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News - AB to VOX (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2005
With the recent news of a free transfer FROM AB to Vox, I wondered if it was worth moving as the constant issues with logging in to AB is enough to pull my shoulder hair out... and I'm only using 3-4 accounts...

Any of you lovely lot there?
I saw this earlier, no idea what to do - and if the guilds etc will move due to issues... i'll see how many people move over

How was Voxs population etc beforehand ?
vox is lower population than ab (and seems spike lag pb too ) the bigger raid guild , do dracolich on tbm ... on AB i know sod , pikey and AD don t want to move (don t know for raging fury ).
try to see what the bazaar look like on vox .
all the raiding guild on AB thing the same : not a lot of euro player on vox for raid time , so no interest to move one by one .... beter if merge or server fix(or change ) or move to the rath (lot of euro player here )
Granted its and old game, but why wouldn't they just use AWS. They'd save themselves hardware costs and maintenance.
made a BL on there last night and moving another two heroics over later - lemme know who i need to speak to to get in on the RG guild... I'll be leaving my main on AB for the time being

Changed the BL to a Mage with Monk and shammy...
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I'm interested in this vox RG guild as well. Would love people I can group with my boxes or even raids

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zomg sym is on vox, i am all estatice now, he makes nice good plugins, its like maybe you run into a celebrity without even knowing, i maybe even have called him stupid in general. lol

also yeah would like to know this rg guild, maybe move a few of my guys in there. if its okay.
I have a guild for just my boxes but if anyone wants an invite from here let me know. I'm still ftp so no current content raiding for me atm.
Tempting if there's people to play with - I'm mostly down to just a bunch of f2p heroics now but if there's an actual guild doing stuff ?
hmm i did see someone with a guild with the workd boxing or boxers or somethign in it the other night.
There is actually a couple of guilds that are primarily MQ2 users, and yes, some of them raid. I got started with red guides from playing with a couple of them. We did do some primarily MQ2 boxer raids and got pretty deep into haterevisited several months ago, but some people aren't on as much now.
Raiding would be fun to do again. If some people want to join me we can do some of the older things, well anything pre EoK anyway. It's been a long time since I raided. PM me if interested and we'll get this going.
Id come over maybe. Would have to be the start of a guild that would try to push some current content though.

I was a raid leader for years and raided for even more years up until I got into online poker for a bit on pokerstars a few years before the US banned it so I came back. Was a hard core raider with 100% attendance. All my toons are gold, kind of want to get back into raiding but leaning more towards the current expansion. Im not on AB either...

I bounced to Stormhammer as soon as it opened, then moved to Morden Rasp once Storm was winding down.
News - AB to VOX

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