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Question - Anyone have any insight on CoV Skyshrine mission, going up to crusaders not working out after 1st one :( (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
May 31, 2018
The Skyshrine crusader quest
has anyone done it?
what advice do u have, seems going up to Crusaders saying Hi, smack...... they rape u :(
Anyone have some tips on this mission? Struggling with the mechanics of the mission. It isn't clear to me what the aura does and if adds should be ignored or killed. When should you burn?
I haven't beaten it yet, but it should go down as soon as my DPS get some weapons. Adds need to be killed...I think. I know they do a nasty AoE on top of the crusaders doing their own AoE. Avoid the goo thing that punts you - it goes in a clockwise motion around the area. I've gotten last dragon down to about 20%, but then I died because I was trying to avoid the gel and I somehow spawned a bunch of adds. I think that happens when the Yelinak aura pops and you step into it. I go right, and save my burns for the 3rd dragon. Having said that, I dunno if it really matters, except for the fact that the dragons power up as the fight ensures. If you don't engage the next dragon quick enough the event resets; however, you can kill the add while the dragon is beating on you.
I haven't tried solo Boxing this one, but have beaten it a half dozen times.

The thing working the best for my friend and I, is for each of us to use 1 tank, we found that even with 500k+ HP if you have the boss next to the add the wild Rampage + lightning strike can 1 shot you.
so we start in the NW corner first, there is nothing special here.
then we go counter clockwise, during the 2nd dragon is when the large Cubes and adds start.
-we tank against the wall and MT watches for Cube and positions us so it doesn't banish anyone. (this Cube can roam right up to the wall too)
-when an add comes, the Second Tank(ST) grabs it and moves it to the wall slightly away from MT so there abilities don't overlap. and Melee switches to the add. (for us ST is MA with switchwithma on)
-you have to immediately go to next boss, even if add there drag them with you.(or event resets)

There is 1 more mechanic that we have just been ignoring, but during the event it will call out a corner. if you have someone run to that corner it negates the zonewide AE for that cycle.

Hope that helps, good luck.
It is green event text that went directly in my Primary chat box.

Power begins to grow in the North East.
You have taken 108171 damage from by Dragon Lord's Vigor.
There was no mortal presence in the North East to diffuse the growing power.

I think it's probably for the Achiev - Shared Pain.
A few notes:
- Each Crusader has a unique ability (snare/stun, mana drain, dot, etc.). Each is a frontal cone AE. However, after the first kill, all other Crusaders inherit the special of the now dead crusader and it becomes a PBAE. This now fires in addition to the remaining Crusaders specials
- Cleaning Cubes are super easy to avoid, just be aware of where they are at all times. There are a maximum of 2 up at any time and they move slowly through the event area in a clockwise fashion.
- The "Statues" (use MQ2Map to spot them) periodically fire an AOE on the ground that looks like a rainbow decal. Because reasons, the actual range of the spell is much larger than the decal itself. Don't fight near these.
- DBlue adds spawn, switch DPS to these guys and make sure they're dead before finishing off your current Crusader. This is a bit of a DPS check, in that if you DPS too slowly they will stack up and you'll have multiple adds together. You'll fall behind and never get back to fighting the Crusader. If you try to kill these in the interval between Crusaders, you will fail a timeout mechanic for leaving Crusaders unengaged.
- Timeout mechanic. Basically it's like Trial of Three in TBL. You don't get downtime between Crusaders, you need to immediately move from one to the next and engage without delay. Do not med, wait for burns, rebuff the recently rezzed. It's not hard to make the timer if you keep moving, but you don't get a break.
- With 2 of the 4 dead, you get emotes with a direction (Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast). These correspond to the corners of the event area where the Crusaders are. You must run 1 character to that corner area and stand in the aura until you get a success message. The aura is large enough to cover the entire corner area. If you can get locations ahead of time, you can make an MQ2React to nav there.
- With 3 of 4 dead, you get the above "run to this direction" emote, but it will have 2 directions and you need to have someone run to each location.
Question - Anyone have any insight on CoV Skyshrine mission, going up to crusaders not working out after 1st one :(

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