Brewall is one of the top EverQuest cartographers, having been active from 1999 until the present day. The geometry of each map is often more accurate than the official maps. He keeps an updated list of all EverQuest maps on his site.
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Organizing Map Folders
Custom maps should be kept in a sub-directory of your EverQuest map directory. For example,
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Brewall's Maps
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Good's Maps
In-game, you switch between map folders via a dropdown in the top left corner of the map.
Note: I do not recommend placing custom maps in the main maps folder. The reason for this is that every time EverQuest starts, it overwrites 100 zones with default maps. When this happens, any custom geometry is lost and labels will often duplicate.
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Organizing Map Folders
Custom maps should be kept in a sub-directory of your EverQuest map directory. For example,
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Brewall's Maps
C:\users\public\Everquest\maps\Good's Maps
In-game, you switch between map folders via a dropdown in the top left corner of the map.
Note: I do not recommend placing custom maps in the main maps folder. The reason for this is that every time EverQuest starts, it overwrites 100 zones with default maps. When this happens, any custom geometry is lost and labels will often duplicate.
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