MuleAssist | |
![]() | |
MuleAssist.mac is an all-class combat macro. It's designed to be used with MAUI, a full-featured interface. |
Authors | EqMule, Lemons |
Software type | Macro |
Config file | Muleassist_name.ini, KissAssist_Info.ini |
Includes used | |
Plugins used | MQ2Cast, MQ2Exchange, MQ2Melee, MQ2MoveUtils, MQ2Rez, MQ2Twist, MQ2Nav |
Maintained | Yes and supported |
Acknowledgements | kissassist |
Links |
🏠Resource (download) (review) |
MuleAssist is a fork of KissAssist 10.0.4, tailored to transform any EverQuest character into a superior mercenary. It features universal class handling, a custom GUI (MAUI), and user-friendly configuration (.ini) files. This wiki page acts as the user manual. The latest version of MuleAssist can be downloaded from the resource page, and other essential links include the .ini library,and support forum.
Getting Started with MuleAssist
Generating a MuleAssist INI
Without having a target selected, type:
/mac MuleAssist
- MuleAssist will automatically generate an INI file in your macros or config folder. Once the macro ends, you can begin configuring your INI to your liking. It may take a minute or so for the INI to be created.
- MuleAssist settings are configurable in your MuleAssist_ServerName_ToonName.ini.
- MuleAssist INI file names are generated to include your character's ServerName in case you have characters on different servers with the same name.
- Joe Blow has a mage called Megamage on Xegony and another mage also named Megamage on Cazic Thule. MuleAssist will create two separate INI files for Joe.
MuleAssist_Xegony_Megamage.ini MuleAssist_Cazic_Megamage.ini
Creating Recommended Buttons
We recommend creating and using the following buttons for movement. Other options may create fighting between the macro and your command. (Most of these buttons use EQBC; if you're using Dannet, then modify accordingly.)
This button will make any toons in your group who are running MuleAssist follow your MainAssist by toggling ChaseAssist.
/bcga //chaseon
This button will make any toons in your group who are running MuleAssist mark their current position as their Camp and not leave the area.
/bcga //camphere
This button will make any toons in your group who are running MuleAssist turn ChaseAssist Off and Camp Off.
/bcga //camphere off /bcga //chaseoff
Pasting this will create a button that stops you.
/hot StopMe 13 /squelch /multiline ; /afollow off ; /stick off ; /moveto off ; /nav stop ; /play off
Pasting this will create a button that stops all connected toons running MuleAssist.
/hot StopAll 13 /bcaa //squelch /multiline ; /afollow off ; /stick off ; /moveto off ; /nav stop ; /play off
Pasting this will create a button that stops all toons in your group running MuleAssist.
/hot StopGrp 13 /bcga //squelch /multiline ; /afollow off ; /stick off ; /moveto off ; /nav stop ; /play off
Starting MuleAssist
You can start MuleAssist a few different ways.
Start with your in-game target:
/mac MuleAssist
This will start MuleAssist with your current target as the assist using all other settings including your role as pre-configured in your INI.
Start with specific parameters:
/mac MuleAssist [Role] [PullRadius] [AssistsName] [AssistHealth%] [ini MuleAssist_Custom.ini]
The optional [Role] startup modifier is used to define which role you will be in when starting MuleAssist. If you choose not to define a role, MuleAssist will default to whatever role you have selected in your INI file.
The optional [PullRadius] startup modifier is used to set your pull radius when in Puller or Hunter mode. If you skip this, MuleAssist will use the range set in your INI file.
The optional [AssistsName] startup modifier is used to declare who you will assisting. This can either be someone else, or if using either puller or tank modes, you can declare yourself the main assist. You MUST have a target selected if you choose not to declare a main assist when starting MuleAssist.
The optional [AssistHealth%] startup modifier is used to define specific melee assist settings. By default (without using the modifier), it will be 95, or whatever your INI defined values are in your Melee settings. This setting only applies to melee and /petattack.
The optional [ini MuleAssist_Custom.ini] startup modifier is used to load an alternate INI file for specific situations (for example, if your wizard has a separate INI to use ice nukes instead of fire nukes or your tank wants to run a DPS setup on easier content).
/mac MuleAssist puller 690 BobTank 99 /mac MuleAssist tank /mac MuleAssist assist Bob /mac MuleAssist puller BobTank /mac MuleAssist assist Bob 98 /mac MuleAssist ini muleassist_Name_IceNukes.ini /mac MuleAssist BobTank ini MuleAssist_Name_RaidSetup.ini
For tank characters, you can have them assist themselves, which will make the tank decide which mobs to target. It's generally a good idea to have your tank decide which mobs he is to tank if a real player is not going to be the main assist. Characters with Tank Roles will default to themselves as MA. You should have only 1 character in your group set in a Tank role and all other characters should be in an Assist or Puller roll.
For all other characters, assist the main assist or your tank if they are the main assist.
Tip: Using EQBC, you can create a social hotkey to automatically start your other characters in assist mode to assist your primary character. Simply create a hotkey with this command:
/bca //mac MuleAssist assist BobTank
Start with everything turned off:
/mac MuleAssist manual
This starts MuleAssist in manual mode (everything turned off). You may then use in-game commands to turns certain things on, such as /buffson, /healson, /dpson, etc.
Notice for Commands
The following commands are used for on-the-fly changes while MuleAssist is running (if MuleAssist is not running, they will not work.) Most of these commands mirror values in your KissAssist_Info.ini or MuleAssist_ToonName.ini. Changed values are persisted to your ini(s).
Syntax | Description |
/addfriend | Adds current target to MQ2Posse list, which is used in AFKTools. Basically it performs a /posse save
/addignore [<text>] | [<spawnid#> [1|0]] | Adds target, <text> or <spawnid#> to the MobsToIgnore list - accepts partial names and checks against TLO:Spawn. "Double quotes" are required when passing names with spaces. For spawnid#, see examples.
Modifies |
/addimmune <text> | Adds <text> to the MezImmune list - accepts partial names and checks against TLO:Spawn. "Double quotes" are required when passing names with spaces.
Modifies |
/addpull <text> | Adds <text> to the MobsToPull list - accepts partial names and checks against TLO:Spawn. "Double quotes" are required when passing names with spaces.
Modifies |
/afktoolson | Toggles usage of your AFKTools entries on/off. Note: AFKTools utilizes MQ2Posse
.ini section: |
/assistat <#> | Sets/resets Mob HP% assist at setting e.g. /assistat 50 will assist at 50% Mob HP
.ini section: |
/autofireon | Toggles AutoFire on/off (Ranged Attacks)
.ini section: |
/autorezon | Toggles AutoRez on/off (auto/battle rez feature)
.ini section: |
/backoff [on|off] | Controls "backing off". Will toggle with no parameters. ON = stop attacking. OFF = resume attacking. Backing off turns off attack, melee, stick, and if ReturnToCamp is set, it will also return to camp. This is a great way to stop your puller without having to pause or end the macro, see examples. |
/bardinvis [off|stop] | Twists a song on your bard that provides invisibility, adjusting for the instrument type if a /bandolier set is present. Use commands "Off" or "Stop" to deactivate. |
/buffgroup | Forces the caster to re-cast group buffs.
.ini section: |
/buffmode [on|off] | Toggles buffmode, which will turn your box into a buffbot who will only do buffing capabilities. They will even buff during combat. |
/buffson | Toggles buffs usage on/off.
.ini section: |
/burn on | off | <targetid#> [doburn | on] | With no parameters, will toggle [Burn] on or off. Burns are turned ON by default when starting the macro. So if you do a /burn off on a character and then issue the /burn command, the character will NOT execute the burn routine.
.ini section: |
/campfire [on|off] | Turns campfire usage on/off. No parameter will toggle. "On" will summon campfire if 3 or more Fellowship members are in range and a campfire is not already present.
.ini section: |
/camphere [on|off] | Turns on|off ReturnToCamp. No parameter will toggle. Turning on will reset your camp loc
.ini section: |
/campradius <#> | Resets CampRadius to the specified number.
.ini section: |
/charmthis [<id> | <name> | clear] | Sets CharmPetID to your target
Must be connected to Dannet or EQBC. An enchanter, if able, should then charm it and keep it charmed It will use any PBAE Stun/Mez, Tash, and Charm spell you currently have memmed. If you don't have it memmed, then it won't . OhShit needs to be on. OhShitOn=1. It can be otherwise blank. |
/chase [on|off] | [charname] | ON will abandon camp and have your group follow the MA - good for manual pulling, or Hunter mode. CharcterName is optional, and can be used to change who you want to chase. The chase(WhoToChase) no longer has to be the MA.
.ini section: |
/chasedistance <#> | Sets/resets ChaseDistance to the specified number.
.ini section: |
/chaseoff | Turns Chase off. Updates ChaseAssist=0 in .ini file.
/chaseon | Turns Chase on. Updates ChaseAssist=1 in .ini file.
/dpsinterval <#> | Attaches a timer in <number> seconds to DPS spells with 0 duration after they are cast.
.ini section: |
/dpsmeter [on|off] | Turns built-in Kiss DPSMeter on and off. No parameter will toggle.
.ini section: |
/dpson <0-2> | Controls DPSOn setting. 0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is absolute descending order sorted by mob % health. See settings for more information.
.ini section: |
/dpsskip <#> | Halt DPS (spells) at <#> % Mob HP
.ini section: |
/dpsspam | Toggles DPS messages - This is way more than what you normally see. |
/dpswrite [on|off] | Turns on or off writing Kiss DPS Parsing to KissAssist_DPS.ini (or MuleAssist_DPS.ini )
/evac | If issued by a Wizard or Druid, they will cast a memorized evac spell. |
/fullmoon <#> | Will fan out your characters in a full moon circle around you. The # is the distance to move from you. Don't do a huge number. |
/giveitem <"item name"> {<character>|Group} <quantity> | Will give tem(s) to the specified character or entire group. |
/groupcheck | Will spew out information into EQBC or Dannet about the current status of your group members. Useful when running raid numbers of toons. /bcaa //groupcheck |
/halfmoon [<#>] [raid] | Will fan out your characters in a half moon arc behind you. The # is the distance to move from you. Supports raids. |
/healson <0-4> | Controls healson setting.
0=Off 1=On 2=Group only healing. 3=MainAssist only. 4=Self only. - Mainly used by SK's to not waste time checking others for heals. .ini section: |
/interrupton [on|off] | Toggles spell casting interrupt detection on/off. If On KA will cast again upon interrupt. |
/looton [1|0] | Turns Looting on/off, if you're not using advloot or another loot handling system. Useful for when KA turns off looting because your bags are full. |
/makecamphere | Sets current location to Return To Camp location. |
/maxradius <#> | <#> determines how far from camp the puller will pull.
.ini section: |
/maxzrange <#> | <#> determines how far above/below you will pull from.
.ini section: |
/medstart <#> | <#> determines the % mana/endurance to begin meditating
.ini section: |
/meleedistance <#> | <#> determines melee distance to engage
.ini section: |
/meleeon [on|off] | Turns melee on or off. Doesn't modify .ini |
/memmyspells | Reads the entries from your [Spells] section and mems the spells to your current spell set. See /writespells
.ini section: |
/mercassistat <#> | <#> determines the % mob health at which to send in the merc
.ini section: |
/mezon <0-3> | Controls mezon setting. 0=Off/1=Single & AE Mez/2=Single Mez only/3=AE Mez only. |
/movewhenhit [on|off] | Toggled pet move on/off. See settings for more information.
.ini section: |
/muledebug | Turns on debug mode |
/peton [on|off] | Toggles pet functionality on/off
.ini section: |
/pettoyson [on|off] | Toggles PetToys functionality on/off |
/pettoysplz | Request Pet Toys. - See [Pet] Section |
/rebuffon | Toggles buff watching on/off
.ini section: |
/rgrez | Will get a rez stone in the GL and turn it in for you. Has a randomized delay. You'll need the plat to buy the stone. |
/scribestuff | Will check your inventory and scribe any spells or tomes found. |
/setbackoff on|off | Turn backoff on or off. See /backoff |
/setpullarc <anglewidth#> [<direction>] | This command allows you to set your pull width and the direction you want to pull from. An angle width of 0 will disable directional pulling. Valid directions are n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw, or any number from 1 - 360. If you leave the direction blank your current heading is used. |
/shareini | This will create a copy of your ini file that is anonymized. Then it will open up RedGuides for you to upload it. |
/showwindow | Will /foreground the toon you have targeted to bring their window to the front. Requires eqbc or dannet |
/stayhere | Tells the Group to stop following, and waithere, but DON'T make camp. |
/switchnow [0/1] [#] | Switch to your MA's Current Target. First parameter is for locking onto(1)/releasing(0) the target. 0 is default. Second parameter can be a spawn ID. Both parameters are optional |
/writespells | Writes your current spell set to the .ini file.
.ini section: |
/zombiemode | Turns characters into "mindless zombies" that do nothing but follow the main assist character. Use caution; it's easy to get killed in zombie mode. |
/zoneinfo | Displays the entries from the KissAssist_Info.ini file, for the current zone.
KissAssist_Info.ini Setup
MuleAssist runs off of KissAssist_info.ini to know what mobs are mez-immune, what mobs to pull (primary and secondary), what mobs to ignore, and what mobs to burn.
If this file doesn't exist when you start up MuleAssist for the first time then it will be created in your macros or configs folder; for each new zone you start MuleAssist in, a new section will be created in the INI file. You can also predefine zones using the shortzone names by adding them like the example listed below.
Setting | What to enter |
MezImmune | List up to 10 mobs. Use full names i.e. a green snake,a blue tiger,a wide eye ooze or NULL. |
MobsToPull | List up to 25 mobs. Use full names i.e. a green snake,a blue tiger,a wide eye ooze or ALL for all mobs. |
MobsToPullSecondary | List up to 25 mobs. Use full names i.e. a green snake,a blue tiger,a wide eye ooze or ALL for all mobs. |
MobsToIgnore | List up to 25 mobs. Use full names i.e. a green snake,a blue tiger,a wide eye ooze or NULL. |
MobsToBurn | List up to 10 mobs. Use full names i.e. Beget Cube,Helias,Raze or NULL. |
PullPath | Place holder for path file. Not yet impletmented. |
Sample KissAssist_Info.ini file:
[Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Efficiency]
MezImmune=an elite Muramite soldier,a Muramite Commander
MobsToPull=Muramite Commander
MobsToPullSecondary=A Muramite Soldier,An Elite Muramite Soldier
MobsToIgnore=List up to 25 mobs. Use full names i.e. a green snake,a blue tiger,a wide eye ooze or NULL
MobsToBurn=Enforcer of Efficiency
PullPath=Place holder for path file. Not yet impletmented.
[General] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
MuleAssistVer | N/A | N/A | Tells MuleAssist which INI version you are running and will be updated accordingly upon new version releases |
Role | Assist | Assist Tank PetTank PullerPetTank Puller PullerTank Hunter HunterPetTank PetAssist |
Assist = Default role of assisting Main Tank on mobs Tank = Will target, attack, and tank any aggressive mob that comes into defined melee range (target or declare yourself as MA) PetTank = Allows for a pet class (Mage/Necromancer/Beastlord) to have their pet tank PullerPetTank = Allows for a pet class (Mage/Necromancer/Beastlord) to BOTH pull and have their pet tank Puller = Will pull mobs within a certain radius back to camp for your party to kill (target Main Assist for this role) PullerTank = Will pull mobs back to camp and then attack and tank them when within the defined melee distance (target your self for Main Assist with this role) Hunter = Will run your character around a zone, ignoring any Mob HP % defined in your DPS section, to hunt any/predefined mobs within the pull radius (target yourself for MA with this role) HunterPetTank = Allows for a pet class (Mage/Necromancer/Beastlord) to have their pet tank (it will run your character around a zone and hunt any or predefined mobs within the pull radius) PetAssist = Turns off melee and just casts/sends in pets (this is mainly for Pallys, Rangers, Beastlords and SKs asssiting Mage pets tanking) |
CampRadius | 30 | # | Determines how far your characters interact based on your initial camp spot |
CampRadiusExceed | 400 | # | Disables the ReturnToCamp setting upon moving large distances from your camp (Summoned, warp, teleport, etc.) |
ReturnToCamp | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Determines if your characters return to the camp after each fight (set ChaseAssist to 0 if using this) |
ReturnToCampAccuracy | 10 | # | How close you need to be to your camp point to be considered back |
ChaseAssist | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - If set to 1 macro will follow main assist around instead of returning to camp (set ReturnToCamp to 0 if using this) |
ChaseDistance | 25 | # | How close you want your character to follow main assist |
BuffWhileChasing | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will enable buffing while chase is on |
MedOn | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the medding feature for mana or endurance based on the MedStart settings |
MedStart | 20 | # | What mana/endurance percentage to start medding at |
SitToMed | 0 | # | How many seconds to wait to sit after casting a spell in combat (0 is off and won't sit during combat at all) |
LootOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Turns looting on or off based on your Loot.ini file in your macros or configs folder |
RezAcceptOn | 0 |
0/1|% |
0=Off/1=On|%=minimum rez% to accept the rez. - Enables MQ2Rez autoaccept. Example: RezAcceptOn=1|96 |
AcceptInvitesOn | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles automatic party invite offers while MuleAssist is running |
GroupWatchOn | 0 | 0/1/2/3|Watch%|WhoToWatch | 0 = Off 1 = Entire group 2 = Healers only 3 = Specific classes |Watch% = What percentage to start waiting for party HP/mana/end to get to 90% |WhoToWatch = Class short names to watch (ENC,WIZ,SHM,etc.) |
CastingInterruptOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will try and interrupt casting healing and DPS spells to help save mana (also see InterruptHeals under [Heals]) |
TheWinTitle | NULL | N/A | N/A |
GemStuckHelp | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GemStuckAbility | NULL | AA | Define an AA you'd like to use to unstick your gems if they get stuck |
MiscGem | 8 | 0-13 | Spell Gem # MuleAssist uses to mem spells that need to be memmed (buffs, pet summons, etc) |
MiscGemLW | 0 | 0-13 | Similar to (MiscGemRemem), however this is used for LONG MEMORIZATION / LONG RECAST time spells |
MiscGemRemem | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles rememming the original spell in MiscGem slot that was there when the macro was started |
HoTTOn | 0 | 0/1 | When set to 1, opens the Target of Target Window (in DoMistStuff) |
CampfireOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will try to drop a campfire if 3 or more fellowship members are in range |
CharInfo | N/A | N/A | Basic info regarding the characters class, level, and account status (gold/silver/etc) which is generated upon INI creation |
DefaultUI | N/A | N/A | Used internally when checking to see if you are using the default UI or not (MuleAssist will throw a warning if not using the default UI) |
GroupEscapeOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - If this character is a Druid or Wizard and the MA dies (or is not present) when in combat, trigger group evacuation (Exodus, Succor, Evacuate, etc.) |
DPSMeter | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the DPS meter that is displayed after each fight |
Scatter | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will randomize the return to camp location |
MoveCloserIfNoLOS | 0 | ? | ? |
CheerPeople | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will send a /tell to the person who got a serverwide message (be careful using this as it's not our fault if you get banned for sending 32 tells at the same time to some rando) |
CastRetries | 3 | ? | ? |
IRCOn | 0 | ? | ? |
EQBCOn | 0 | 0/1|ChannelName | 0 = Off 1 = On |ChannelName - Messages for Mez, Heals, Pulls and Tanking in MQ2EQBC (see EQBC for more info) |
DanNetOn | 0 | 0/1|ChannelName | 0 = Off 1 = On |ChannelName - Messages for Mez, Heals, Pulls and Tanking in DanNet (see DanNet for more info; if both EQBCOn and DanNetOn are on DanNetOn will be turned off) |
DanNetDelay | 20 | ? | ? |
SwitchWithMA | FALSE | ? | ? |
TravelOnHorse | FALSE | ? | ? |
TwistOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Bard will NOT twist out of combat (preventing song aggro) 1 = Bard will twist out of combat |
TwistMed | Mana song gem | #(,#,#,etc) | Song order to twist while medding (Example: TwistMed=3 2 5) |
TwistWhat | Twist order here | #(,#,#,etc)/Continuous | Song order to twist while out of combat (Example: TwistWhat=1 2 4 6 or always when using MeleeTwist=Continuous) |
BeepOnNamed | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will alert you with a beep if you begin fighting a mob that is marked as a "named" mob (a "named" mob may not be the same as a "rare" mob) |
OnStart | NULL | StartCommand | StartCommand = This command will execute once when the macro starts (will default to MAUI if you have it installed and no other entry) |
- Default roles can be assigned in your MuleAssist_ToonName.ini or overridden at startup using the modifiers listed under MuleAssist#Starting MuleAssist.
[Spellset]/[Spells] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
LoadSpellSet | 0 | 0/1/2 | 0 = Off 1 = Loads SpellSetName when MuleAssist begins 2 = Loads Spells from the [MySpells] in the INI file when MuleAssist begins |
SpellSetName | MuleAssist | SpellSetName | The name of the pre-saved spell set you want to mem when MuleAssist begins |
- If you have no [MySpells] section defined and are using option 2 for LoadSpellSet, a default [MySpells] section is created.
- See Misc section for more information on how to set up [MySpells].
[Buffs] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
BuffsOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the Buffs feature on |
BuffsCOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles whether OOG: entries follow the conditions set in the Buffs# line or not. |
BuffsSize | 40 | # | Sets the number of Buff# entries to parse |
Buffs# | NULL | Spell/AA/Item|mods|flags | Spell/AA/Item = Buff to use |mods = See below for mod options |flags = See below for flag options |
BuffsCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your Buff# entry is used (see Samples below) |
RebuffOn | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles rebuffing from spell worn off message (needs clarification) |
CheckBuffsTimer | 10 | # | Number in seconds to skip checking buffs/rebuffing |
PowerSource | NULL | Item | Specify the name of the PowerSource you want to maintain being equipped and active in your PowerSource inventory slot, as well as destroy/remove used powersources. You can maintain the PowerSource by treating it as a summoned item. (See Summon Items modifier below). |
BegOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the BegOn feature on |
BegSize | 1 | # | Sets the number of Beg# to parse |
BegPermissionHelp | N/A | N/A | N/A |
BegPermission | NULL | |raid|guild|fellowship|tell|group|all | Will only give buffs to people who meet the permission requirement set here (see below for examples) |
BegHelp | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Beg# | NULL | BuffName|alias1,alias2,alias3,etc | BuffName = The name of the buff people can request |alias1,alias2,etc = What they has to say to get it the buff (accepts multiple aliases separated by commas) |
BuffCacheingDelay | 300 | ? | ? |
- Characters using MuleAssist write all current and blocked buffs to the KissAssist_buffs.ini in your macros or config folder.
- MuleAssist scans KissAssist_buffs.ini and compares it with the buffs that are listed in the character's Buffs section of their INI file.
- If another character is missing a buff which stacks they will cast it on that character.
- This feature works only with characters boxed on the same computer because it writes to a central INI file in the macros/config folder.
- This feature writes and scans every 60 seconds so there should not be any noticeable lag.
- The file is self cleaning so you won't end up with a massive INI file that continues to grow over time.
- To allow other macros to work see the Extras section!
- The BuffBeg system allows you to accept requests based on whatever alias (string/text) you choose and give that person the buff.
- You can use multiple aliases for one buff.
- MuleAssist intelligently casts buffs and will not buff someone if they're too low of a level for a requested buff.
- It looks for text in Tells and Group.
- ${BuffeeLevel} is available when creating conditions for OOG Buffs.
Beg1=Brell's Stalwart Shield|Brells,BBB,BSW,Brell's
This will cast Brell's Stalwart Shield on anyone who tells the Mule one of those three aliases.
#(This will cast on everyone)
Buffs3=Flameshield of Ro
#(This will only cast on MA)
Buffs3=Flameshield of Ro|MA
#(This will only cast on Warrior, Shadow Knight, or Paladin)
Buffs3=Flameshield of Ro|CLASS|WAR,SHD,PAL
This will cast Flameshield of Ro on all melee and enchanters in group, and will cast it on raid members, Lemons or xtarget1 if they are a melee or enchanter
Buffs3=Flameshield of Ro|melee|class|enc|OOG:raid,Lemons, xtarget1
Mods and Flags for Buffs
Mods and Flags for Buffs# | What they do and how they work |
|aura | Buff will be treated like an aura instead of a buff (supports up to 2 auras for Clerics and Enchanters if they have the required AAs) |
|caster | Will only cast on casters |
|class|shortnames | |class = Will only cast on the designated classes |shortnames = The designated classes (accepts class short names like enc, clr, war) |
|dual|BuffRecourse | |dual = Allows for spells with 2+ parts, where the actual buff effect has a different name than the spell or ability used to cast it (such as recourse type spells or newer that combine buffs, but can be used for lots of things) |BuffRecourse = Name of the additional buff |
|end|End%ToUse | |end = Will trigger only whenever endurance levels are below the specified percent |End%ToUse = The specified percentage |
|endgroup|Mana%ToUse | |endgroup = Will only trigger when the group's average endurance falls below the specified percent |End%ToUse = The specified percent |
|mana|Mana%ToUse|MinHealth%ToUse | |mana = Will trigger only whenever mana levels are below the specified percent |Manage%ToUse = The specified percent of mana |MinHealthToUse = Optional modifies Only use this above this percentage of health (for spells like Canni or Death Blossom) |
|managroup|Mana%ToUse | |managroup = Only use this when the group's average mana falls below the specified percent |Mana%ToUse = The specified percent of mana |
|melee | Will only be cast on melees |
|mgb | Will use the Tranquil Blessings AA (not the Mass Group Buff AA) to MGB the buff Notes: Will Not cast Group only spells(Group_V1). You have to be in active or resting combat state. The Caster must NOT have the Buff. |mgb must be the last tag on the line when used with |dual |
|mount | Buff will be treated as a mount |
|NoGroup | Primarily used with the |OOG: mod to exclude group members as targets, but can be used without |OOG: to deactivate a Buffs# entry |
|OOG: | The OOG: modifier allows you to buff people outside of your group. If BuffsCOn=1, OOG: entries will follow the modifiers in the line. Flags: SpawnName, xtarget#, raid, fellowship, range### |
|remove | Used to remove unwanted buffs |
|summon|ItemSummoned|Quantity | |summon = Used to note that this is a summoned item (items your character needs for combat/buffs) |ItemSummoned = Name of the item to summon |Quantity = The quantity of items you want to summon (lore items should be set to 1) |
Mods and Flags Samples
Buffs1=Paragon of Spirit|mana|50
Buffs2=Focused Paragon of Spirits|endgroup|80
Buffs3=Mana Robe|mana|90|50
Buffs6=Quiet Miracle|managroup|20
Buffs1=Verdant Hedgerow Leaf|mount
Buffs7=Aura of the Poet|aura
Buffs1=command:/alt act 3709
BuffsCond1=!${Me.Buff[Pact of the Wurine].ID}
Buffs6=Illusion: Plaguebringer|remove
Buffs5=Burning Symbiosis|Me|dual|Arcane Symbiosis Recourse
Buffs1=Talisman of Soul's Unity|Dual|Exigent Focusing
Buffs10=Mysterious Belt of Daggers|summon|Well Balanced Throwing Knife|300
Buffs11=Dusty Soriz Worker Pouch|summon|Shissar Fangs|500
Buffs2=Sealed Pure Energeian Metal Orb|summon|Pure Energeian Orb|1
Buffs6=Wand of Arcane Transvergence|summon|Rod of Arcane Transvergence|1
Buffs7=Huntsman's Ethereal Quiver|summon|Ethereal Arrow|500
Buffs8=Axe of the Savage|summon|Axe of the Savage|200
BuffsCond6=${BuffMode} && ${BuffeeLevel} < 46
#This will buff whomever is the MainAssist. Changing the group main assist will change who this buffs. You can set any kind of dynamic target in OOG.
#(This will cast Clarity on every Caster as well as rog, mnk in your raid)
#(This will cast Clarity on every Caster as well as rog, mnk who is within 50ft of you)
#(This will cast Clarity on every Caster as well as rog, mnk in your fellowship)
#(This will buff everything listed with Clarity)
[Melee] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
AssistAt | 95 | 1-100 | Mob health to assist/attack |
MeleeOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles Melee feature on |
FaceMobOn | 1 | 0/1/2 | 0 = Off 1 = Face mobs instantly (includes casting spells) 2 = Face mobs realistically (includes casting spells) |
MeleeDistance | 30 | # | Mobs outside this radius will not be engaged. Tank modes will use this distance to decide if mobs should be engaged. This distance applies to casters engaging with spells as well and will be checked even when MeleeOn=0. |
StickHow | snaproll rear | Example | Tells character how to stick to mob when fighting. !front, behindonce, snaproll rear, front. See mq2moveutils for more valid commands and descriptions.
Note: Stick while in combat will try and use MAX melee distance. To adjust for this, use the % option in your StickHow command to move closer to the mob. Example: StickHow=MoveBack 50% loose |
AutoFireOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles Auto fire on/off (ranged item and ammo must be equipped) |
UseMQ2Melee | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off - Lets MuleAssist completely control your Melee character 1 = On - Toggles all MQ2Melee functions, including holy/downshits (turns off all combat /stick functions in MuleAssist, so make sure you have MQ2Melee plugin stickcmd configured properly) |
DismountDuringFights | 0 | ? | ? |
BeforeCombat | Cast Before Melee Disc | Disc Name | Thing to use right before combat. Berserkers and rogues often use this section. |
TankAllMobs | FALSE | ? | ? |
MeleeTwistOn | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles melee specific twisting. See General Section for more information. | |
MeleeTwistWhat | Twist Order/Continuous | Song order to twist during combat if MeleeTwistOn is on. If set to MeleeTwistWhat=Continuous the bard will continue to twist the normal song order as defined in TwistWhat from the General Section | |
Autohide | ? | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles auto Sneak+Hide for Rogues (Sneak+Hide after every fight) |
- The AssistAt value is used for everyone regardless of class (when casters begin DPSing, when pet classes send in pets, etc.)
[GoM] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
GoM# | NULL | SpellName|Target | SpellName = Spell you want to cast when Gift of Mana triggers |Target = Accepts Mob, MA, and Me (optional) |
GoMSHelp | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GoMCOn | 0 | ? | ? |
GoMSize | 4 | # | Number of GoMSpell# entries to parse. Similar to DPSSize. |
GoM# | NULL | ? | ? |
GoMCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your GoM# entry is used |
- These options allows you assign a spell to cast during combat if Gift of Mana AA goes off.
GoMSpell1=Gift of Mana Spell
GoMSpell2=Gift of Mana Spell
[AE] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
AEOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the AE feature on |
AESize | 20 | # | Number of AE entries to parse |
AERadius | 50 | # | Radius around character to detect mobs |
AE# | NULL | Spell/AA/Disc/Item|MinMob#|Target | Spell/AA/Disc/Item - What to cast |MinMob# - Minimum number of mobs in radius to trigger |Target - Mob, MA, Me are valid targets flags |Single - Optional flag that will only cast the AE if there is a single mob in range |
AE1=Tigir's Insects
AE1=Explosion of Spite|2|Mob AE1=Rain of Jerikor|1|single
[DPS] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
DPSOn | 1 | 0/1/2 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Cast normally by mob % health 2 = is absolute descending order using mob health % tag as order control. This will cast every spell with a health tag. This Prevents skipping spells that may occur when mobs die too fast. When set to 2, Mob HP % is only used to prioritize cast spell order |
DPSCOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles DPS Conditions on |
DPSSize | 40 | # | Used to control the number of DPS entries. |
DPSSkip | 1 | 1-100 | Stops casting DPS spells when the mob reaches health percentage. Default 20% |
DPSInterval | 2 | # | This is the amount of time between casts of the same spell. If set to 10, then your box will only cast your DPS1 spell every ten seconds. See above paragraph. Attaches a timer in seconds to DPS spells with 0 duration after they are cast. If you are nuking too fast you can slow down by increasing the interval. |
DPS# | NULL | Spells/Disc/Item/AA/Ability|MobHealth%|mods/flags | Spells/Disc/Item/AA/Ability = What you want to use (will also accept :/command - see examples below) |MobHealth% = The mob's health % to use this at |mods/flags = See below for mods and flags |
DPSCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your DPS# entry is used |
DebuffAllOn | 0 | 0/1/2 | 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = More Persistent debuffing - Enables debuffs to be cast on all targets in camp while DPSing the main target. See Below. |
StayAwayToCast | FALSE | ? | ? |
DebuffAllOn=0 | OFF. muleassist casts debuffs normally, debuffing only the primary kill target assigned by the MA. Debuff all requires DPSOn=2? Need Clarification. |
DebuffAllOn=1 | This will try and cast every buff, but will not wait for spells/AAs to become ready. If spell is ready, cast it. If spell is not ready move on to next spell/AA. rinse and repeat. After best try casting on current mob. Move on to next mob. This behavior will continue until all debuffs have been cast on all mobs. This option is considered best try and gives priority to DPS than Debuffing. Take into consideration that after trying to debuff each mob if you are a caster with DPSOn set up, That the DPS routine will be run on the MA's current target between each mob being checked for debuffs. |
DebuffAllOn=2 | This option will spend more time trying to make sure all debuffs are cast on each mob. This option is considered persistent and gives priority to Debuffing than DPS. There is an exception. If you have a debuff that has a long recast timer, that debuff may be skipped. |
- In the DPS section, you'll want to align your spells in order in which they cast. They don't need to be in order, but it helps to visually see which spells are going to be cast first and which spells will follow.
- If you want to put a buff in your DPS lineup (so it casts during combat), you must include a target tag (either |MA or |Me).
- If using DPSOn=1, muleassist will cast each spell starting when the Mob Health is less than the Spell/AA's MobHealth% and pausing for the DPSInterval timer that starts when the fist spell starts to cast and will pause casting until the timer ends. Once the Mob's Health gets below the next Spell/AA's MobHealth% number that Spell/AA is added to the rotation making a snowball of damage that gets bigger and bigger as more Spell/AA's are added to the rotation. Dot's will be reapplied when they drop off the target. If you have an order that you want the Spell/AA's to cast in, you must use a different MobHealth% for each. An example would be first spell at 99 next at 98 then later in the rotation you might have a 76, 75, 74. once the target gets below 74 all the spells will cast in order from highest MobHealth% to the lowest tying to recast a spell if it gets resisted or interrupted as to not break the sequence. --good for debuff stacking using the |Once tag. If you use spells with the %health 98,98,98 70,70 and 30,30 you will not know what order it will pick, the 2nd or 3rd spell with the same %health may cast first. (Further testing needs to be done on how many times a spell gets resisted/interrupted before it moves on to the next.)
- If using DPSOn=2, muleassist will cast in a sequential order, a chain of Spell/AAs starting with the highest MobHealth% to the lowest, with no casting delay/pause. As soon as the chain of casting starts, the DPSInterval timer starts. If it takes 12 seconds to cast all the spells in the chain and the DPSInterval is set to 10 you will see no delay in recasting the chain. If DPSInterval is set to 20, there will be an 8 second delay/pause before the chain will recast. If the Mob dies in the middle of a chain, the chain starts over for the new target. If the |Once tag is used with a Spell/AA, it will no longer be cast and will be skipped if the chain is cast a second or third time on the same target. If the target is new, the Spell/AA will cast again, but only once for the new target. If Dot's are used in the chain and they are still ticking on the target there will be a delay in the chain as muleassist checks target for the Dot's and if present will skip it, before moving to the next Spell/AA, but if the Dot ends it will be recast as soon as the current Spell/AA finishes casting, causing the order to be out of place when the chain is cast 2 or more times.
- Very Basic Syntax: DPS1=Spell/AA|MobHealth% -- There are a bunch of modifiers you can use to fine tune this, please see Extra Stuff section below!!!
- If you edit your dps section often, setting the mobhealth value to 0 disables the line, example: DPS4=Markar's Discord|0
- Rank designations (Rk. II/Rk. III) are not needed in the DPS section. MuleAssist will use whatever rank you have memmed.
- DebuffAllOn: You can apply the debuffall tag specifically to spells you want to cast debuffs on all mobs in camp. Spells without this tag will revert to the default muleassist debuffing style.
- When setting up the order of your debuffs. If you are going to use a combination of Spells and AA's. It's a good idea to stagger them, where an AA follows a Spell. The reason for this is that AA's can be cast while spells are still in a global cool down.
- Currently, in MQ2 there is no way to test if a debuff spell will overwrite/stack/land on the mob before you cast it. Also there is no easy way to determine if spell is a slow, tash, malo, crip, snare type spell. So it is required that users specify this tag for the debuff type, if it applies.
Mods and Flags for DPS
Extra DPS Flags and Modifiers | What they do and how they work |
|mash | Will attempt to press ("mash") a button whenever the AA/item/disc/skill is available while ignoring all other normal timing (DOES NOT WORK ON SPELLS) |
|feign | This will cast your Feign Death type spell/ability at whatever % of the mobs health you specify, and will stand up 10 seconds later. Useful for necros to load up a bunch of DoTs then FD. Need Clarification? |
|once | Used to force a spell to only cast one time per fight |
|spam | Will cast the spell repeatedly regardless of duration of the debuff on your target (will still respect your DPSInterval between casts) |
|weave | weave tag on the spell/item clicky that isn't effects by spell GCD. |
|Target | Accepts Me and MA (for spells like Panther, Yaulp, short term damage shields, etc.) |
|strip | is used for dispelling beneficial buffs from mobs. This tag requires debuffallon and the debuffall tag |
|always | This will cast a debuff continuously until it lands (this could cause your character to spam that debuff, if your spell will not overwrite an existing debuff already on the mob) |
|slow | Used to check mob for a slow debuff (and add the |always tag to overwrite the current slow) |
|tash | Used to check mob for a tash debuff (and add the |always tag to overwrite the current tash) |
|malo | Used to check mob for a malo debuff (and add the |always tag to overwrite the current malo) |
|crip | Used to check mob for a crip debuff (and add the |always tag is overwrite the current crip) |
command:/command|MobHlth% | The first tag must be the word command: This can also be used with the mash, weave, and ambush tags. But the mash, weave, and ambush tag must be the last tag on the entry. The command tag is not setup to use ${Variables} in any of the parameters. Conditionals are required.
DPS1=Command:/bandolier activate 1hander|100|Cond1
DPS5=Improved Death Peace|70|feign
DPS1=Unswerving Hammer of Faith|99|once
DPS1=Darksteel Malosenete|98
DPS3=Force of Elements|94
DPS5=Bottled Essence of Vex|90|Weave
DPS6=Remorseless Servant|88
DPS7=Bolt of Molten Shieldstone|86
DPS8=Summoned: Elemental Ice Fragment|84|Weave
DPS9=Spear of Molten Shieldstone|82
DPS10=Spear of Blistersteel|80
DPS11=Traumatize Pet|78
DPS3=Talisman of the Tiger|90|Me
DPS4=Untamed Growth|90|MA
DPS5=Lethargy |90|MA
DPS2=command:/removebuff levitation|99
DPS4=command:/bandolier activate shield|100
DPS2=command:/removebuff levitation|99
DPS4=command:/bandolier activate shield|100
DPS2=Command:/bandolier activate 2hander|100|Cond2
DPS1=Regenerating Counterbias|99|debuffall|slow|always
DPS1=Enunciation of Tashan|99|debuffall|tash|always
DPS2=Dreary Deeds|98|debuffall|slow
DPS3=Demolished Consciousness|97|debuffall|crip
DPS1=Staff of Elemental Flux|99|debuffall|always
DPS1=Flaming Sword of Xuzl|99
DPS2=Bonds of Force|95|Once
DPS3=Shock of Magic|93
DPS4=Markar's Discord|30
[Bandolier Settings]
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
BandolierOn | 0 | Example | Example |
BandolierCOn | 0 | Example | Example |
BandolierSize | 2 | Example | Example |
BandolierPull | 1HS | Example | Example |
Bandolier# | NULL | Example | Example |
BandolierCond1# | FALSE | Example | Example |
BandolierCond1=!${InvSlot[mainhand].Item.Name.Equal[Conflagrant Bastard Sword]} && ${SpawnCount[NPC radius 20 zradius 10 targetable]}>=2
BandolierCond2=!${InvSlot[mainhand].Item.Name.Equal[Conflagrant Great Sword]} && ${SpawnCount[NPC radius 20 zradius 10 targetable]}<=1 && ${SpawnCount[NPC radius 20 zradius 10 targetable named]}==0
[OhShit] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
OhShitOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the OhShit feature on |
OhShitCOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the OhShit Conditions feature on |
OhShit# | NULL | Action|Target | Action = The action to take |Target = The target to target (even if no target is needed, still include the pipe) |
OhShitCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your OhShit# entry is used |
- OhShit must be on to use the /charmthis command.
- OhShits do not take standard tags (|Me, |Mob|, etc.) but can take TLO tags (|${Target.ID}, etc.).
OhShit1=Imitate Death|
OhShitCond1=${Me.PctHPs} < 10 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Imitate Death]}
OhShit2=Rune of Banishment
OhShitCond3=${Me.PctMana} > 70 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Bool[${Me.Pet.ID}]} && ${Target.Level}>=${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}-5]} && ${Target.Level}<=${Math.Calc[${Me.Level}+2]}
OhShit4=command:/alt act 861|${Target.ID}
OhShitCond4=${Target.Mezzed.ID} && ${Me.AltAbility[861].Rank}==35 && ${Target.CachedBuff[^Mezzed].ID}
OhShitCond1=${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && !${Target.Buff[Rune]} && ${Target.BuffsPopulated}
[Aggro] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
AggroOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the Aggro feature on |
AggroCOn | 0 | ? | ? |
AggroSize | 10 | # | Number of Aggro# entries to parse |
Aggro# | NULL | AA/Disc/Item/Spell|Aggro%|>/<|Target | AA/Disc/Item/Spell = What to use |Aggro% = When to use it |> = To decrease/avoid aggro |< = To increase/maintain aggro |Target = What to target (Me, MA, Mob, etc.) |
- This feature requires the Reign of Fear expansion.
Aggro1=Divine Stun|100|<|Mob
Aggro1=Taunt|100|< Aggro2=Terror of Kra`Du|100|< Aggro1=Sanctuary|80|> Aggro2=Divine Peace|95|>
[Pull] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
PullTwistOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Turns on twisting during pulling (need clarification?) |
PullWith | Melee | Melee AA Pet Spell Disc RangedItem|AmmoItem |
Melee - will run up to the mob and melee attack to pull Pet - send in pet to pull AA - use this AA to pull Spell - cast on the mob to pull Disc - use this disc to pull RangedItem|AmmoItem - pull with ranged attack (RangedItem is the item to pull with and AmmoItem is the ammo slot item) |
PullMeleeStick | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Use to stick to target when pulling with melee (helps with mobs that are moving) |
MaxRadius | 350 | # | Radius you want pull mobs within |
MaxZRange | 50 | # | Z Axis Radius you want pull mobs with in (try 100-200 for hilly zones) |
CheckForMemblurredMobsInCamp | 0 | ? | ? |
PullWait | 5 | # | Time in seconds to wait looking for mobs if no spawns are up (used mostly for camping named so you are aren't looking for mobs every second) |
PullCond | TRUE | ? | ? |
PrePullCond | TRUE | ? | ? |
PullRoleToggle | 0 | 0/1 | 0=Off 1=On - Toggles puller tag in group window before pulls and turns it off once back in camp after a pull (You must be group leader and using the PullerPetTank role to do this; this will keep your healer merc in came during pulls) |
ChainPull | 0 | 0/1 | 0=Off 1=On - Toggles chain pulling on |
ChainPullHP | 90 | 1-100 | Mob HP level to start looking for another mob to pull |
ChainPullPause | 2 | #|# | How long to pull (in minutes) before pausing pulls|How many minutes to pause before resuming pulls |
PullLevel | 0|0 | 0-200 | Minimum level mob to pull|Maximum level mob to pull |
PullArcWidth | 0 | 0-360 | The width in degrees on the compass (see /setpullarc in the command section) |
PullNamedsFirst | 0 | ? | ? |
ActNatural | 1 | ? | ? |
UseCalm | 0 | ? | ? |
CalmWith | Harmony | ? | ? |
CalmRadius | 50 | ? | ? |
GrabDeadGroupMembers | 1 | ? | ? |
UseWayPointZ | 0 | 0/1 | Only used with Advanced Path (this feature will use the paths waypoint, not the Pullers, when checking mobs MaxZRange) |
- Non-melee pull modes will run your puller to about 75% range to pull from
- You can use the "/mapfilter castradius #" command in game to test how big large to set your MaxRadius to! (muleassist will readjust this when you start, so no worries)
- Chain pulling ONLY works in the Puller role.
- MQ2Nav: MQ2Nav features can be used in Puller and Pullertank modes. This requires no additional settings in muleassist to use. If you have the plugin loaded and the zone meshes generated, it should automatically be used. When troubleshooting, try "/nav reload" first!
PullWith=Dragon Force
PullWith=Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious|Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious
PullWith=Extravagant Infused Recurve Bow|Ethereal Arrow
[Heals] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
Help | N/A | N/A | N/A |
HealsOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the Heals feature on |
HealsCOn | 0 | ? | ? |
InterruptHeals | 100 | 0-101 | Will interrupt the heal if the target reaches this hitpoints percentage (if set to 100, it will interrupt within the last second of casting if the target is at 100%) |
HealsSize | 40 | # | Number of Heals# entries to parse |
Heals# | NULL | Spell|HP%|Target | Spell = Name of the spell to heal with |HP% = health percentage to heal at |Target = Accepts MA, !MA (anyone not the MA), Me, pet, tap (for lifetap/drain spells and forces MuleAssist to target a mob to cast), Mob (for Heal Nuke spells), !Pet (will not heal a pet) |
HealsCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your Heal# entry is used (${TheHealID} is the current target that is checked for each heal) |
XTarHeal | 0 | 0-13 | 0 = Off |#|#|etc = Enter as many XTarget slots as you want to heal separating each with a pipe (you should not use slot 1) |
AutoRezOn | 0 | 0/1/2 | 0 = Off 1 = Rez any time including during combat 2 = Only rez out of combat |
AutoRezWith | Item/AA/Spell | Spell/AA/Item | AA/Item/Spell to rez with (due to MQ2Rez issues characters will not yet accept rez's from Call of the Wild but this will be fixed soon) |
HealGroupPetsOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the healing of group pets on |
- muleassist heal feature works by watching each group members health and heals the the member at lowest health.
- muleassist will automatically detect single target and group spells and cast them accordingly
- muleassist will treat Targeted AE heals like Shaman line Spiritual Surge as a Single Heal spell with the MA|Me|Pet tag
- If you edit your heal settings often, leaving the heal percentage at 0 will disable the spell
- Group heals are cast based on the Average Group Health. If 3 characters at 50 70 100 health = 220/3 = 73% averaged group health. So if you set your spell to heal the group at 75 it will cast it as 73<75.
- AutoRezOn will summon and rez the corpse any character with in a radius of 100 (HealsOn=1 must be set for this feature to work)
- Rank designations (Rk. II/Rk. III) are not needed in the Heals section. MuleAssist will use whatever rank you have scribed/memmed.
Heals1=Devout Elixir|75
Heals1=Devout Light|70|MA
Heals1=Devout Light|50
Heals1=Drain Soul|70|tap
Heals1=Frostbitten Gift|70|Mob
Heals3=Light of Piety|60|Mob
HealsCond3=${Me.TargetOfTarget.PctHPs} < 60
XTarHeal=2|3|5|13 #This will heal the toons placed in XTarget slots 2, 3, 5 and 13
[Cures] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
CuresOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the Cures feature on |
CuresSize | 0 | # | Number of Cures# entries to parse |
Cures# | NULL | AA/Spell/Disc/Item|DebuffType | AA/Spell/Disc/Item = Cure you want you use (spell/item/AA) |DebuffType = Will accept Poison, Disease, Curse, Corruption, and Mezzed (leaving the tag off will try to cure any debuff detected) |
CuresCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your Cure# entry is used |
- You must already have your cure spells memmed if you're using spells.
- MuleAssist won't sit down and mem a cure to cast it.
Cures1=Purify Body
Cures1=Radiant Cure CuresCond1=!${Me.Combat} Cures2=Remove Curse|Curse Cures3=Unblemished Blood|Poison Cures4=Ornate Stone Medicine Totem Cures5=Ward of Purity|Corruption
[Pet] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
PetOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the Pet feature on |
PetSpell | YourPetSpell | SpellName | Name of pet spell/item/AA |
PetFocus | NULL | ItemName|ItemSlot|band:BandolierName | ItemName = Pet focus item |ItemSlot = Slot where the focus item should be equipped |band:BandolierName = Optional flag for using a bandolier instead (see examples below) |
PetShrinkOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles pet shrinking on |
PetShrinkSpell | Tiny Companion | SpellName | Pet shrink AA/Spell/Item |
PetBuffsOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles pet buffs on |
PetBuffsSize | 8 | # | Number of PetBuffs entries to parse. Similar to DPSSize |
PetBuffs# | NULL | Spell/AA/Item | Toggles pet buffing. The |dual tag from the buffs section can be used here as well |
PetCombatOn | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Use to initiate pet combat for your pet class |
PetAssistAt | 95 | 1-100 | Adjusts what % of the mobs health your pet should start attacking |
PetToysSize | 6 | # | Number of PetToys# entries to parse. Similar to DPSSize |
PetToysOn | Example | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles pet toy summoning and gives them to your pets |
PetToys# | NULL | SpellName|Weapon1|Weapon2 | SpellName = Name of the toy summoning spell (see examples below) |Weapon1 = First weapon |Weapon2 = Second weapon |
PetToysGave | NULL | N/A | Automatically updated by muleassist to determine what toys your pet currently has (typically no need to edit this) |
PetBreakMezSpell | NULL | SpellName | Spell to use to break mez when in PetTank or PullerPetTank roles |
PetRampPullWait | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Wait until rampage/swarm pets drop before starting next pull (used for pet classes in PullerPetTank role) |
PetSuspend | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the function to determine if we have suspended pets and unsuspend a pet if available when our current pet dies |
MoveWhenHit | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Use to enable/disable movement away from mob when code for GotHit (mob beating on pet owner) is called for pet class roles of (pettank,pullerpettank,hunterpettank). |
PetHoldOn | 1 | 0/1 | Deprecated |
PetForceHealOnMed | 0 | Example | Need more info |
PetBehind | TRUE | ? | ? |
- The PetToysOn Feature should handle all versions of items to give to pets including single, bags and folded bags.
- Keeps track of what you give to pet (by pet name) and will reequip when you summon a new pet.
- See In-Game Commands for requesting toys with /pettoysplz
- Rank designations (Rk. II/Rk. III) are not needed in the Pet section. MuleAssist will use whatever rank you have scribed/memmed.
PetBuffs1=Iceflame Armor
PetBuffs2=Focus of Primal Elements
PetBuffs3=Burnout X
PetBuffs4=Metamorph Totem: Night Harvest Scarecrow|Dual|Pet Illusion: Night Harvest Scarecrow
PetFocus=Bonespike Earring|rightear
PetFocus=Bonespike Earring|band:BandolierName
PetToys1=Grant Visor of Gobeker
PetToys2=Grant Manaforged Armaments|Summoned: Manaforged Fireblade|Summoned: Manaforged Shortsword
PetToys3=Grant Frightforged Plate
PetToys4=Grant Nint's Heirlooms
[Mez] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
MezOn | 0 | 0/1/2/3 | 0 = Off 1 = Single & AE Mez 2 = Single Mez only 3 = AE Mez only |
MezRadius | 50 | # | Radius to detect mobs surrounding enchanter/bard |
MezMinLevel | Min Mez Spell Level | # | Minimum level of mobs to mez within MezRadius |
MezMaxLevel | Max Mez Spell Level | # | Maximum level of mobs to mez within MezRadius |
MezStopHPs | 80 | 1-100 | Mob HP% to stop mezzing at |
MezSpell | Your Mez Spell | SpellName/SongName | Your single target mez spell or song |
MezAESpell | Your AE Mez Spell|0 | AEMezSpell/AEMezSong|MobCount# | AEMezSpell/AEMezSong = What spell or song to AE mez with |MobCount# - Mob count threshold to start AE mezzing (typically 3 or more) |
- MuleAssist will single target mez all adds up to the MobCount# indicated in your MezAESpell tag.
- Once the add count gets to the #Mob count it will use your AE spell.
- If you set MezAESpell to less than 3 (eg 2) it will fire your AE mez when there is a double pull and immediately single mez the add.
- That is why it is recommended to set it to 3 or more.
MezAESpell=Wake of Felicity|3
[Burn] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
BurnCOn | 0 | ? | ? |
BurnSize | 40 | # | Number of Burn# entries to parse |
BurnText | Burn this | ? | ? |
BurnAllNamed | 0 | 0/1/2 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Burn ALL named mobs (ignoring KissAssist_info.ini MobsToBurn configuration) 2 = On - Will burn ONLY mobs listed in your KissAssist_info.ini MobsToBurn configuration |
Burn# | NULL | Spell/AA/Disc/Item|Target | Spell/AA/Disc/Item = What to use in the burn event |Target = Mob, MA, Me, and Pet are valid targets flags |
BurnCond# | FALSE | CustomCondition | Optional custom condition if you want to further define when your Burn# entry is used |
UseTribute | 0 | ? | ? |
- This section is for boosting your groups DPS/Survivability based on named or triggered event.
- It can be used as a DPS boost, send your tank into a crazy defensive frenzy or healers to pop all group heals.
- When the definable burn event is invoked the character will give all priority to cast everything in the list.
- Adjust your kissassist_info.ini to define which mobs to burn.
BurnText=Burn this
Burn1=Call of Xuzl|Mob
Burn5=Destructive Force|Me
BurnCond5=${Me.XTarget} == 1 && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 55]} == 1
[AFKTools] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
AFKHelp | N/A | N/A | N/A |
AFKToolsOn | 1 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the AFKTools feature on |
AFKGMAction | 1 | 0/1/2/3/4 | 0 = Off 1 = Pause Macro if a GM is detected 2 = End Macro if a GM is detected 3 = Unload MQ2 if a GM is detected 4 = /Quit Game if a GM is detected |
AFKPCRadius | 500 | # | Radius to detect PC's (will alert you and pause all macro activity) |
CampOnDeath | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will camp to desktop on death |
ClickBacktoCamp | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will attempt to click back to campfire using fellowship insignia |
BeepOnNamed | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Will alert you with a beep if you begin fighting a mob that is marked as a "named" mob (a "named" mob may not be the same as a "rare" mob) |
- You should never automate/play unattended characters, but this feature can helpful if you're briefly distracted from your screen.
AFKHelp=AFKGMAction=0 Off, 1 Pause Macro, 2 End Macro, 3 Unload MQ2, 4 Quit Game
[Merc] Settings
Settings | Default | Values/Mods | What this setting does |
Help | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MercOn | 0 | 0/1 | 0 = Off 1 = On - Toggles the Merc (/callassist) feature on |
MercAssistAt | 92 | 1-100 | Target health percentage for mercenary to assist at |
Auto Revive | N/A | ? | Now auto detects if your merc is in group when the macro is started and will auto revive if merc dies. |
- This feature will keep your mercenary from attacking until your mob's health drops to a defined percentage.
- This feature requires you to turn off Auto Assist in the Manage Mercenary Window.
- This will keep the merc from prematurely engaging mobs outside of group member radius.
Help=To use: Turn off Auto Assist in Manage Mercenary Window
Command | Parameters | Description |
/cleardebug | Example | Will clear out the MuleAssistDebug_ToonName.ini file of all contents or the named type
/cleardebug all /cleardebug buff |
/debugall | Example | Will turn on ALL debugs and send them to your MQ2 Window
It's a lot of spam |
/debugbuff(s) | Example | Turns on buff debug to your MQ2window |
/debugcast | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugcombat | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugdps | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugheal | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugmez | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugmove | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugpet | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/debugpull | Example | Turns on debug to your MQ2window of the given type |
/lemondebug | Example | Outputs debug info to your MQ2 window so you can screensnip it and send it to me |
/muledebug | Example | Turns on MuleDebug echos in your MQ2 window |
/writedebug | <type> <timeInSeconds> | Write the debug output to MuleAssistDebug_ToonName.ini for |
Manual mode
/mac muleassist manual
- starts muleassist with everything turned off. You may then use In Game Commands to turns certain things on, such as /buffson, /healson, /dpson, etc.
Fast Spell Setup
Add memorized spells by their gems to the ini file
- /setdps Gem# Gem# Gem# Gem# - write spell in gem slots to DPS section of ini file
- /setbuffs
- /setheals
/setdps 1 3 4 5
[MQ2] Set DPS 1 3 4 5
[MQ2] This command will write over current DPS settings
[MQ2] WRITING: DPS1=Sha's Legacy|95
[MQ2] WRITING: DPS2=Binaesa Blood|90
[MQ2] WRITING: DPS3=Frostrift Lance|85
[MQ2] WRITING: DPS4=Rotsil's Bite|80
Add single AA/Disc/Spell/Item to first empty slot in Buffs,Burn,DPS,Heals,AE
- /setdps spell 1 - Will add the spell in Gem 1. Valid selections are gems 1-13
- /setdps item - Will add whatever item you have on your cursor.
- /setdps disc 1 - Will add the disc in slot 1 of your Combat Ability window. Valid selections are slots 1-8
- /setdps aa 611 - will add the AA, Battle Leap. AA numbers can be found in the AA Windows
This feature is just to speed up setup. You still need to edit your ini file.
Example zerker .ini
DPS1=Cry Carnage|98
DPS2=Open Wound|99|Once
DPS3=Bubbling Rage|0
DPS4=Phantom Assailant|0
DPS5=Battle Stomp|98
DPS8=Juggernaut Surge|85|Me
DPS9=Demolishing Volley|83
DPS10=Demolishing Frenzy|81
DPS11=Axe of Numicia|79
DPS12=Binding Axe|86
DPS13=Dichotomic Rage|92|Mob
BurnText=Decepticons Attack
Burn1=Reckless Abandon
Burn2=Silent Strikes
Burn3=Fundament: Third Spire Of Savagery
Burn4=Distraction Attack
AE2=Vicious Cyclone|1|Single
AE3=Blinding Fury|3|Me
AE4=Battle Cry of the Mastruq|3
AE5=Distraction Attack|3
AE6=Reckless Abandon|3
AE7=Silent Strikes|3
AE8=Fundament: Third Spire Of Savagery|3
Change to how many slots you need in Your MQ folder/macros/muleassist.mac file. Default 6
/declare Burn[10] string outer
Mage example:
BurnText=Decepticons Attack
Burn1=Frenzied Burnout|pet
Burn2=Host of the Elements|Mob
Burn3=First Spire|Me
Burn4=Servant of Ro|Mob
Burn5=Ruthless Servant|mob
See also