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Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua? (1 Viewer)

Dec 27, 2022
So I’m really enjoying writing Lua programs to solve the problems that I’ve personally been running into, such as not knowing when a Druid/wizard port is available that can help me get to where I’m going faster.

I’m really curious about what problems others have been running into that I may be able to throw some stuff together for. I’m hoping to get a list together of projects to work on after I get my PotionMaker program to a more complete state without just starting down the rabbit hole of making trade skill helpers.

So please let me know if there’s something that you’ve been hoping to run across a solution to.

Consolidated list:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Num1pkfutura: TS mat farmer
  • Deadcities - TBM Aug Swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - FindItemSet
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Hackzimus: Stats condense and upgrade suggest | Analyze and suggest augs | boxr/button master combo | TS mat farm lookup | GINA timer tool | AA analyzer and suggest | Group Rally | Buff stacking conflict notifier | Tanking DPS meter | Enemy debuff tracker | Consolidate and track group items
  • Rusang: Aug Remover
  • Szazor: Started a Raid Assister and would like someone to collaborate with
  • Lanceval: Group and Raid manager
  • Littch: Search for augs to remove from old gear and slot into new
  • Setsuni: Raid Window group saver tool | Jann’s Veil leveler
  • Kilroy03: MercRez
  • Dufus: Auto missions from older expansions
  • Myysterio: Condition setter and KissAssist starter
  • K9Carter: Track group task progress
  • Whatsaname: PoisonMaker | TinkerTool
  • Neumono: Stuck character notification
  • Turaj Steelfist: Items return to original slot after bandoleer
  • Afortner87: Give all money to a toon
  • Apop: Mob DPS balance window | Priority kill window
  • Gaelicboy: AugCheck
  • Almafa: More automated quests and missions (anything specific?)
  • Robban: Check and set /autoskill | SoD Aug item seller to Tavid Dennant
  • Naturesong: Raid management GUI
  • Diamondmine: Raid translocator
  • Doc James: Any member corpse run
  • Granditos: TS/Raid trophy swap
  • Notgametime: LDoN grind
  • That1guy: Swap augs from old gear
  • Jayah: TS items back to original locations
  • Robban: Persona swapper
  • Councilman: Back off if constant out of range
  • Dewey2461: Chat filters | Hide players, pets, and names if they reappear
  • RobRenfro: Collection sorter
  • Eqsubi15: Aug manager UI
  • Afortner87: Ping window
  • Damon: TasteTest
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Unrealistic but I can dream! FFXIV has a plugin for a bot called Lisbeth. It’s a crafting bot that will automatically farm all materials needed, buy whatever is needed and then craft it. We have a good crafting bot but if only the farming aspect for all materials was covered 🤣
TBM augment swapper, maybe even a universal augment swapper. It's probably too complicated to make, but then I'm still impressed to see what others have done with Lua and gui's. There's probably a few savvy coders around who could easily prove me wrong. I hope they do. :-)
Would love to see a Lua script that does the following :-

Cycle the use of Unified Phoenix Feather and Miniature Horn of Unity to get maximum coverage. At the moment I have feather setup as CWTN addclickies using different options (i.e. 1 as downtime, offensive, burn, managroup, endurancegroup and burn)

Configures certain CWTN plugins depending on which classes join my group. I.e. if a Mage and Druid join group then Mage has UseDS=1 and Druid has UseDS=0. Would be very useful to control who looks after DS, Growth, Slow, Malo etc. When switching toons I have to be careful that I do not forget a key role or double up wasting time that a toon could be doing something more useful.
i would like a script that opens the find item window and sets the filter parameters to the required:

I find I am only ever looking at 3 or 4 things.

This gets tedious having to set these all the time - especially in LS where Augs are dropping like candy.
A simple give Lua that interacts with the currency window (overseer tet, TBM remnant, etc) creates full stacks to empty them and trades them to the group leader.

It’s there for items, plat - but currencies is nice when you have 18 chars farming missions to outfit a team and need to bulk aggregate it. Or when you need 500k tets and they’re 1000 per stack.
Happy to see you post this. I too am just learning Lua, and spend more time 'playing' in Visual Studio Code than I do in game. I hope to catch up to you someday.

A Missing Collection Tool, much like MQ2AASpend, that will automatically use Overseer Item Collection dispensers, navigate those insanely annoying windows, and purchase the needed item collects that are missing.

Something like HunterHUD, but for missing collects, with the added functionality of adjusting your mapfilter to highlight the mobs you need to farm, and or hide/show groundspawns if needed here.
All of these suggestions are great and I’m eager to see what solutions we can create. Just like Rare Spawn said, I actually tend to spend more time coding than playing, as it’s fairly addictive.

I have to admit that this seems a little more popular than expected, and if anyone else is interested in taking a project, then please feel free. Not sure if this can became a thread where people can suggest a program and a creator will see what can be done.

The CWTN overlap setup fascinates me and I may start poking at that. Until then, please keep the suggestions coming and feel free to “claim” a project.
Would love to see a Lua script that does the following :-

Cycle the use of Unified Phoenix Feather and Miniature Horn of Unity to get maximum coverage. At the moment I have feather setup as CWTN addclickies using different options (i.e. 1 as downtime, offensive, burn, managroup, endurancegroup and burn)

Configures certain CWTN plugins depending on which classes join my group. I.e. if a Mage and Druid join group then Mage has UseDS=1 and Druid has UseDS=0. Would be very useful to control who looks after DS, Growth, Slow, Malo etc. When switching toons I have to be careful that I do not forget a key role or double up wasting time that a toon could be doing something more useful.

Started working on group configurations with CWTN. Really, really good idea!

Can be tested here:

So far added Malo, Slow, Growth and DS. PM me for suggestions/combos; I don't know them all. Once happy, I'll release it on RG. :)
- Augment swapper! Something that makes augment changing FAST and efficient.
- this might not be Lua, but the ability to use the default group window to be able to "double click" a toon name to switch to them on the fly
- fast and efficient alt currency interactions
Started working on group configurations with CWTN. Really, really good idea!

Can be tested here:

So far added Malo, Slow, Growth and DS. PM me for suggestions/combos; I don't know them all. Once happy, I'll release it on RG. :)
FYI, the shrink settings name is different on BST and SHM if you look at adding that.

Also would be nice to start building a blockspell list for conflicting class buffs.
One thing from the MQ2Shaman FAQ:
- turn off usegrowth if you have a paladin or sk tank
- turn off useregen at 101+
those are recommendations, if they were something that should be required the plugin would handle it.

we absolutely will continue add conflicting software to things we unload if/when we start getting complains/support issues that end up being conflicting software.
a continually supported and updated looting system like lootly/yalm, but kept updated would be pretty nice. it is one of the #1 requests folks have is what to loot with.
With a GUI or settings to enable/disable looting epic drops or not.

Would be cool if it could check current tasks/quests for the latest few expansions. Then not loot those quest items if the character doesn't have the task.
those are recommendations, if they were something that should be required the plugin would handle it.

we absolutely will continue add conflicting software to things we unload if/when we start getting complains/support issues that end up being conflicting software.
I'll stick to barebones group setup without diddling too much with specific settings. Thanks for the feedback, Sic!
I'm sure there must be some whole new class of persona specific scripts worth creating that don't exist yet. Rez swapping or port swapping or buff swapping.

I've not been on live in awhile, how fast do you swap between personas? Be funny to swap to a tank in am emergency or something if it's instant
I'm sure there must be some whole new class of persona specific scripts worth creating that don't exist yet. Rez swapping or port swapping or buff swapping.

I've not been on live in awhile, how fast do you swap between personas? Be funny to swap to a tank in am emergency or something if it's instant
it is instant - but you have to be in a rest area like a city
With a GUI or settings to enable/disable looting epic drops or not.

Would be cool if it could check current tasks/quests for the latest few expansions. Then not loot those quest items if the character doesn't have the task.
for example

one of the things that bothers me atm is this current eq looting system

"essence of bullshit" - well, maybe you need 3, but only 3 if you don't have any of the items crafted with it

i'd love to be able to tell it what items to check against for the count, and not just the raw-dog item
A simple give Lua that interacts with the currency window (overseer tet, TBM remnant, etc) creates full stacks to empty them and trades them to the group leader.

It’s there for items, plat - but currencies is nice when you have 18 chars farming missions to outfit a team and need to bulk aggregate it. Or when you need 500k tets and they’re 1000 per stack.
:f5::dance: FV/Thorn/Michief but yes pls.
Aggregating this so that it isn’t lost in the shuffle:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Deadcities - Augment swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - Item find setter
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Aug swapper | Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Jande - Aug swapper
something that condenses stats into 1 window and shows what upgrades you'd need to hit the next threshold of mod2 increases on Hstats. Bonus points if it can tell you the best logical upgrades within your era.

Something that analyzes your augments and tells you the best slots to put them in so they all fit with a bias towards certain stats like hp/ac/hdex which you choose

an amalgamation of boxr/button master which you can have a column or row of hotkeys that broadcast to the character designated for that row. In the same spirt of this, something where you can make complex hotkeys, but then map them all to 1 push so you can designated layers of burns manually. Ex: hit 1 key and my sk will pop visage/epic/mantle, then bst will hit almost everything, rogue hits primary burn etc.

to assist with TS mat farming, tool that can tell you where some items drop. ex: certain tiers of silks and pelts... what do I need to kill for them? Kinda like magelo without needing to load it

an integrated GINA like tool that sets timers for running discs and a customizable pop up window you can use to tell yourself when certain buffs are on and a reminder of what to click to get the best boosts: when shaman epic goes on, hit bard epic and short term burns if its not a boss.

a script that looks at your aas and helps decide an aa path for you to follow so you dont skip over something. You set it to filter passive and activated abilties that deal with mitigation, dps increase, threat generation, resource maintenaince, etc.

A group set up tool for when toons arent together. Hit it and they will auto invis/gate/port to closest hub or zoneline which they can be together and will proceed to invis to a designated camp spot and pop campfire/run desired automation settings

a Lua that scans buffs for spa and stacking issues and lets you know when something is being cancelled out or possibly overwritten by something else.

a tanking tool that shows avg hit, min max hits, mobs dps on you in real time to gauge when to pop discs and cooldowns if a fight starts to ramp up etc. perhaps it has saved data sets for mob and what dps they currently do to you, and you make a threshold of estimated dps you want to incur before it tells you to pop discs and as you gain threat on multiple creatures etc it will warn you when your comfort threshold is being breached and may see spikes (good for adds entering camps)

Something that can see what debuffs are landing on mobs, let you know how far from debuff cap they are at and if its got tash/malo or any other desired debuffs youd want to be aware of (tyvls and dirge etc) before you start ytour burn phase... could be a good way to track coalitions.

A script to run between multiple characters that will condense inventory that is shared between them on one ccharacter and perhaps save a database of who has what? bob1 and bob 2 have excellent silks, bob2 gives them to bob1 and now a file is editted to show bob1 has the excellent silks.

I know gina has some of these capabilities, ive just started playing with it and there may be macros or luas already doing this type for stuff that i not aware of. If some of these exist I will redcent ya if you let me know :)
I would LOVE an augmentation handler. Having 6 toons, it's a pain to manage augments. I would love to be able to just remove augs with 1 distiller, but it's too much.

So a Lua that recognizes I want to remove an aug, buys the appropriate distiller from whatever merchant I'm in the zone with, then removes it.
So I’m really enjoying writing Lua programs to solve the problems that I’ve personally been running into, such as not knowing when a Druid/wizard port is available that can help me get to where I’m going faster.

I’m really curious about what problems others have been running into that I may be able to throw some stuff together for. I’m hoping to get a list together of projects to work on after I get my PotionMaker program to a more complete state without just starting down the rabbit hole of making trade skill helpers.

So please let me know if there’s something that you’ve been hoping to run across a solution to. Until then, I hope everyone has had a great start to their 2024!
You can come help me do class conversions for RGMercs. The new config system I built is all in Lua using some interesting patterns.
Not really a Lua idea, but would be awesome if there was a GUI plugin to help manage multiple teams in a raid force (move entire raid, adjust raid assist, Send commands to group leaders, etc.)
I have a Lua which is a raid assistant. Its at version 0.25 though at the moment so i cant release it - but i'd be happy to collaborate with someone who has some time to develop it further. I am time starved. It does some cool stuff like handling a COP chain, or Glyph Spray.
would love to be able to just remove augs with 1 distiller, but it's too much.
Just buy 100 of the most expensive Aug Distiller on every toon( Its the Purple one) and forget about this as an issue. The expensive Distiller works with all except the type 3's or type 13/15 augs.
A Lua that will do quest turn ins when you have all the pieces for all your toons.

Give 3 item "A's" to quest giver "Name"

Would be really kewl if you had the items on your cursor on one toon and turned them in and your other toons would mimic that.
I started to think about a ressources that can manage a group, a raid and add many custom actions.
It could be a merge of grouper, buttonsmaster, with raid management. Using mq2boxer when possible in order to have it working for all the macros and plugins.
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I would LOVE an augmentation handler. Having 6 toons, it's a pain to manage augments. I would love to be able to just remove augs with 1 distiller, but it's too much.

So a Lua that recognizes I want to remove an aug, buys the appropriate distiller from whatever merchant I'm in the zone with, then removes it.
I just by a stack of the biggest solvent and of XI. And have it buy them in the LazySupplies macro
Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua?

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