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Question - A better way? (AAs) (1 Viewer)

Apr 18, 2021
My question, is there a better place to be farming AA? I've noticed that since hitting 117 and 118 ToV and CoV instances are starting to really slow down for AA. I am unfamiliar with everything after CoV, so I am curious if there's another area in ToL that I should be hitting up? (Outside of ME to get spells and gear I've not explored ToL at all).

Trying to slow roll it as to get the AAs as I get the levels. GD was great at 115 but now it's a lot less productive.
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I would work on getting another level or two and hit up LS in the new expansion and or missions. Missions are easy AA. Some are simple and hardly no time, like the door mission in the last expansion.
Literally can be done in under a two minutes with the right crew and you get currency, gear and about 25-30 aa
Question - A better way? (AAs)

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