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Question - You ever just NOT feel like EQ'ing? Or MQ2'ing? (1 Viewer)


May 8, 2013
I logged in tonight. Ran in my usual spot for about 30 minutes. Bored, I decided to take warrior, cleric, druid and bard and go transplant the campsite. So I logged in the druid, popped us close to another site I like, when poof. Named is up and all my toons are under manual control. Just a /macro follow and the bard was /melody selos. So, Named sees through invis, and everyone dies because I can't get the cleric casting fast enough. So total wipe.

I just figured "What the hell. I'm gonna log, veg out in front of the TV and watch World War Z" or something.
I'll just rez everyone later.
I tend to feel like that a lot. Mostly because I'm far too lazy to level my characters to where they can be useful. I've got so many it's pathetic. Just rolled a cleric. The mage I've been working on is sitting at 88 or 89. Lots of days happen where I log on, just say hi, then camp 20 minutes later. I'm the same way with other games. Mostly just depends on my mood.
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do you use kiss? I recommend 2 hotkeys, 1 for ending macros and autofollow, or pausing macros and following

and the other for targetting some one and then doing /mac kissassist soandso
I've just recently started using KA. Still learning about what it can and can't do.
I have got hot keys set up so when I get attacked by a mob when moving I can turn kiss on real fast... It saves life's
When I need to move around I just have KA on. Then i do /bca //chase (follow main assist). Then I cast invis. If a mob engages one of my toons, they all automatically drop invis and attack but as long as invis is up they wont engage mobs or cast spells when non aggro.
When I need to move around I just have KA on. Then i do /bca //chase (follow main assist). Then I cast invis. If a mob engages one of my toons, they all automatically drop invis and attack but as long as invis is up they wont engage mobs or cast spells when non aggro.

I knew there was something along those lines, but too lazy to use and / or look it up, I suppose.
I get like that when I reach a point where I don't know any good spots to park my team.
They just dinged 77 and I'm at a loss for where to go. Tried a few spots but got wiped so I lost my steam to keep going.
Watching old Star Trek episodes and playing some Dishonored (just found that game last week)

This evening I'll probably put some serious effort into finding a new spot to park the team.
The thought of 6 gold toons sitting idle for a week is disconcerting.
I've been using the Gyrospire instances for my little team who are around that level - not AFK though so might not be of any use to you. I guess if you wanted to get fancy you could write a macro to quit the instance once the outside area has been slaughtered and re-request/zone back in.
most of the time to actually feel like playing I have to be in a very specific mood, this doesn't usually apply if I have something exact in mind to do because my OCD just freaks out until I give in, but when I do play....like really play play it's always a fun time especially with old old friends
I get like that when I reach a point where I don't know any good spots to park my team.
They just dinged 77 and I'm at a loss for where to go. Tried a few spots but got wiped so I lost my steam to keep going.
Watching old Star Trek episodes and playing some Dishonored (just found that game last week)

This evening I'll probably put some serious effort into finding a new spot to park the team.
The thought of 6 gold toons sitting idle for a week is disconcerting.

I've had some success with a high 70s/low 80s team parking them in hills of shade in the bird area. Nobody ever goes there on my server (never once has afktools activated) and the puller rarely gets more than 3 mobs at a time. He does occasionally get stuck on trees or lose LOS on a pull, though. If that's too tough, the mammoths in icefall glacier are dark blue until level 81 or so and it's a nice big open rarely traveled area to afk at. These are just places I've run across so I'm sure others know of better places. I'd do something easy until 80 with the huge power boost from dream motes/HoT T1 then hit up some SoD zones.

When I need to move around I just have KA on. Then i do /bca //chase (follow main assist). Then I cast invis. If a mob engages one of my toons, they all automatically drop invis and attack but as long as invis is up they wont engage mobs or cast spells when non aggro.

I have one macro that /bct Bard //twist hold X (X being selo's song of travel) and others for /bca //chase, /bca //camphere + /bct Bard //twist to get his songs started again. Has worked really well for me getting around and having them assist if something sees invis.
Question - You ever just NOT feel like EQ'ing? Or MQ2'ing?

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