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Poll - What's an old EverQuest feature you miss? (1 Viewer)

What's an old feature you miss?

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Oct 15, 2004
Let's say you can bring one feature back to EverQuest. What would it be?

edit: ok fine, two features.

edit: ok ok, three.
Old freeport / Commonlands / etc.

Sullon Zek

GM events (Project M would make for an awesome GM event script)

+1 for Warp. :)

I never used it for GKs or any of that other 'lets exploit all of the content' nonsense though. I just used it to cut back on travel time!
I chose "Meaningful Corpse Runs" because after I posted the other day saying that I hated them I realized while raiding that night ...people no longer pay attention because it is just a death... people used to try their damnedest not to die cause of that corpserun lol
I miss... back when you could aquires 1-3 items and see your stats/hp/mana double....and see a significant change in gameplay. Now you need 15-20

I miss the serverwide player support against KSing/training asshats. Hell just had this happen not 2 days ago ... and of course diddly squat to be done and not even a old turd was given...

mostly though, I miss the people. Servers just aint nearly as full of socializing folks as they used to be =/
I miss the gamma crack that EQ used to have where it over rode the maximum possible gamma your computer could be at. I used to log into EQ just to make my screen brighter when playing other games.

I really really really hate that they made that change with the gamma and wont let you reverse it
i miss the old community the most, on most live servers the players seen to keep to there guilds and that is about it , i liked eq better when there was no guilds. everyone back then seemed to be alot more friendly and people back then also policed themselves, if you were a ass-hat you were generally shunned by the server population. and that was for most classes a death sentence as only a few classes back then could really solo.
i miss the old community the most, on most live servers the players seen to keep to there guilds and that is about it , i liked eq better when there was no guilds. everyone back then seemed to be alot more friendly and people back then also policed themselves, if you were a ass-hat you were generally shunned by the server population. and that was for most classes a death sentence as only a few classes back then could really solo.

I highly agree. Sadly with the direction the internet is taking/has taken I don't think we can ever get back that old community feel. I've never played P99 myself but I am told that even there people act like total assholes, including the top guild there. The same holds true for the TLPs.

The primary issue stems from guild leaders like that of <Twisted Legion> and <Faceless Insanity> - they don't really care when their members treat other players like shit so they go completely unpunished (Sometimes their behaviour is even supported by the guild leader IE, Frenzic from TL, Yawgmoth from FI, Frosin from FI and they are given an officer status despite acting this way). Knowing that they can train players, steal camps, troll general chat, scam items off of people all while not being removed from their guild or banned from the game results in an attitude like this:

i miss the wow of you have the nk port aww when people thought you were cool to have a port to so far away .. and the... really? your giving me a fine steel sword AWESOME !!
What's "Project M"?

Also, my favorite trick was an issue with bard songs:

1) Target something with the map that was out of line of sight (different Z-axis, etc.)
2) Toggle target to something within line of sight that you can cast a song on.
3) Start song cast (3 sec)
4) While song is being cost, hit your toggle target key to target the previous, out of line of sight mob, and hit your bellow hotkey
5) Song lands on the mob that was out of line of sight
6) Hold onto your shorts... some mobs will warp down/up to you, others will train to you, and the mob may bring friends

Doing this you could make some INSANE pulls, especially in zones where there were tunnels or mobs in other rooms, etc. That effect plus fade = ridiculous.
..i miss being kicked off via dial up then trying to log on and discover i cant find my corpse.....the most fun ever.

(then one day as a wizard crying my eyes out for hours one day ....and being all naked. discovering the dark arts of the Necro B)....lol....and the summon began).

Poll - What's an old EverQuest feature you miss?

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