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Funny - What's YOUR Worst EQ Temper Trantrum (1 Viewer)

Oct 24, 2020
It was sometime in the year 2001, I was playing the game. Don't really remember what got me so worked up. But, this was of course, when I was a much younger person with far less patience for stupid things.

Anyway, I remember getting really mad at something. Maybe I got trained, or KS'ed, or whatever. And I remember kicking back from my computer desk in my rolling chair. The chair wheel snagged on the carpet where my chair mat ended. And I literally flipped over backwards and a little to the side. As if the chair body slammed me to the ground and then landed on me. I also hit my head on the railing of the bed that was right behind me. So I crumpled and fell, hit my head, and got trampled by my chair. Did I mention the sounds of the keyboard and mouse flying off the desk at the same time as I yelled "F*cking hell!". Oh boy, what a memory that created. I was by myself at the time in my apartment, but still so embarrassed that I threw such a fit over the game. lol

Who has a funny EQ temper tantrum to share?

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This is less of a temper tantrum and more of a passive-aggressive battle over bandwidth. In about 2006, while living at home, my family had one WiFi network because duh. My brother had a thing for torrenting EVERYTHING. It didn't matter if he liked it or not, he just wanted it. He had something like 250GB of Bollywood movies (note: we're not Indian and he's still never seen a single one of them; he just hoarded digital content). He liked to set his torrents to run over night so he'd wake up to whatever surprise material he'd managed to scoop off the Internet while he slept.

I worked evenings while in college, so I'd come home and fire up my two computers so I could get some EQ time in. Invariably, the connection would be so slow I'd start DCing while zoning with just one box, let alone the 3 or 4 I typically played between the two machines.

Once I figured out what was eating the bandwidth, I snuck into his room and straight unplugged his computer from the wall. No shut down, no warning, just YANK. Then I plugged it back in so he wouldn't know what happened.

This happened half a dozen times before I got tired of it and just left his computer unplugged.

The next morning, he barged into my room, head full of steam, yelling and commoving about how disrespectful it was to mess with his stuff blah blah blah.

I told him I needed the Internet to do stuff and his torrents were hogging all the bandwidth, so he could just sit right on it for all I cared.

What followed was about 6-8 months of us sabotaging one another. He changed the WiFi password, I locked him out of his own computer. He pulled the hard drive out of my PC and put it under his pillow, I cut his power cord in a dozen places with garden shears.

You know. Typical brother stuff.

Eventually, it all died down because my dad got tired of the Internet being so slow, so he smashed the router with a hammer and went hardwired into the modem. He told us if we wanted Internet, we could buy it ourselves. So that's how one house had 3 different Internet contracts haha
Does throwing the actual telephone at a sibling for disconnecting dial up by picking up the phone count?

Only asking because back then it was corded and that sucker boomerang'ed right back to my nuts.

Like this but the flipping person is the phone and me on the ground saying in slow mo....NoooOOOOoooo....

rob dyrdek ridiculousness GIF by mtv
I just got back from surgery and was heavily medicated and in pain so I don't remember what exactly happened in EQ to piss me off but here is what I do remember. I think it was maybe 2001 and I was in my room and was using a cordless keyboard because I couldn't sit at a desk at the time. Something happened in game that I really didn't like and I threw the keyboard. Well, I threw it so hard and straight that when it hit the wall it exploded and the keys flew everywhere like shrapnel. The perfect throw. I was shocked and impressed but then sad because I couldn't play anymore.
I just got back from surgery and was heavily medicated and in pain so I don't remember what exactly happened in EQ to piss me off but here is what I do remember. I think it was maybe 2001 and I was in my room and was using a cordless keyboard because I couldn't sit at a desk at the time. Something happened in game that I really didn't like and I threw the keyboard. Well, I threw it so hard and straight that when it hit the wall it exploded and the keys flew everywhere like shrapnel. The perfect throw. I was shocked and impressed but then sad because I couldn't play anymore.
Shoulda got your corpse first bro…lol

Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF
I just got back from surgery and was heavily medicated and in pain so I don't remember what exactly happened in EQ to piss me off but here is what I do remember. I think it was maybe 2001 and I was in my room and was using a cordless keyboard because I couldn't sit at a desk at the time. Something happened in game that I really didn't like and I threw the keyboard. Well, I threw it so hard and straight that when it hit the wall it exploded and the keys flew everywhere like shrapnel. The perfect throw. I was shocked and impressed but then sad because I couldn't play anymore.
This reminds me of a LAN party I threw once where one of my friends got so mad he chucked his mouse (it was corded), and it actually separated from the cord at the mouse end, took a different flight path and hit one of our other friends in the shoulder. There was a bunch of yelling and screaming at that point. lol
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Sadly I have had a few raid geared TLP characters that were deleted in a fit of drunken rage. Like "fuck this game I'm never playing it again" Delete chars so I won't be tempted back.

Six to Twelve months later, I can't help myself and reinstall and start over.

Sad Happy Hour GIF
Back at the opening of DoDH,(first month maybe) I had just gotten done updating my UI files so I could play again. I got maybe 2 hours of play before the server came down and when it was up again I had to update my UI so I could play. That was it for me, I bitched in guild chat about it, said good bye and went and played WoW for 5 years.
Not a temper thing, but it still hurts thinking about...

Back when WoW was hitting it big, I had gotten really casual about EQ. Played so infrequently that I began doing stupid things... Eventually I guess I thought I'd never go back to it hard core again, so I started handing out all my rare/removed-from-game items to alts... I handed my Manastone to some new character, quickly got them to some single digit level, and logged off for what turned out to be more than several years away from the game.

Well, it had gone FTP by the time I got back and all my characters below level 10 were deleted... Along with my Manastone. /shrug
Back in the day my main was a raid equipped shaman. Sometime around OOW the BST class was sooooo overpowered, and the shaman so useless that I could hardly find a group. Groups would rather have slightly less slowing capability and use a BST.

I rage quit, deleted all my characters and went to play WoW. Didn't come back for 14 years.
I remember in 2004 I think it was, Sony had a exploit they knew about on Friday, and let it run over the weekend. The people who got plat thru it were viewed as infected, and everyone they had a transaction with got infected also. Monday morning, they rolled back all infected accounts, and I got included, due to my trader who rocked a 1.5 million plat in sales that weekend.
Not a temper thing, but it still hurts thinking about...

Back when WoW was hitting it big, I had gotten really casual about EQ. Played so infrequently that I began doing stupid things... Eventually I guess I thought I'd never go back to it hard core again, so I started handing out all my rare/removed-from-game items to alts... I handed my Manastone to some new character, quickly got them to some single digit level, and logged off for what turned out to be more than several years away from the game.

Well, it had gone FTP by the time I got back and all my characters below level 10 were deleted... Along with my Manastone. /shrug

I did something similar on an Emu named EQReborn or something like that. I played a solo Wizard, accumulated thousands of plat in the first week from launch, then said fuck it, and ported around handing 200ish plat and items I'd farmed to random people until it was all gone, then uninstalled and never touched an Emu again.
INo tantrum required. I used to be an asshole. This was back before the brain tumors and the stroke. My server was Karana. We had a fairly large non-US population. I had multiple hotkeys calling people "dumbass" in French. Because there is more than one way to say it in French. I also had a hotkey especially for our Japanese population Gojira!!! But I wasn't a Nationalist. I was an equal opportunity jackass. . I was also 338-1 in duels. When death sucked. I met my best friend by insulting him. I don't remember what I said, but he replied, "I'm sorry my video game skills aren't up to your standards.". I felt like the jerk I was and I apologized. He became my best friend. I stopped being a jerk before the health stuff. I was good at EQ. I enjoyed the things I think people hate. I just hate quests. In a game titled EverQuest. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
INo tantrum required. I used to be an asshole. This was back before the brain tumors and the stroke. My server was Karana. We had a fairly large non-US population. I had multiple hotkeys calling people "dumbass" in French. Because there is more than one way to say it in French. I also had a hotkey especially for our Japanese population Gojira!!! But I wasn't a Nationalist. I was an equal opportunity jackass. . I was also 338-1 in duels. When death sucked. I met my best friend by insulting him. I don't remember what I said, but he replied, "I'm sorry my video game skills aren't up to your standards.". I felt like the jerk I was and I apologized. He became my best friend. I stopped being a jerk before the health stuff. I was good at EQ. I enjoyed the things I think people hate. I just hate quests. In a game titled EverQuest. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
hey, thanks for the story and the "trust circle" of sharing that. sorry to hear about your health woes. Hope you're doing alright.
You still in touch with your bestie?

I've met some amazing people in EQ over the years, some folks i really wish i had been able to keep in touch with.

Oshimi, Googliemooglie, Kaneece, Hasen, to name a few - hope they're well <3
Original EQ, DE Necro, a friend gave me some gear right off the bat, nothing too much, but like early twink stuff. Was exploring, went into water with garbage swim skill, got attacked, and died underwater. No idea where I died, etc as it was like within the first few hours of playing. Was clueless. I freaked out because I thought I lost all of the gear he gave me and felt really bad.
Funny - What's YOUR Worst EQ Temper Trantrum

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