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Discussion - what is your least favorite activity in EQ (i.e. HAs, Quests, TS, etc..) (1 Viewer)

Sep 8, 2023
For me personally, It's Gribble HA runs. Before getting into MQ I ran them manually with 3 boxes and now refuse to ever return. It's amazing experience and a great way to level but I can not get the motivation when making a new character to complete into hills /puke or any of the others ever again lol.
the whole process of taking gear widgets and making armor.

running around for dickheads cool gem of costingyoumoney, 3 powders, emblem and the widget inside a crafted component --- just gets old fast
Inventory management. I'm pretty disorganized overall... Anytime I have to move junk around a chars bloated inventory to make room for some special combine container I get pretty frustrated.

Those questing combines really need to be capable of working inside a bag. I imagine it would probably crash the entire internet and black out the sun if they tried to implement it though.
the whole process of taking gear widgets and making armor.

running around for dickheads cool gem of costingyoumoney, 3 powders, emblem and the widget inside a crafted component --- just gets old fast
this right here, right on the money.

This seems trivial to other responses. But I really hate building swimming skill.
Wish I had an AA point for every lap my toons have made in Twilight Sea...:)
On the emu side of the house with each new server, F***ing key progression. So over it. I get it they want to create an experience on their emu, but it like I just did this on another server hard pass please. I wish there was a track how many PoT key progressions you have done and you just get a free pass for all other emu if you choose to play on.
On the emu side of the house with each new server, F***ing key progression. So over it. I get it they want to create an experience on their emu, but it like I just did this on another server hard pass please. I wish there was a track how many PoT key progressions you have done and you just get a free pass for all other emu if you choose to play on.
That sounds like an absolute PITA. :(
Questing. I'm not the friend you friend on a quest unless it's to kill a mob. I'm the killer friend. I'm the guy you call when you want something something dead.
lol I haven't done much questing myself at this point in my EQ career so don't have an opinion on it (outside of 2.0s which for shm & sk were not too enjoyable). Although, with all the expansions of the years I'm guessing there's much more miserable/time consuming quests haha
Inventory management. I'm pretty disorganized overall... Anytime I have to move junk around a chars bloated inventory to make room for some special combine container I get pretty frustrated.

Those questing combines really need to be capable of working inside a bag. I imagine it would probably crash the entire internet and black out the sun if they tried to implement it though.
This is a big one for me.... I'm literally using one rucksack and a bunch of toolboxes on all my toons 😂. need to step up my game here.
Finally bit the bullet and started my overseer journey and am now seeing why it can be so frustrating.... can't wait to see what else it brings lol
Ahh you have it easy now.

Back in the day - I think it was right before the last patch last week - we actually had to click a conformation box that would pop up and ask if we really wanted to start the quest with ccc agents. Here is the historical patch note: The confirmation box when starting an Overseer quest has been removed :)
1st place: Inventory management. Things were fine until Artisan Prize was released and I was doing that on several characters. I feel like I really never recovered from tradeskill insanity that comes with maxing the augment.

2nd place: Conversions in Overseer. Overseer annoys me in general and conversions are just ... stupid. There should be some elegant effortless way how to do it :bang:.
Managing my inventory. My bank, my house, my dragonhorde, my tradeskill depot, swapping gear from ftp to gold and visa versa, basically anything that requires I mess with an inventory of any kind.
For me is missions or questing. I love the mindless killing. Look up what gear off named I might like....Go keel him for hours ill it drops. If zone has more than 12 I go for some other loot. Once team has all the group stuff I want I max level and aa of any toons that aren't. If all are maxed make another heroic and do it again till expansion release.
Collections: I hate collections. I just refuse to do them.
Inventory: Inventory sorting - as CWTN said sux - I dont have time for that shit.
Tradeskills - poke me in the eye right now - I reluctantly have to do these - but i still hate TS.
I remember waaaaay back when, my barb Shammy maxxed swimming in a creek in Halas. fun times. lol
Ugh you just triggered my Sense Heading PTSD. Back when I first started playing (~2000ish), Sense Heading was an activated skill (like tracking or foraging) you worked on as you leveled and until you got good at it, your compass just spun and spun and spun like a roulette wheel. And much like the ball in a roulette wheel, you never knew where you would end up. The trick at the time was to bind your Sense Heading button to a movement key so you'd just automatically work it as you played. I remember the day I maxed it and thinking I was so cool that I could tell all my friends the right way to go (it was in character as a ranger afterall), and then the literal next day they patched it so that everyone had it maxed from character creation. Ugh!

Have to agree with inventory management, but also similar to Sic's point I just hate the artificial bloat they build in nowadays. Devs are like hey we want this task to take 20 minutes even though you could do it in 2 so here's a bunch of running around just to do hails or here's an item, go kill a guy- but don't use the item! It's not a usable item- then bring it back to me. Just obviously bad design.
This seems trivial to other responses. But I really hate building swimming skill.
To raise your swimming skill, just drop them in the PoK pool and leave them swimming against the wall underwater. It's one of the first things I do after power leveling. I'll also have the team learning all languages while they swim.
Have to agree with Sic. Definitely the whole process of getting new armor. Get this armor container of faded piss me off whatever armor to drop off whatever random named mob for that expansion, then buy this special ore and this class emblem and whatever solvents you need to swap augments, then clear out an inventory bag slot to place your armor container to do the combine. Do that 8 times for 6 characters and you just want to scream lol. I despise it.
the whole process of taking gear widgets and making armor.

running around for dickheads cool gem of costingyoumoney, 3 powders, emblem and the widget inside a crafted component --- just gets old fast

Have to agree with Sic. Definitely the whole process of getting new armor. Get this armor container of faded piss me off whatever armor to drop off whatever random named mob for that expansion, then buy this special ore and this class emblem and whatever solvents you need to swap augments, then clear out an inventory bag slot to place your armor container to do the combine. Do that 8 times for 6 characters and you just want to scream lol. I despise it.

I wish they would just make armor drops complete, just like defiant armor drops in the early game.
I wish they would just make armor drops complete, just like defiant armor drops in the early game.
I'd definitely be fine with that. I'd even settle for the Cohort armor from EoK method where you just had to click on it to turn into the class specific piece you needed. I get the current system is designed to be a plat sink, but there's got to be a less monotonous and less time consuming way to sink plat from the game.
I'd definitely be fine with that. I'd even settle for the Cohort armor from EoK method where you just had to click on it to turn into the class specific piece you needed. I get the current system is designed to be a plat sink, but there's got to be a less monotonous and less time consuming way to sink plat from the game.
NPC vendor sold Krono. Would clean things up real quick I would think.
I'd definitely be fine with that. I'd even settle for the Cohort armor from EoK method where you just had to click on it to turn into the class specific piece you needed. I get the current system is designed to be a plat sink, but there's got to be a less monotonous and less time consuming way to sink plat from the game.
Spell component: 30kpp
It's the 75-105 level range.

It's not difficult to do but I find myself sticking to DH / TBM missions and I have lost interest in trying to gear up my toons as it's easier (but tedious) to just gear them with TBM currency.

Once I get to 105 I switch over to doing progression / missions from EoK and later expansions which I still enjoy . I tend to try out different teams and mix/match with existing toons as I tend to keep a multitude of them at various levels to experiment with.

I also agree with Abb7327 as playing without MQ2 is so limiting even if I am using IsBoxer.
Discussion - what is your least favorite activity in EQ (i.e. HAs, Quests, TS, etc..)

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