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News - Wizard UnNerf kinda (1 Viewer)


Single-handedly keeping Daybreak in business
Mar 27, 2014
“- Fixed a bug that caused spells with a recourse component to cause triggered spells to hit the caster rather than the caster's target. This is most notable in the case where the wizard claw line of spells would cause effects such as Pyromancy to harm the wizard rather than the wizard's target.
- Wizard - Changed the way Frenzied and Sustained Devastation consume limited use charges. Charges will now be consumed based on the number of spells cast and not the number of targets hit. This corrects an issue where spells that hit multiple targets would consume as many charges as there were targets hit by the single spell.
- Wizard - Spells that meet the Frenzied and Sustained Devastation focus criteria that are triggered from twincast or from spell triggers (such as the second spell from Ethereal Weave) will consume a limited use charge.
- Wizard - Removed the mana preservation suppression component from all ranks of Frenzied Devastation and Sustained Devastation.”

Looks like DBG knows they screwed over the wizzies and will be fixing it? mini-Patch hope it don't bork mq2 but seriously wizzies need the fix!
Such irony between what you said here and what your signature says.... ROFL!

The difference being
A) You have the option of using my stuff while playing where theirs is forced
2) They get paid for their contributions in REAL money, I do not,
III) they are ( supposedly )smarter than I am.
The difference being
A) You have the option of using my stuff while playing where theirs is forced
2) They get paid for their contributions in REAL money, I do not,
III) they are ( supposedly )smarter than I am.

So true! I just thought it was funny. The test server, in my experience, is really just a free place to play. They don't say "hey guys, test this..." They just do the release and a day or so later release it Live.
nice to wee wizards got some lovin .. and as for test ... DBG or even SOE .. never pays attention to what is said about patches ... they just make sure it is not crashing eq and then seem to fine with letting it go to live
News - Wizard UnNerf kinda

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