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Question - Best Plugin/Macro to invite my bots/have them join group and stick to me? (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 2, 2011
I've got Kissassist more or less set up to my liking.

Currently 6 boxing and I need a way to make my characters join a group together, and stick to my MA when needed without having to switch over.
My characters almost never break invis when running Kiss. However, they seem to break invis in order to cast "mana" spells, such as Shaman Canni, Wiz Harvest, Mage Gather Potential, etc. Is this normal?
Just Add the highlighted line. I am sure Maskoi will change it up a little but for now this will stop your toons from breaking invis when using mana spells.

Rich (BB code):
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| SUB: Cast Mana
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
    Sub CastMana
        /if (${Me.Invis}) /return
        /declare i int local
        /for i 1 to ${Buffs.Size}    
        | Check and Cast mana type spells/aas/items - Canni/Paragon/Harvest - prevent toon from using before rez after zoning for 2 min
        /if (${Buffs[${i}].Arg[2,|].Equal[Mana]} && (!${Me.Buff[Revival Sickness].ID} && !${!JustZoned})) {
            /if (${Me.PctMana}<=${Buffs[${i}].Arg[3,|]} && ${Me.PctHPs}>${Buffs[${i}].Arg[4,|]}) {
                /if (${DebugBuffs}) /echo DEBUGBUFFS Canni/Paragon/Harvest
                /call CastWhat "${Buffs[${i}].Arg[1,|]}" ${Me.ID} Buffs
                /if (${Macro.Return.Equal[CAST_SUCCESS]}) /echo Casting >> ${Buffs[${i}].Arg[1,|]} << for mana
        /next i
You guy's are killing me.

Here this will stop the pet stuff. I haven't checked everything.

Just change the highlighted line.

Rich (BB code):
Sub DoPetStuff
    /if (!${PetOn} || ${AggroTargetID} || ${Me.Invis}) /return
    /if (${Debug}) /echo DEBUG DoPetStuff enter
    /declare FocusCurrent string local ${InvSlot[${PetFocus.Arg[2,|]}].Item.Name}
    /declare FocusSlot string local ${PetFocus.Arg[2,|]} ${PetFocus.Arg[1,|]}
    /declare FocusPet string local ${PetFocus.Arg[1,|]}
    /declare FocusSwitch int local 0
Question - Best Plugin/Macro to invite my bots/have them join group and stick to me?

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