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IRL - Where to train pick lock? (1 Viewer)

hah, reminds me when I did a macro there and went from 0 to max very, very fast. That was spam deluxe.
don't even need a macro, just programmable mouse/keyboard/key repeater

assign key for action (use center screen iirc, default is U (?), need to be in first person view) or spam mouseclick
have lockpicks on cursor
position cursor on book
activate spam method
If you have a keyboard with that.... Sadly the link does not work anymore. I did a small change. It seems "/click left center" does not work anymore. "/click left door" does not work because it is no door. "/click left" did the trick:

Sub Main

/face door

/click left
/delay 1
/goto :loop


If it is too fast for you then simply "/delay 10". But I had no trouble with that ever. Meanwhile 3 rogues are maxed with that and a fourth got it fast up to 240+ and it is fun to look at the increase of numbers. :)
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IRL - Where to train pick lock?

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