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Unmaintained MQ2SpellSearch

Other Authors
htw, koad
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
MQ2SpellSearch - Look up spells by their emote or name with search command

Rich (BB code):
     - Adds /spellsearch command that you can use to lookup a spell
      by its name, or its casted emote text. Search is done on spell
      data in active memory. This is an interpreter not a dictionary.
    - Spells are searched for by an invoked thread, which on most
      machines helps avoid the 'freeze until search complete' syndrome
    - The dedicated window mode uses the default chatbox, no MQUI files needed

     - You need to setup your Settings section of your MQ2SpellSearch.ini
      or the plugin will not give you more than 1 match ever. Ex:
    - The window is NOT shown by default at all. When you use a
      /spellsearch, the window will be visible.
      (Press ESC to hide it, output is not lost)
    - Window settings are saved per server per char name in the ini,
      only when the window class is destroyed. ie: game process does
      a OnCleanUI() or plugin is unloaded.
First release
Last update
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