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Combat Assist ModBot.mac v6.01

Download now:  Join us with Level 2 access or earn your way in with  RedCents.
Other Authors
A_Enchanter_00, Kroak
Software Requirements
modbot.inc, modmelee.inc, modheal.inc, moddebuff.inc, modevent.inc, modbuff.inc, modcure.inc, modpull.inc, modloot.inc, modmove.inc, modextra.inc
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

An all-class combat assistant by Woobs.

Please check out the Wiki/Documentation here: https://sites.google.com/site/modbot4/
The docs will guide you through the initial setup and also point you to many sample INI's.

Official Modbot forum:
Source Repository
[git] Automation options?
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v6.01

    2024-08-17 Rev 6.01 - woobs - Updated filname formats to better handle personas and multiple...
  2. v6.00

    2023-09-12 Rev 6.00 - woobs/kroak - Version 6 is here! I've been tinkering on this for quite a...
  3. v5.22

    2023-04-05 Rev 5.22 - woobs - Fixed /netbots command at startup to ensure netbots is running and...

Latest reviews

This is superb for a mage applying damage shields outside of group. Great when I'm levelling some new characters. I can see it has far more use beyond this depending on what you want from it too!
Excellent Mod. Takes some time to figure out, but deff. worth the effort.
Woob has done an excellent job getting the Modbot macro working on the RG compile, huge thanks.