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Ancient Hedgewizard Brew Buy mats AUTO macro

Utility Ancient Hedgewizard Brew Buy mats AUTO macro 1.0

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Other Authors
Buy function courtesy of RedGuides.com
Software Requirements
EQBC, MQ2Navigation, MQ2Cast, MQ2AdvPath
Server Type
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So your casters need to have some awesome AHB! Fine, load up your Shaman and get him to POK... stand infront of the alchemist vendor `Alchemist Redsa` and run this mac and it will buy all the components to make the hedgewizard brew except for the RELIC FRAGMENTS, those you must have in your inventory already. I will refine this mac to finish the job and actually make the brew next, but for now it just buys however many you want! Then I run over to guildhall and do a /mac combine:mq2

Rich (BB code):
Sub main
| Hedgebrew.mac by Razkle
| Buy function courtesy of RedGuides.com
| modified by Razkle for Doublespeed
| Requires EQBC, MQ2Navigation, MQ2Cast, MQ2AdvPath 
| If you do not want to make 500 you can set the 500 to whatever numbers you want to make, I made 2,000 today but can only fit 1000 in my bags so I did 2 runs!
|Tip: MAKE SURE you equip your trophy! This stuff is trivial at 482 and with your trophy you can get your skill up to 345. I made 750 out of 1000 last run!


/target clear
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Time to buy stuff to make hedgebrew in Plane of Knowledge
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------	

	   /plugin mq2navigation
	    /delay 10
	     /target clear
		 /delay 5s
	    /target "Alchemist Redsa"
	    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[npc]}) {
		    /delay 2s
	        /navigate target
	        /delay 5s
                /face fast
                /delay 3s
                /call npc "Alchemist Redsa"
	        /call Buy "Echinacea" 500
	        /goto :buy2
	    } else {
              /target clear
		      /if (${Merchant.Open}) {
              /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
              /delay 1s !${Merchant.Open}
		      /delay 5s}
	        /goto :buy1

	     /target clear
		 /delay 5s
	    /target "Alchemist Redsa"
	    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[npc]}) {
		    /delay 2s
                /face fast
                /delay 3s
                /call npc "Alchemist Redsa"
	        /call Buy "Blackwort" 500
	        /goto :buy3
	    } else {
              /target clear
		      /if (${Merchant.Open}) {
              /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
              /delay 1s !${Merchant.Open}
		      /delay 5s}
	        /goto :buy2

	     /target clear
		 /delay 5s
	    /target "Alchemist Redsa"
	    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[npc]}) {
		    /delay 2s
                /face fast
                /delay 3s
                /call npc "Alchemist Redsa"
	        /call Buy "Alchemical Potion Vial" 500
	        /goto :buy4
	    } else {
              /target clear
		      /if (${Merchant.Open}) {
              /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
              /delay 1s !${Merchant.Open}
		      /delay 5s}
	        /goto :buy3
	     /target clear
		 /delay 5s
	    /target "Boiron Ston"
	    /if (${Target.Type.Equal[npc]}) {
		    /delay 2s
	        /play hedgebrew
	        /delay 45s
                /face fast
                /delay 3s
                /call npc "Boiron Ston"
	        /call Buy "Jar of Acid" 500
	        /goto :top
	    } else {
              /target clear
		      /if (${Merchant.Open}) {
              /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
              /delay 1s !${Merchant.Open}
		      /delay 5s}
	        /goto :buy4			
/goto :top

Sub NPC(NPCName)
    /target npc ${NPCName}
    /delay 1s
    /if (!${Select[${Target.Type},npc,pet]} || !${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.Equal[pet]} && !${Target.CleanName.Find[familiar]}) {
        /echo Please target a vendor or guildbanker
    /echo Doing business with ${NPCName}
    /target id ${Spawn[${NPCName}].ID}
    /delay 3s ${Target.ID}==${Spawn[${NPCName}].ID}
    /if (${Target.Distance}>15) {
        /moveto id  ${Spawn[${NPCName}].ID}
        /delay 250 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
    /face nolook
    /delay 1s
    /echo Opening merchant/guildbank window
    /nomodkey /click right target
    /echo Waiting 5s for merchant/guildbank window to populate
    /delay 5s

Sub Buy(string ItemToBuy, int amount)
    /declare i int local
    | /echo Buying ${ItemToBuy}!
    /declare QTY int local
    /declare ListItem int local
    /varcalc QTY ${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}
    /delay 1s
    /if (${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}>= ${amount}) {
        /echo I have enough ${ItemToBuy}.
    /varset ListItem ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${ItemToBuy},2]}
    /if (!${ListItem}) {
        /echo couldn't find ${ItemToBuy}
    } else {
        /notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${ListItem}
        /delay 1s       
    /echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} Till I get ${amount} 
    /if (${InventoryFull}) /return
    /if (${QTY}>0) {
        /if (${QTY}>19) {
            /Shiftkey /notify merchantwnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup
            /delay 1s ${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}>=${QTY}
            /echo ${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]} ${ItemToBuy} in inventory
            /varcalc QTY ${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]} 
            /delay 2
            /if (${QTY}<=0) /return
            /goto :BuyLoop
        /if (${QTY}>0 && ${QTY}<20) {
            /for i 1 to ${QTY} 
                /Ctrlkey /notify merchantwnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup
                /delay 1s ${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}>=${Math.Calc[${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}+${i}]}
                /echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} ${i} of ${QTY}
                /if (${i}>=${QTY}) {
                    /echo ${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]} ${ItemToBuy} in inventory
            /next i
            /varcalc QTY ${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}

and it calls hedgebrew TLO so you need to create poknowledge.ini and paste this into it. The ini file goes in your Release directory inside your MQ2AdvPath folder. the macro goes in your release directory inside your macros folder

Rich (BB code):
1=-339.03 824.36 -90.00 
2=-367.23 809.28 -91.07 
3=-385.47 693.28 -107.75 
4=-379.25 685.73 -110.58 
5=-375.55 682.03 -111.45 
6=-367.28 669.52 -113.54 
7=-364.64 664.75 -114.27 
8=-361.71 654.37 -115.73 
9=-360.52 649.09 -116.46 
10=-359.10 644.00 -117.17 
11=-336.33 590.69 -121.33 
12=-279.33 466.05 -116.61 
13=-276.81 460.71 -116.43 
14=-274.18 456.40 -116.15 
15=-263.46 445.65 -114.58 
16=-259.70 442.07 -113.74 
17=-255.77 438.61 -113.79 
18=-189.03 411.57 -115.46 
19=-184.20 409.67 -115.89 
20=-174.07 404.72 -116.82 
21=-169.04 402.18 -117.28 
22=-153.46 392.76 -119.12 
23=-148.59 389.82 -119.61 
24=-128.13 380.57 -121.17 
25=-122.67 378.19 -121.30 
26=-101.35 370.18 -121.60 
27=-96.47 368.39 -121.72 
28=-41.00 351.51 -120.42 
29=-36.15 349.91 -120.51 
30=-10.73 338.37 -122.12 
31=-6.09 336.25 -122.43 
32=19.59 326.51 -123.47

- - - Updated - - -

For those not familiar with this magical splewage, it adds damage to every spell you cast BEFORE crit is tallied, so this is a HUGE dps bonus to any caster!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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