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Question - Bard Songs for Caster group (1 Viewer)

Dec 13, 2022
I have a heavy caster group with- Mage, Mage, Cleric, Shammy, Warrior, Bard that are all level 120. I'm wondering if I can do better with my bard's songs for DPS. My Bard runs out of endurance pretty fast too. I've attached a pic (I couldn't figure out how to do a screen shot while ALT was pressed to show song names) to show what I'm using in combat.
Looking for input and suggestions to increase DPS and survivability for a caster group.

Thanks all!



  • Bard Group Songs.jpg
    Bard Group Songs.jpg
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4 dots, aria insult insult war march (for pets and your warrior). If you have mana problems with your group, it might change it a little, but thats about the jist of it.

if you're medding, your med twist will have zelenstieins and chorus for mana regen
I have a heavy caster group with- Mage, Mage, Cleric, Shammy, Warrior, Bard that are all level 120. I'm wondering if I can do better with my bard's songs for DPS. My Bard runs out of endurance pretty fast too. I've attached a pic (I couldn't figure out how to do a screen shot while ALT was pressed to show song names) to show what I'm using in combat.
Looking for input and suggestions to increase DPS and survivability for a caster group.

Thanks all!

if you run out of endurance, you're ini uses AA abilities. Most likely Vainglorious Shout and Boastful Bellow.
In raids thats ok. You can keep it going for 15-20 minites depending on gear/level.
Otherwise i would recommend to only use them when burning or not at all.

You'll face a similar result but on mana if you use Insults.
Again, in raids its perfect (due to the synergy proc of insults), when burning too.
But for hour long fighting with a group, not so much. You'll end up oom eventually, unless you're doing regular med breaks for your casters anyway. Then insult away.

Pulse is ok for the small healing boost it provides. For Mana regen Zeilensteins would be better.
Jonathan's is arguably redundandant when you run War March.
Shorjalens is too small a proc to be considered worth the casting time imo.
ven the small manafree nuke nets more dps than this one.

Ecliptic psalm is missing in your gems, but should be used.
AC/aggro Song (spiteful lyric) is quite nice for a group set up as well.
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Myysterio and Robahn, thanks a BUNCH for the input. Unfortunately I'm working this weekend and won't get much of a chance to try out the suggestions until Monday. But I certainly will.

Bards it seems are much more difficult to decide what to use. Because there is SO much to choose from and SO many different combos. Can't just try a different song and see, might change what's going on with every other toon one is playing.

Thanks again guys!

4 dots, aria insult insult war march. If you have mana problems with your group, it might change it a little, but thats about the jist of it.
Myysterio and Robahn, thanks a BUNCH for the input. Unfortunately I'm working this weekend and won't get much of a chance to try out the suggestions until Monday. But I certainly will.

Bards it seems are much more difficult to decide what to use. Because there is SO much to choose from and SO many different combos. Can't just try a different song and see, might change what's going on with every other toon one is playing.

Thanks again guys!

dont worry, bards are difficult cause there's a lot of BS songs that dont do anything to pick through to find the 8-10 that do. A bunch of them say they do things, but they dont stack, are worse than other songs, or are straight up circumstantial utility
Ive recently heard that Constances aria and Fyrthek Fiors aren't worth using. For a raid where the makeup is Bard/Enc/Druid/Mage/then other two typically a Wiz or Nec or Other mage classes. Do those 2 just not stack with Aria? Main focus on bard in this group is to increase the dps of the mage/casters with secondary self dps. What would be the best songs for dps/mana?
Aria, Chorus, War march(hadnt been running but like the idea of adding for pets as was mentioned above) if constances and fyrthek arent working or worth it?
Ive recently heard that Constances aria and Fyrthek Fiors aren't worth using. For a raid where the makeup is Bard/Enc/Druid/Mage/then other two typically a Wiz or Nec or Other mage classes. Do those 2 just not stack with Aria?

Sadly, many song lines have stagnated over time.
Both of those songs add a small (~3k) damage bonus AFTER crit. Yes they stack with Aria, but when you are nuking for 100k+ non crit and north of 500k+ on a crit, that +3k tacked on isn't adding much.

Only need 1 Bard in the raid singing Chorus.
Best DPS, as mentioned by others, is: Aria, Insults (for synergy), War March (melee and pets) and Bard DoT lines if you have the AAs.

If you need more mana, you could add in Crescendo and/or Ecliptic Psalm
Ive recently heard that Constances aria and Fyrthek Fiors aren't worth using. For a raid where the makeup is Bard/Enc/Druid/Mage/then other two typically a Wiz or Nec or Other mage classes. Do those 2 just not stack with Aria? Main focus on bard in this group is to increase the dps of the mage/casters with secondary self dps. What would be the best songs for dps/mana?
Aria, Chorus, War march(hadnt been running but like the idea of adding for pets as was mentioned above) if constances and fyrthek arent working or worth it?
constances auria and fythek do not "stack" with type 3 augs and wizard familiars, so it's not so much they dont do anything, its that if your group has the wrong class or gear, you get very little returns and its better to use other songs in their place. Its better to twist a dot or an war chorus or insult with the right group combos, which are much more likely. Keeping a dot on an extra tick, or buffing your caster pets, or whatever, is better than getting an extra 500 damage (after focuses and whatnot) on a spell
My current bard twist is war march, aria, 3 dots, dissident and cresendo. I don't typically run insults on a standard grind in group game at the moment cause things just die way to fast already (7-10 second kills in GD)

out of combat i run pulse, chorus ,cresendo (pulse and chorus add same effect but on different slots, might be redundant)

other slots are ae mez, mez, 1 insult for when I'm burning.

I have fierce eye and epic to alternate/cast when the other isn't up.

My kiss ini on burn adds insults and bellow/vainglorious or when a named pops. I'll also burn most other AA activates during a burn
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I hate to bump this thread, but did not want to create a new one for the same thing. I am about to be doing sk, shm, bard, mage x2, necro as a group and I am wondering if the consensus in this thread is still the same rotation for my group setup, or should I be doing other songs?
yea 4 dots, 2 insults, aria, and war march are the best bang for your buck. As others have stated, if you find you're running out of mana too quickly then reduce the number of insults you use or take them out altogether. I twist in this order: dot 1, dot 2, dot 3, dot 4, aria, war march, insult 1, insult 2. I also made a React to pause my automation and use Rallying Solo if I get low on mana/endurance. For longer grind sessions I do drop down to 1 insult so I don't have to stop for long periods to med between Rallying Solo cooldowns.
yea 4 dots, 2 insults, aria, and war march are the best bang for your buck. As others have stated, if you find you're running out of mana too quickly then reduce the number of insults you use or take them out altogether. I twist in this order: dot 1, dot 2, dot 3, dot 4, aria, war march, insult 1, insult 2. I also made a React to pause my automation and use Rallying Solo if I get low on mana/endurance. For longer grind sessions I do drop down to 1 insult so I don't have to stop for long periods to med between Rallying Solo cooldowns.
Awesome thank you so much!
yea 4 dots, 2 insults, aria, and war march are the best bang for your buck. As others have stated, if you find you're running out of mana too quickly then reduce the number of insults you use or take them out altogether. I twist in this order: dot 1, dot 2, dot 3, dot 4, aria, war march, insult 1, insult 2. I also made a React to pause my automation and use Rallying Solo if I get low on mana/endurance. For longer grind sessions I do drop down to 1 insult so I don't have to stop for long periods to med between Rallying Solo cooldowns.
you can twist insults in between every other song pretty much. I only use 1 for that reason, and just set it to go between every song and it'll use it when its available. If you are twisting in that order, you're leaving a lot on the table aDPS-wise, but will have better mana sustain.
you can twist insults in between every other song pretty much. I only use 1 for that reason, and just set it to go between every song and it'll use it when its available. If you are twisting in that order, you're leaving a lot on the table aDPS-wise, but will have better mana sustain.
I've also experimented with this type of set up and it chews through mana fairly quickly. However, if your bard is geared enough that it can make it to the repop of your Rallying Solo cooldown without running out of mana then yea this would be significantly more adps for the group. My bards are all silver so they're in non-prestige gear which forces me to be a bit more strategic with mana usage. On average for group content, my group is doing about 3.5 to 4m dps non burn and my bard is in the 400 to 500k personal dps range utilizing the twist I mentioned.
Question - Bard Songs for Caster group

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