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Tech - Windows 10 - anyone using it? (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
Anyone tried Windows 10 yet? I'm pretty happy with Windows 8.1 but these giant screen-filling apps drive me crazy. I'm just wondering if it's good enough to be usable as a main OS.
Windows 10?!? Did they decide to skip 9? Or am I just not paying enough attention?

I use Vista so I don't have a good answer for you. I am seriously putting thought into jumping back into linux and building myself a Gentoo system for my new platform. If I do that I'll let you know how that goes compared to windows based systems.
I didn't like 8.1 it has too much wonky shit going on like ok in eq I hit alt-r and run command pops up , no way to block that or stop that I have found and all those fullscreen gui things that pop up that have nothing to do with what im trying to do sux I went back to 7 ultimate and hoping I don't ever have to use metro interface again ,

I use Vista so I don't have a good answer for you. I am seriously putting thought into jumping back into linux and building myself a Gentoo system for my new platform. If I do that I'll let you know how that goes compared to windows based systems.

I'd love to make some flavor of linux my primary OS, but I run too many niche gaming apps (MQ2 for one) that it's just not feasible :(
I am setting up a 7th pc this weekend cause 6 on my desk is just not enough, it will be a testbed for windows 10, fyi they skipped 9 because of windows 95/98 they thought software may get confused with another version of windows starting with windows 9x so they jumped to 10.... it's Microsoft so ya never know, they went from office 97 to office 2000 but they were not released in those years.....
Windows 10 Technical Preview working just fine for me, haven't tried it to run EQ yet though as it is in VirtualBox. :0

Also Windows 8.1 is a quite nice, if you use the classic start screen.
like every OS release.. i'll be waiting to get it... give the first 6 months so the developers can fix any outstanding bugs and what not... no point in rushing... btw red... mq2 and eq both work on linux backtrack :P just gotta know how...
like every OS release.. i'll be waiting to get it... give the first 6 months so the developers can fix any outstanding bugs and what not... no point in rushing... btw red... mq2 and eq both work on linux backtrack :P just gotta know how...

Backtrack is tailored for pen testing isn't it kind of a strange choice for mq2 and eq ? Backtrack(and Kali which supersedes it) would be something you would usually run from live CD no?

Also since Backtrack is based on Debian/Ubuntu, then pretty much any Ubuntu should be able to run EQ through Wine: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2939
Tech - Windows 10 - anyone using it?

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