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Macro - Couple of questions about new setup (1 Viewer)

Sep 23, 2015
I have a couple of questions concerning my setup. I am a new user and just trying to get things setup to run a 6 box on a live server. After a month of intense study and reading guides I have come to the conclusion that this is HARD. It seems like the simplest things become so difficult. So, 1st question:

1. Is ISBoxer needed or even recommended here? I use it because I wanted to emulate

on that video who does the click healing from the drivers screen. I thought that was so cool. Right now I am mainly using it for the Windows layout (I have 2 monitors) and Character Sets auto loading of the 6 accounts. But I have to admit that ISBoxer is WAY over my head as far as usability goes. I have spent some time with it and I can't figure it out. I am not a programmer, just a guy who wants to 6 box and enjoy the game. Is ISBoxer the only option? Is there something less complicated? Is WinEQ or AHotkey (spelling) better for me because they are less sophisticated?

My major issue with ISBoxer right now is the Broadcast Keys feature WON'T turn OFF. I know about the button (which I turn off at the EQ login screen) and the KB command (shift + alt + M) used to turn it off. But in game when I am making macro's and use a number in the macro line, one or all my characters will perform an action from my #1 hotbar, depending on the number typed. If I type a number in the chat line it fires off a macro. It really screws things up, especially MQ2 macro's. Is this normal behavior? What can I do to turn it off? It's driving me crazy! I think (but can't prove) that it is screwing up my Kissassist setup.

2. Trouble with macro's. I have a couple of macro's that are misbehaving. I have a "Nuke" macro that tells all 3 of my casters in the group to cast a nuke. The first 2 (Enchanter and Wiz) work fine, but the Cleric won't fire at all. I have played with the pause timing and still no help. I see the Cleric gets the keypress command in the MQ2 chat box but the keypress never actually happens. Is there a limit built into the macro's that limit the number of different characters you can issue commands to? Hoping you can help me out here. Here is the macro:

/bcg //assist Tankname
/pause 20
/bcg Wizname //keypress 3
/bcg Encname //keypress 3
/bcg Clericname //keypress 3

Thanks in advance for the any help you can offer.
You are absolutely correct, it is very hard to get everything working in contented cooperation. I have to troubleshoot random weirdness almost every time I log in.

Based on the example macro you posted I think that you are not using the automation that is available in the KISS macro. With KISS you wouldn't need to specify whom to assist or what spell gem to activate.

With ISBoxer you would use key broadcaster (NOT the key repeater function) to map primary keystrokes to all the other EQ windows. But with VV and a character control macro like KISS you wouldn't have to use key repeating or broadcasting in most cases.

In other words, your example would indicate you're not taking advantage of either the power in ISBoxer or VV.

My advice would be to abandon one or the other for a period of time so you aren't chasing your tail so much. I used ISBoxer for years before starting with VV so had the advantage of a significant amount of ISBoxer experience. And I still get things wrong at times.

Or, try using ISBoxer strictly for screen and team loading management. Then use VV and KISS to actually control your characters. Once KISS is configured for each character in the team you will not have to micromanage things so much. I find that I still use the Invis keys I created in ISBoxer simply because I'm too lazy to create new ones in VV. This was so that I could reliably double-invis my group with a single keystroke. Otherwise, my ISBoxer macros rarely get used anymore. VV and KISS are more powerful and easy to use.

This is all mere opinion on my part. But I feel your pain about the complexity. I wrote about my experiences getting up to speed here.
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Saar, thanks for the input, but I have a question about it. Is /target the same as /assist? If not, why target the tank? And assist will target the mob. Not knocking what your saying, but now I'm confused. However I will try what you suggest. Also I can't just do /keypress 3 because I have a Bard and War in my team. That's why I specify each caster.

Big Daddy thanks for your suggestions. I read and bookmarked your thread, I see you went through quite a bit yourself. I decided when I couldn't get good results from ISBoxer (totally my fault for not understanding it) that I would try MQ2, and for the most part I feel more comfortable with that than I do ISBoxer. I just find ISB to be rather intimidating. So after a bit (a lot) of reading here and internet, I decided to try to do things manually at first, to get a feel for multiboxing (learning) and to get things setup initially. So what I am learning is that basically, I know just enough to be dangerous lol. I plan to get to Kissassist soon enough, but this whole ISB Broadcasting thing is really messing with me up. I just want to turn it off til I get things in order. I don't understand why it won't turn off. I click the button on screen, no help, keys still get broadcast. Shrug. Since you have a feel for ISB, can you please tell me how this is supposed to work? Like I said before, the simplest things can be so frustrating.

I am using macro's to arrive at a manual setup for now. My team is real low level so I am constantly moving around anyways. So I have my Follow macro's and interact macro's done, Quests still suck, but this is where ISB DOES come in handy. Windows layout that keeps the same aspect ratio with all Windows even if they are different sizes. I can see just enough (on the small windows) to see the pointer hover over the blue colored words on each window, so I can click on them all at the same time.

Still looking for some more help though please. And thanks for anything you can contribute.
and bcg command issues to all minus the one that sent the command, /bcga send it to all including the sender. to help with quests make a key and target the mob and once the keyword shows up make a hotkey
/bcg //target id ${Target.ID} and next line have a /bcga //say keywordhere
Saar...OMG is that what I am doing wrong? If I send to group (bcg) using the toon name instead of using bct. Man do I ever feel like a dupe now. I actually kind of knew that sheesh. Thanks man that is an eye opener. So simple.

And thanks for the tip on the quest macro too. If I stop using ISB that will come in real handy.
Macro - Couple of questions about new setup

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