat into the ring to volunteer to fix/update any of his macros....

But I'm simply saying if there is truely a desire for one or two to be brought back to life with CPR ( Coders Proficient Revivial ).. I'll help.

IF noobhaxor is coprrect and Dev still actively selling these (outdate and all... poor showmanship Dev)... then i take back my help offer...

I don't take food out of a coder's kid's mouth.. lol

I now only see dating as BK and AK
Before Kiss
After Kiss

Wasn't Dev's flipping dots using the Instant Mem plugin hack?

Nope. He only requires like 4 plugins to use his, which are all non-active hacks. I would really like to stop using them all together but for multiple path pulling, dot flipping and slash command buffing a player/pet name (things KA doesn't have) its still useful to use his on certain class bots.
This is wrong. If you don't like a product, don't buy it. If you bought it and you don't like their customer service, you complain. If you don't get action, tell everyone and boycott the business. You don't burn down someone's store!

DBG's forum moderators are terrible. Their CS sucks. Why aren't you doing something about them? Oh, because you can't. Stop ruining a small businessman.
This is wrong. If you don't like a product, don't buy it. If you bought it and you don't like their customer service, you complain. If you don't get action, tell everyone and boycott the business. You don't burn down someone's store!

DBG's forum moderators are terrible. Their CS sucks. Why aren't you doing something about them? Oh, because you can't. Stop ruining a small businessman.

Aspire said in a couple posts up that dev made them public. I'd also like to point out that RedGuides is very respectful and has always respected independent coders. I know Redbot contacted me direct about adding my macros into the compile and are very conscious of using others work. If dev wanted the macros taken down, I am sure a simple PM to Redbot and the the links would be removed.
This is wrong. If you don't like a product, don't buy it. If you bought it and you don't like their customer service, you complain. If you don't get action, tell everyone and boycott the business. You don't burn down someone's store!

DBG's forum moderators are terrible. Their CS sucks. Why aren't you doing something about them? Oh, because you can't. Stop ruining a small businessman.

Please stop with the drama.

I was asking a legitimate question. I thought his macs used MQ2Instantmem.

Aspire2008 was probably one of Dev's best customers and called him out on his lack of service.

Devastator is closing up shop this month and you can read the post on his website apologizing for his lack of customer service

If you read this entire post both aspire2008 and I had a lot of good stuff to say about him.

No one was flaming or burning him they were posting their recent experiences with his services.
Devs macros on Github
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