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IRL - What is the price of compassion? (1 Viewer)

Sep 19, 2010
So, i was walking around through walmart last week, as always i walked past the floral department since right past it is the gaming section and i wanted to see if they had any new games i might be interested in but i never made it to there. Instead i saw a young boy being told by a fairly rude clerk that he didn't have enough money for a rose. and that he needs to go ask his mom for more money if he wants the rose. The next few minutes change my life and the way i view things.

so as soon as the clerk shoos off the young boy i walk over to him, tears are falling from his cheeks, he's looking down at the ground... or at his hands with the money... i can't tell... but i ask him what is wrong. he tells me his mom is going on a trip soon, and he wanted to buy a rose for his mother since it is her favorite flower. i thought nothing wrong with this, in fact it was kinda cute. (why couldn't my kids be this fucking cute dammit... instead they terrorized me)... so i tell him "lets recount the money you have", as we are recounting it i slip $20 in without him noticing, after we counted it all, we went back to the counter and bought the rose, the boy's face lit up brighter than I've ever seen. he then tells me that he has enough to buy a teddy bear for his sister. She apparently already went on this trip and her mother was going to meet her their. (I'll be honest, at this point i figured i was looking at a young boy that was going to see a nasty divorce or something a long those lines... if i only knew...) so, at this point i leave him, that money i have gave him was intended for my gaming funds so, naturaly all i have left is $40 and i figure i can't get any decent game on that small amount, instead i go home.
(this was all a act of kindness that i thought was small, turns out it was a lot bigger than i thought)

so recently i read a news article about a woman who was in a car wreck, i had seen it before but for the most part ignored it since we do have wrecks here a lot, and normally they aren't pretty but this one was odd, the posted about this woman several times, the normal of the news paper is that they only post about it once and maybe a memory article if they were special person in the town, but that wouldn't happen for a few weeks at least. so having my intention pulled by the sudden oddness of this case i read it. the woman was driving northbound on the highway, she hit a small patch of black ice, the car went into a spin and the passenger side got pounded by a tree, doing 50 MPH, her daughter was in the passenger seat, and her daughter was declared dead on the scene. however this woman was not, they raced her to the general hospital here, only a few miles away and got her stabilized, but it is too late. she has suffered too much trauma to her spine, lungs, and heart. they get her on life support in hopes to revive her in time, but its a pretty shut case.

she leaves behind a husband and a son (thats the part that caught my eye the most... is this the same young boy that i gave the $20 to? surely not... he was going through a divorce... right?)

so they list off the funeral arrangements, i think to myself that i shouldn't attend, but i do anyways... i MUST see if this is the same little boy.... i arrive, i know most of the people anyways so its pretty easy to blend in and act like i actually know who this woman is (and at this point i wish life was like EQ just so i could load up evac if shit goes bad)... i see the little boy, he is standing at the coffin and he places something inside but i can't tell what it is. but i don't want to make a scene so i don't want to walk up there and look.... instead i wait till nearly everyone was gone and walk up to the coffin and see this person and what the little boy put in her coffin.

it was a rose. and a small but admirable teddy bear...
(i know just when you thought this was all at its end... its not...)

so i stand there like a idiot just wondering how much i really changed this young boy's life... i didn't...
someone walks up behind me... its the women's husband... (fuck fuck fuck load evac now!!!!! where did that fucking druid run off too... fuck my life...) instead of interrogating me like i thought he would he instead tells me a story, one that hit a little too close... he was thinking about committing suicide the day that he had to pull the plug.... but 1 thing stopped him... a story of a boy in walmart... and a young gentleman who helped buy a rose for this young boy... he claims this young gentleman had to be a angel of some sort, because he felt that rose was a sign that life does move on...

so, the price of compassion... what is it really?

i would like to salute the unsung heroes of this community... redbot especially he gave me motivation when i didn't see any and gave me a home when i felt like i was unwanted...

Thank you to everyone, and those of you that haven't tried showing compassion lately... try it sometime.... you might just be saving a life... and never know it...

... oh yea... maskoi... here you go :qq: we know your going to need those after all this... wimp...
Thank you for sharing this dencelle. There aren't many out there who would've done the same thing. Let alone go to the funeral. I have great respect for you and what you done.
TBH i didn't post this for respect for me, i'm hoping some one out there reads this and next time they see someone in need and has a chance to do something about it, maybe they will.... the world needs a few more good hearts out there...
So, nicesandwiches was nice enough to show me a simular story that was posted on the internet... mine is genuine but i was wondering if anyone knows what the source of this other story came from... i would love to know if it really happened to them to... and when...


honestly first thought that came through my head was that i just got tested on camera or something... but sadly i found the father of the young boy, he lives in town, currently is on leave but he does work for a local construction company and apparently has been here for quite a few years... when/if i do get a chance to get a hold of him, i'll be asking for permission to use their names in the story... and place links to the news article that i found in the paper and such... i don't want to disrespect his family though and post names on here without asking him first... -.- and thats a good way to get a lawsuit lol
IRL - What is the price of compassion?

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